AN: Okay this is my new thing. Whenever there is a birthday I'm gonna put the story on this. Each chapter is for each birthday person. So I hope you all enjoy. This first on is for Woodburner. So happy belated b'day. The word is Steady. 21/05/2009

Steady As He Goes

Chapter One

Sam stalked through the opening.

The screams became louder.

Supressed agony untangled itself in Sam's stomach moving closer to the disfigured creature.

Again a scream sounded, and horror passed through Sam's face.

Not a yell, but a high pitch scream emitted from Dean's clawed and bloodied body.

'Steady Sam,' he mouthed, barely able to open his eyes.

The creature looked back, and Sam jumped out.

A new scream filled the air.

A pugent odour grasped the enclosed cave.

With the sound of a gunshot still ringing in their ears, Sam lowered the gun, barrel still smoking.

Only now the damage was apparent. 'Dean!'

Chapter Two

Sam could barely find a pulse. Blood thickly dripping onto his hands.

'Dean, don't do this, damn it.' Cursing, Sam visually assed the injuries.

Dean was bleeding out and the gaunt look on his face showed that there was little time left.

'S...' Dean moaned.

'Gotta get you to a hospital.' Sam picked Dean up, running when Dean yelled in agony before passing out. 'Steady Dean.' Sam murmered placing him into the seat.

Screw the speed limit, Sam was racing to the hospital and shooting anyone who tried to get in his way.

Chapter Three

'Help! I need help!' Sam yelled into the ER.

Nurses rushed forward.

'My brother, accident, in the car.' He said disjointedly.

A flurry of action followed, paramedics steadying Dean out of the car onto a stretcher.

'Dean wake up!' He cried grasping for Dean's hand.

'Sir, I need you to fill out some forms.' The attendent tried. 'We need you to calm down.' He pulled Sam's shoulder, taking him in the other direction. Away from Dean.

A blur of a fist connected with a mans jaw, Sam repelled forward. 'I'm coming with him.' The doctor was too scared to argue.

Chapter Four

Sam held Dean's hand until he went into surgery. Now he waited.

And waited.

And watied.

Finally he heard his name, bounded towards the doc and gave small smile of hope.

'Mr Winchester, he's in his room...'

Sam's face lit up.

Dean was all bandaged up but he was breathing.

Sam grabbed his hand and thumbed over Dean's fingers.

'S'mmy, 'k?'

'I'm fine.' He replied steadily. ''You scared the crap outta me.'

Dean smiled, 'Pu...pussy.' He rasped. Finally he opened his green eyes.

'Bobby'll be here in a while.'

'Good, a while?'

'Like always.'