A/N: I got lots of people saying that the length was good in the last chapter, so I'm going to try and make my chapters longer.
Disclaimer: I don't own Percy Jackson.
Chapter 4- Percy or Luke
Clarisse, Percy and I were all very upset with Chiron, because he refused to have the meeting about what we should do at that moment. He said we should wait till morning. I don't know how he expected any of us to get any sleep when the camp could be invaded by a horde of vicious monsters at any moment though. All night I lay awake thinking over and over that we have to go into the Labyrinth. It's our only hope.
When dawn finally came I got dressed and headed down to the sword arena, because that was where Chiron had said the meeting would be. I think he should have chosen the Big House instead, because that Hellhound kept munching on things and barking.
When I got there, I found Clarisse, and we went and sat up the front with Chiron and Quintus who were at the weapons rack. Also present was Tyson, Grover, Juniper, Silena, Travis, Connor, Beckendorf, Lee, and Argus the head of security. He only turned up for really important meetings, so it's good if Chiron asked him to be here, it must mean that he thinks the situation is serious.
Clarisse and I led the meeting, and we told all the cabin leaders the situation and what we thought needed to be done.
'Luke must have known about the Labyrinth entrance,' I said. 'He knew everything about camp.' And he did. I know the others hate Luke, but if they knew him before he was deceived then they wouldn't think he was evil, just deceived. I looked over at Percy and he was glaring at the floor, maybe he didn't get much sleep either and was in a bad mood.
Juniper made a coughing noise. 'That's what I was trying to tell you last night. The cave entrance has been there a long time. Luke used to use it.'
'You knew about the Labyrinth entrance, and you didn't say anything?' said Silena, frowning.
Juniper went green. 'I didn't know it was important. Just a cave. I don't like yucky old caves.'
'She has good taste,' Grover said.
'I wouldn't have paid any attention except... well, it was Luke.' She went even greener.
Grover grunted. 'Forget what I said about good taste.'
'Interesting,' Quintus said, whilst polishing his sword. 'And you believe this young man, Luke, would dare use the Labyrinth as an invasion route?'
'Definitely,' Clarisse said. 'If he could get an army of monsters inside Camp Half-Blood, just pop up in the middle of the woods without having to worry about our magical boundaries, we wouldn't stand a chance. He could wipe us out easy. He must've been planning this for months.'
'He's been sending scouts into the maze,' I said. 'We know because... because we found one.' Luke really was under Kronos's spell. He would never have even considered sending people to their deaths when I knew him.
'Chris Rodriguez,' said Chiron. He glanced at Quintus.
'Ah,' Quintus said. 'The one in the... Yes. I understand.'
'The one in the what?' Percy asked. It must be hard on Percy, when everyone knows thing that he doesn't. And this happens a lot for him.
Clarisse glared at Percy. We all knew she liked Chris, it was pretty obvious. But we would never say anything or she'd rip your tongue out. 'The point is, Luke has been looking for a way to navigate the maze. He's searching for Daedalus's workshop.'
'The guy who created the maze,' Percy said.
'Yes,' I said. 'The greatest architect, the greatest inventor of all time. If the legends are true, his workshop is in the centre of the Labyrinth. He's the only one who knew how to navigate the maze perfectly. If Luke managed to find the workshop and convince Daedalus to help him, Luke wouldn't have to fumble around searching for paths, or risk losing his army in the maze's traps. He could navigate anywhere he wanted – quickly and safely. First to Camp Half-Blood to wipe us out. Then... to Olympus.'
Everyone was quiet for quite some time, until finally Beckendorf spoke. 'Back up a sec. Annabeth, you said "convince Daedalus". Isn't Daedalus dead?'
'I would hope so,' said Quintus, grunting. 'He lived, what, three thousand years ago? And, even if he were alive, don't the old stories say he fled from the Labyrinth?'
Chiron fidgeted around, making noises with his hooves. 'That's the problem, my dear Quintus. No one knows. There are rumours... well, there are many disturbing rumours about Daedalus, but one is that he disappeared back into the Labyrinth towards the end of him life. He might still be down there.'
'We need to go in,' I declared. 'We have to find the workshop before Luke does. If Daedalus is alive, we convince him to help us, not Luke. If Ariadne's string still exists, we make sure it never falls into Luke's hands.'
'Wait a second,' Percy said. 'If we're worried about an attack, why not just blow up the entrance? Seal the tunnel?'
Was Percy really this stupid? The Labyrinth is amazing! No simple explosion could destroy and entrance to it, we would need an astronomical blast, and it would end up destroying the camp at the same time. How could he think that would work?
'Great idea!' Grover said. 'I'll get the dynamite!' You could really see why he and Percy were best friends sometimes.
'It's not so easy, stupid,' Clarisse said, angrily. 'We tried that at the entrance we found in Phoenix. It didn't go well.'
I told them it wouldn't work, but they still tried. 'The Labyrinth is magical architecture, Percy,' I said. 'It would take a huge power to seal even one of its entrances. In Phoenix, Clarisse demolished a whole building with a wrecking ball, and the maze entrance just shifted a few metres. The best we can do is prevent Luke from learning to navigate the Labyrinth.'
'We could fight,' Lee said. 'We know where the entrance is now. We can set up a defensive line and wait for them. If an army tries to come through, they'll find us waiting with our bows.'
'We will certainly set up defences,' Chiron consented. 'But I fear Clarisse is right. The magical borders that have kept this camp safe for hundreds of years. If Luke manages to get a large army of monsters into the centre of camp, bypassing our boundaries... we may not have the strength to defeat them.'
This was terrible! Of everybody at camp, Chiron was always the one who kept to the good side of things; the one who said we still stood a chance. But here he was telling us that if Luke gets the string we will most likely be killed. I looked around; I think everyone was feeling the same as me.
'We have to find Daedalus's workshop first,' I maintained. 'Find Ariadne's string and prevent Luke from using it.'
Percy looked at me. 'But if nobody can navigate in there, what chance do we have?'
'I've been studying architecture for years,' I said. 'I know Daedalus's Labyrinth better than anybody.' What was Percy trying to do, stop Chiron allowing a quest! He has to stop finding the worst side in it; I mean it can't be that hard.
'From reading about it,' he said.
'Well, yes.'
'That's not enough.'
'It has to be!'
'It isn't!'
'Are you going to help me or not?'
Percy stopped and looked around. I did too, and I noticed that we were being watched by everyone.
Chiron coughed to get our attention. 'First things first. We need a quest. Someone must enter the Labyrinth, find the workshop of Daedalus and prevent Luke from using the maze to invade this camp.'
I exhaled in relief. Thank goodness Chiron was seeing sense and letting us go on a quest. If he didn't well... it would be terrible.
'We all know who should lead this,' Clarisse said. 'Annabeth.'
I almost screamed! I've wanted my own quest ever since I came to camp. But then it wouldn't be fair to Clarisse if I took it, she and I have both done all the work together. I felt awkward, I didn't want to, but I had to offer Clarisse the chance. It wouldn't be right otherwise.
'You've done as much as I have, Clarisse,' I said. 'You should go, too.'
She shook her head. 'I'm not going back in there.'
Travis laughed – big mistake. 'Don't tell me you're scared. Clarisse, chicken?'
Clarisse got to her feet, trembling. 'You don't understand anything, punk. I'm never going in there again. Never!'
She stalked out, pushing past Quintus who was next to her.
I almost felt sorry for Clarisse; she has been having a very hard time since she found Chris. But then, she has been giving all of us a hard time as well, so we can't exactly pity her.
Travis looked embarrassed. 'I didn't mean to – '
Chiron raised his hand. 'The poor girl has had a difficult year. Now, do we have an agreement that Annabeth should lead the quest?'
Everybody nodded, which made me exceptionally happy, I was finally getting a quest!
'Very well.' Chiron said, turning to me. 'My dear, it's your time to visit the Oracle. Assuming you return to us in one piece, we shall discuss what to do next.'
When I reached the top of the staircase, my heart was racing. I had never seen the Oracle before. I wasn't even here when it decided to walk down to the river last year. But I knew it was a grotesque looking mummy from what Percy had told me.
I reached up and pulled the ladder down. When I go to the top the attic was cluttered with things campers had stuffed up here when they didn't want them anymore. I even remember hiding a pink scarf up here once.
I walked to the other side of the room and stood in front of the Oracle. Percy was right, it was very repulsive looking.
I thought about my question, I had to get it just right or else I might get a prophecy that doesn't help.
A minute later I spoke. 'What awaits me on my quest?'
I was trembling now, I didn't want to know what the Oracle was going to say in case it was bad, but I did, in case it was good.
Suddenly green smoke comes out of the mummy's mouth and forms two figures. Percy and Luke.
'You shall delve in the darkness of an endless maze,' said Percy.
'The dead, the traitor and the lost one raise.' said Luke. Not too bad so far.
'You shall rise or fall by the ghost king's hand,' said Percy.I wondered what that could mean.
'The child of Athena's final stand,' said Luke. Okay, not good! I am a child of Athena, and the only one going on the quest.
'Destroy with a hero's final breath,' said Percy.Well, that makes no sense.
'And loose a love to worse than death.'
I stood there for who knows how, long thinking over and over again. Percy. Luke. Percy. Luke. Percy. Luke. Who did it mean!? How could I be in love with one of them and not even know... Well, I had a crush on Luke for a while, but now he was gone; deceived. And Percy... He was my best friend. I'd know if I loved him... wouldn't I? I understood why the Oracle appeared as Percy and Luke now, it was trying to confuse me; to trick and annoy me. But the quest! I had to bring Percy with me, I needed him. And if it turns out it's him I love, then I'll be sentencing him to death! But it's true, you never try to change a prophecy, you can't. But Percy and Luke! One will die, or at least have something terrible happen to them.
After a very, very long time, I slowly emerged from the attic. My head was spinning. Percy or Luke? Which one! I was terrified for them, and it would be my fault if something happened to Percy!
Slowly I walked into the arena and sat down on a bench.
Chiron said something to me, but I didn't hear him. I just started at the floor, but that wasn't helping so I finally look up... at Percy.
I could see he was confused, and worried. I must've looked crazy. After all I was scared, anxious, upset, sad, guilty, and mad all at the same time.
'Well?' Quintus asked.
Finally I looked away from Percy and at Quintus. 'I got the prophecy. I will lead the quest to find Daedalus's workshop.'
Nobody was looking too pleased, I guess they didn't want me to get the fate Percy or Luke had coming...
'What did the prophecy say exactly, my dear?' said Chiron. 'The wording is important.'
I breathed in deeply. 'I, ah... well, it said, You shall delve in the darkness of an endless maze...'
Everyone waited for me to continue.
'The dead, the traitor and the lost one raise.'
Grover jumped. 'The lost one! That must mean Pan! That's great!'
'With the dead and the traitor,' Percy said. 'Not so great.'
'And?' Chiron said, sounding a little impatient. 'What is the rest?'
'You shall rise or fall by the ghost king's hand,' I said. 'The child of Athena's final stand.'
I could hear everyone fidgeting; they probably thought I was going to die. Well; I deserve it for what I'm doing to Percy. Or Luke.
'Hey... we shouldn't jump to conclusions,' Silena said. 'Annabeth isn't the only child of Athena, right?'
'But who's this ghost king?' Beckendorf asked.
There was silence.
'Are there any more lines?' Chiron asked. 'The prophecy does not sound complete.'
I hesitated. I wasn't going to tell them about Percy, or Luke. But the other line I could, I suppose. 'I don't remember exactly.'
Chiron raised an eyebrow, clearly he didn't believe me.
'Something about... Destroy with a hero's final breath.' I said.
'And?' Chiron asked.
I stood up. 'Look, the point is, I have to go in. I'll find the workshop and stop Luke.' Or get him killed. 'And... I need help.' I looked at Percy, I was being horrible doing this, but I needed him with me. 'Will you come?'
'I'm in.' He said in less than a second, without a single moment to hesitate. I smiled. Percy was good to me; maybe he is the one... But – no, he couldn't be, or else...
'Grover, you too? The wild god is waiting.'
'I'll pack extra recyclables for snacks!' The line about the lost one had completely cured him of his hatred of the Labyrinth.
'And Tyson,' I said. I know it's not allowed, but I just feel like he has to be there too. 'I'll need you, too.'
'Yay! Blow-things-up time!' Tyson clapped, happily.
'Wait, Annabeth,' Chiron said. 'This goes against the ancient laws. A hero is only allowed two companions.'
'I need them all,' I persisted. 'Chiron, it's important.'
'Annabeth,' Chiron said, nervously. 'Consider well. You would be breaking the ancient laws, and there are always consequences. Last winter, five went on a quest to save Artemis. Only three came back. Think on that. Three is a sacred number. There are three Fates, three Furies, three Olympian sons of Kronos. It is a good strong number that stands against many dangers. Four... this is risky.'
I took a deep breath. Maybe three would only come back... I thought of Percy. 'I know. But we have to. Please.'
Chiron sighed, but didn't look pleased at all. 'Very well. Let us adjourn. The members of the quest must prepare themselves. Tomorrow at dawn, we send you into the Labyrinth.'
I went straight back to my cabin. I needed to be alone after the Oracle. But instead of resting, I studied. It helped me anyway. I felt my eyes tear up as I read over maps and scrolls again and again.
'Knock, knock?' a voice called, from behind me.
I jumped in surprise, and turned around to find Percy. 'Oh... hi. Didn't hear you.'
'You okay?'
'Just trying to do some research.' I said. 'Daedalus's Labyrinth is so huge. None of the stories agree about anything. The maps just lead from nowhere to nowhere.'
'We'll figure it out,' he insisted.
'I've wanted to lead a quest since I was seven,' I said.
'You're going to be awesome.'
I looked at him appreciatively. I turned and started to pack away the scrolls and books. 'I'm worried, Percy. Maybe I shouldn't have asked you to do this. Or Tyson and Grover.'
'Hey, we're your friends. We wouldn't miss it.'
'But... ' I stopped. I couldn't tell him the prophecy; not yet.
'What is it? The prophecy?'
'I'm sure it's fine,' I murmured. I was absolutely sure it wasn't fine though.
'What was the last line?'
Percy was so comforting; maybe he really was my love... I needed him after all. I felt so alone, so I did something that surprised even me. I reached out and hugged him.
'Hey, it's... it's okay,' he said, patting my back.
This felt nice, but I could hardly be happy when either Percy or Luke was going to die. 'Chiron might be right,' I muttered. 'I'm breaking the rules. But I don't know what else to do. I need you three. It just feels right.'
'Then don't worry about it. We've had problems before, and we solved them.'
'This is different. I don't want anything to happen to... any of you.'
Suddenly I saw Malcolm at my doorway. He cleared his throat and I glared at him.
'Um, sorry,' he said, blushing. 'Archery practice is starting, Annabeth. Chiron said to come find you.'
Percy stepped away from me. 'We were just looking at maps.' That would have to be one of his dumbest excuses yet.
Malcolm started at him. 'Okay.'
'Tell Chiron I'll be right there,' I said. And Malcolm left quickly.
I rubbed at my eyes. 'You go ahead, Percy. I'd better get ready for archery.'
He nodded. 'Annabeth? About your prophecy. The last line about a hero's last breath – '
'You're wondering which hero? I don't know.'
'No. Something else. I was thinking the last line usually rhymes with the one before it. Was it something about – did it end in the word death?'
I started at the scroll on my desk. He was very smart sometimes, I forget that. 'You'd better go, Percy. Get ready for the quest. I'll – I'll see you in the morning.'
He walked out of my cabin looking very confused, I was left staring after him, wondering if I was in love with him or not.
A/N: I hope you like this chapter, it was really fun to write. Please review!