Very short epilogue, but I didn't want to ruin it by dragging it out for too long. Thank you all for the reviews and thank you especially to hollowmeadow who has reviewed every single one of my chapters!! I hope you've all enjoyed this story and I hope that Cappie and Casey do get together in the show because they so belong together.

Thank you to everyone who has reviewed; feedback is always much appreciated: hollowmeadow, EastofEden, Boodlez94, .., zvforever, tickle582 and BonesBBLover.

Disclaimer: For the last time (in this story at least) I don't own Greek.

Casey smiled at her boyfriend happily. She couldn't believe that finally after two years of denial, they had found each other again. She had occasionally seen Max again, and although these occasions were infrequent, when they did happen they were uncomfortable, and even verging on unpleasant. He was still bitter about the fact that Casey had chosen Cappie over him, Cappie who never studied, who had let her down once before, who had seemingly never chosen her over anything else. Casey sighed, sad about the way that things had ended with Max, but she also realized that either she would have had to stop talking to Cappie forever or endure Max's passive aggressive behaviour. Max had now shown her the less pleasing aspect of his character and she was glad that she had chosen the right guy this time around.

Casey walked over to Cappie and placed her arms around him, kissing his cheek. He turned in her arms to face her and kissed her, smiling.

"So it's our final week at school and I got you a leaving present."

Casey laughed.

"You didn't have to get me one! You're a perfectly good leaving present all in yourself!"

Cappie smiled, but handed her a large box with wrapping on it. Casey looked at him curiously, wondering what he had gotten her. She ripped off the wrapping and tugged off the lid of the box to see…another box inside. She pulled the top of this box and saw yet another box inside. She looked at him questioningly, but he only motioned for her to continue. Finally, twelve boxes later, she was holding a small velvet box. She felt her breath hitch in her throat. Slowly she opened the box to reveal the Kappa Tau Gamma letters, but they weren't the normal lavaliere that a frat brother would give to his girlfriend. These were encrusted in diamonds, but tastefully so. Casey gasped.

"Cappie, how…thank you…but this is too expensive! This is too beautiful!"

Cappie smiled, but answered,

"Nothing is too beautiful for you, Casey. You're the most important thing in my life and you are going to have the best of everything. You've already been lavaliered twice, but neither of those relationships have worked out. This lavaliere had to be extra special to signify that we are forever. And in any case you're too beautiful to just wear a normal lavaliere. You need something that, although it doesn't come close to how beautiful you are, reminds people of just how amazing you are."

Casey kissed him deeply, touched to her soul at this extravagant, heartfelt gesture.

"I'll treasure it with my life, Cappie. This…how did you afford it?"

Cappie shrugged.

"I told my parents the situation and they said that they would loan me the money. They were perfectly happy to do it since it's for you. You know how much they adore you!"

Casey said slightly gloomily,

"Yeah, it's a shame that I didn't make that impression on the Chambers. My life would have been much easier. But your parents are more important…and I love them too. They've been so kind to me…I don't know what I did to deserve it after I jerked you around for so long."

He looked at her seriously.

"Casey, you had every right to break up with me freshman year. I was immature and had my priorities all messed up and they know that. They don't blame you for that just as I don't blame you for that and to be honest the rest of it, they agree with me that it was not all your fault and that I allowed it to happen as well. And what matters is that we found each other again."

Casey kissed him once more, feeling that her body would explode if she was filled with more happiness.


The Kappa Tau brothers strolled up to the lawn of the ZBZ house in their careless fashion. They were not in suits like the Omega Chis had been when Evan lavaliered Casey; that wasn't their style, but the ZBZs all knew that it didn't matter that they looked so scruffy; they were still fully behind their brother in support. What was remarkable was that Evan Chambers, president of Omega Chi Delta, ex-arch-enemy and ex-best friend of Cappie, was also present among the throng of Kappa Tau boys. The two guys had rekindled their friendship, remembering why they had loved each other's company in the first place. The fact that Casey and Rebecca were no longer issues between them certainly helped. Evan and Rebecca were now together, brought together by their history with Cappie and Casey ironically enough. Rebecca was now standing among the ZBZ girls in support of Casey. She blew a kiss to her boyfriend before hugging her big sis. Casey smiled at her briefly.

"Thank you, Rebecca. I know that we didn't hit it off at first, but I really value you now as a little sis…and as a friend."

The blonde stepped forward just as Cappie separated from his frat brothers. Quietly, but audibly, he asked,

"Casey Cartwright, I know that we've both screwed up a lot and we've had a lot of fights and will continue to have a lot of fights, but that doesn't matter because I love you. I'll always fight on your behalf and I'll always cherish you as the most important thing in my life. So will you do me the honour of wearing my lavaliere for the rest of your life?"

Casey nodded, unable to formulate any words. She allowed him to gently clasp the precious necklace around her neck before pulling him into a sweet kiss. It was the kiss of two people who were perfectly content, who knew that they loved and were loved in return; it was the kiss of two people who believed in forever.