Updated October 27, 2010

This is based on a work and its sequel by HistorianoftheKais titled "Prince of the Planets" with the sequel "Crest of the King." This was born out of reading those two and having what appears to be an over-active imagination. I do not own Ranma ½ or Sailor Moon. This is also my first crossover and there should be appearances by most of both casts. I do recommend reading the works this is based off of first, else you won't have too good of an idea of what is going on

In the Reborn Kingdom

Chapter 1. Arrival

For the first time in many years, Nabiki Tendo was crying. For years she hid behind the façade that was the "Ice Queen", but that visage was now shattered. With the actions of her sister, Akane, then Ranma leaving to restart and rebuild his life with his mother so many months ago, cracks began to form in her mask. Now with the aftermath of the attack Nabiki was not crying for herself or for anyone in her family.

She was crying for the young man she was holding, that battered and bruised form of a US Navy pilot, his right leg and right arm were hanging at odd angles, he had begun to cough up blood. She couldn't tell if his shaking had subsided yet as she was busy going over in her mind what had happened.

Earlier, leading to the present.

They were running, they were running as fast as they could. These, "things" appeared all over the place and now the three of them were running for their lives. Demons, youma, whatever they were they were destroying and killing, and the JSDF and US Navy were doing all they could together. It was fortunate that they were just about to start some exercises when the initial attacks began. By some miracle planes were up in the air and they were doing what they could to destroy those things, but they did not seem to be having any effect.

By some quirk of fate, one of the youma sent an energy blast toward one of the fast approaching planes as the pilot let loose a volley of air-to-ground missiles at near point blank range. The energy blast was compact and traveling faster than the pilot could react. The blast struck the underside of the aircraft. Seconds later it exploded, sending something rocketing straight up and away. A parachute deployed, indicating the pilot was alive, at least at the moment

It was a miracle he was able to eject and land without getting hurt. He landed nearby when she was fleeing the carnage with her father and sister Kasumi when by some quirk of fate they saw him eject and float safely to the ground. Soun Tendo helped free the man from his parachute as they fled as quickly as they could. He stood quickly and joined the family and the surrounding crowds in the mass retreat from the invading demons. The appearance of what could best be described as soldiers through the magical portals was a blessing and it gave them more time to retreat. The pilot knew he was out of his league so he kept encouraging others to keep moving.

Soun had scooped up two children that were huddling next to some trash cans. They were crying and he was doing his best to keep them safe. They couldn't have been much older than five. Kasumi, Nabiki and the pilot stayed as close together as they could to Soun and the children, the pilot has his side arm out and it was obvious he was ready to use it, if needed.

The appearance of the warriors, who had the weapons to fight, wound, and in some cases with enough damage, actually kill the youma. They kept moving, in spite of the burning of their muscles and lungs. There was destruction on a grand scale, no one knew how they hoped to survive this onslaught. So all they could do is keep moving, hoping their luck would hold out.

It did not.

By some freak occurrence Nabiki and the pilot had been separated from Soun, Kasumi, and the children by a freak explosion that nearly cratered the road they were on. Nabiki and the pilot regained their bearings and spotted the others. "MOVE!" yelled the pilot, gesturing with his side arm. 'Oh if my instructors saw that I'd be in some serious shit,' thought the pilot. Thankfully Soun got the message and kept Kasumi moving while he continued to carry the children as they ran forward to meet further up the road, away from the gathering debris. The pilot took his free hand and took Nabiki's, pulled her to her feet, and together they began to run.

Things went further south for Nabiki and the pilot as the approached the corner, and a figure straight out of a nightmare rounded the corner, looking for a victim.

Acting on instinct, and years of continual training, he let go of her hand, shoved her back and away from the demon. What she saw next she would remember to the end of her days.

Without hesitation or forethought, he let out a yell and the pilot leapt up toward the demon, somehow vaulting over the beast, landing on its back. He pressed the muzzle of his 45 into what appeared to be a crack between the shoulder and neck area of the lone demon, and proceeded to unload the clip into the beast. It appeared to do some damage, but it also appeared to enrage the beast. The demon reached over and grabbed the pilot with its clawed hand. Holding the pilot by his neck, the demon fixed the young man with a glare of pure hatred, and then slammed the pilot into the surface of the road. Nabiki swore she heard the bones break.

She was frozen by what had happened, she didn't think anyone could make it in time. The demon fixed its sight on Nabiki and approached. It never reached her. Out of nowhere a series of chains wrapped the demon's arms and legs. Followed closely by what were at least a dozen vacuum blades from two different directions. A black and yellow blur that solidified into a Ryoga Hibiki who was looking like destruction incarnate. The combination of blades, chains, and one heck of a punch was enough to shatter the wounded demon into oblivion.

Nabiki found herself surrounded by Mu Tze, Genma Saotome, and Ryoga. By some miracle Soun, Kasumi and the children were now on the same side of the street, Nabiki had no idea how they got there. Things continued to go south for the growing group as a number of smaller demons approached from different directions intent to trapping this group of victims. Soun handed the children off to Kasumi, who was doing her best to ensure they were protected from viewing the growing carnage.

Nabiki was now next to the injured pilot and as gently as she could she pulled him into a comforting embrace, she could see blood coming from his mouth. He was dazed she could tell, his breaths were pants, and she began stroking the side of his face. She got him to focus on her face, where tears began to fall and cut paths of clean through her now dirt streaked face. Reaching up with his left hand he tried to wipe the tears away from her face. The shock of this simple action showed on her face, Nabiki never expected this simple action to comfort her, when she was trying to comfort the wounded warrior in her arms. She drew strength from this action, as she chose to remain oblivious to the world around her. She took his hand in her free hand and they held on tightly

The fight was not going well, slowly, inexorably, they were being forced back toward the cluster of Kasumi, Nabiki, and the others. A shout from above drew the demons attention, and it was Musk reinforcements, battered and bloodied, but joining the battle to defend. Soon they were pushing the line back out, but none knew how much longer they could last.

The war cry got Nabiki's attention and she took time to regard her surroundings. Nabiki saw that Kasumi's tear streaked face nearby with the children, whose faces were buried in the crook of the older girl's neck. She saw Mu Tze, Ryoga, Genma Saotome, and her father fighting with a level of ferocity that she had never seen before. They were joined in the battle by what appeared to be Ryu Kumon, who was battered and bruised as the rest of the warriors. She even recognized Musk warriors had joined the fray. However in spite of the human reinforcements, the line that had been reestablished and was expanding, was beginning to fall back toward the non-combatants. Things began to turn grim as more and more Musk warriors were wounded or killed and then things got, for the lack of a better term, interesting.

A glowing chain shot out from above, decimating the front rank of creatures and obliterating most. If you looked closely the links were in the shape of hearts, the Senshi of Love made an appearance, Sailor Venus had joined the fight. With a flick of her wrist the chain established a line, "LET NONE GET PAST THIS LINE!" exclaimed Venus. All those that could stand, regardless of wounds were back up at least two deep in most places, and the fight was then rejoined.

There was a deadly beauty to this last stand, and Minako Aino knew it was. Right now all she had to do was bide the time and they would be safe. For some reason the demons were after blood and they were after the blood of her friends and those her friends were fighting with. It was amazing how enraged demons would act to try and kill a threat, the actions of the martial artists had done much to distract, but now it was time to hold the ground they had, nothing more, nothing less.

Nabiki watched in morbid fascination as the wounded warriors fought to maintain the line alongside Sailor Venus. Every blow, every strike, every move the warriors made was dedicated to that singular purpose, and the line held. Demon after demon met total obliteration and yet they kept coming, and the line still held.

Almost imperceptibly at first, high in the sky a ball of light formed. Nabiki's eyes were eventually drawn to the sight. Soon it began to glow brighter and brighter, expanding all the while. Eventually she could no longer look into the light. She turned away to shield her eyes and to protect the eyes of the pilot in her arms. Then she felt something odd, and then she realized that the fighting had stopped. She was kneeling in a field of grass still holding the wounded pilot.

Before she could speak to check on her father, sister, or the children, the image of a beautiful girl appeared and explained where they were and why she brought them here. Nabiki was awed by this, she could see Earth from where she was. For the first time she spoke to the pilot in her arms, not really caring if he understood what she said, "Did you hear that? We're safe!"

She turned to look into his face, his eyes were awed, but focused on her. Her face became puzzled.

"I understood you perfectly."

Nabiki thought fast and spoke in her native tongue, "Are you sure?"

"Yes." With that he coughed hard and brought up a good deal of blood, he began to have trouble breathing and was beginning to lose consciousness.

"Hey don't you do this, you stay with me!" The tears began anew, she hadn't learned his name yet. She looked around frantically, people where everywhere and beginning to help one another. Not seeing anyone looking her way she cried out in a shrill voice, "Somebody! Please help me!"

Before she could take her next breath, an old familiar face was there, examining the young man she held in her arms. Tofu Ono was all business examining the young man. Shortly thereafter a battered looking Kuh Lohn was there, aiding the doctor and calling out commands to Mu Tze, who was doing what he was told.

Without Nabiki realizing it he had been removed from her arms and she knelt above his head, something they had done had woken the young man up and he was focusing on her face, he struggled to wipe away Nabiki's tears. Soon he gave a mighty pain filled yell as Ono and Kuh Lohn reset his broken bones. Almost as quickly as things were reset the elder and the doctor were applying splints with the aid of Mu Tze and Ryoga. What happened next surprised everyone.

Robots were hovering nearby, scanning everyone for serious injuries. Some accepted the wave off given by those they scanned, moving on to the next individual. However when the robot scanned the young pilot it began to spill out a series of statements, "Right humerus fractured with muscular damage, splint applied and stable. Right femur fractured with muscular damage, femoral artery undamaged, splint applied and stable. Fifth vertebro-sternal rib broken, causing puncture to lung. Internal bleeding within the thoracic cavity, recommend stabilization of rib and evacuation of blood within cavity using third intercostal space."

Not looking a gift horse in the mouth Ono made an inquiry, "Will you have the ability to evacuate the space to reinflate the lung?"

"Support units arriving in 15 seconds, please proceed with the establishment of the opening." With that Kuh Lohn used her skills and knowledge to strip the young man to his waist and applied all her experience to reset his rib.

"Does anyone have a sharp knife?" asked the doctor. Wordlessly Mu Tze handed a slender but sturdy blade. By this time two other units had arrived and had integrated with the original robot. Two tubes snaked out, one toward the side, the other towards the mouth of the pilot.

"OK hold him down, he is probably going to writhe when I do this," remarked the doctor. By now Salior Venus had joined the group to see what was going on. She was amazed at how Mu Tze, Ryoga, the doctor, and the very old lady worked on the man laying in the grass. She was both fascinated and disturbed to watch the doctor deliberately stab the man at a depth of what appeared to be less than a half of an inch and to see blood come foaming out of the new wound. The robots quickly inserted a tube into the wound and quickly sealed it using newly revived Moon Kingdom technology. She thanked the Kami that she and Mu Tze came up to help Ranma and Usagi do some repairs on the droid factories and to have a series of medical droids created just in case.

Within moments the droid made a determination and the pilot was soon intibated. "Princess Venus, the patient's injure requires that the lung be healed to expedite the healing and recovery until Princess Saturn can bring her skills to bear."

The others really hadn't noticed her approach, but she was recognized by Mu Tze and Ryoga. "He took a youma on one-on-one with nothing but his side arm. He did it to protect a friend of mine, the young lady kneeling by his head, Nabiki Tendo."

Minako had never really done this before, oh she suspected that she might have healing abilities other than what was directed inward. She had some doubts creeping in, but a simple call of "Minako" brought her attention to Mu Tze. "Minako you can do this. I believe in you."

She looked into Mu Tze's eyes and saw his confidence in her. Ryoga had the same expression. Nabiki's eyes were pleading, while the others wore looks of wonder and amazement.

"Ok let's do this." With that statement she moved next to the doctor. She placed her hands over an area that was marked by the robots. She was tired and she knew that, but she had to help. There were people counting on her. Closing her eyes she focused and looked within the young man. She could actually sense things were out of place. As she continued to focus she actually "spotted" the hole in the lung. She continued to focus and she willed the hole closed. Soon, the hole was closed and she pulled back and opened her eyes.

As she looked around she saw awe on some faces, but most rewarding was the look of pure gratitude on the face of Nabiki Tendo, and the smile of pure pride in Mu Tze. Then the poor girl got dizzy and almost fell over. As she was caught by Mu Tze she de-transformed and collapsed into his arms.

"You okay Minako?" asked a concerned Mu Tze.

"I'll be fine after a bath, food, and some rest," stated the young girl.

"Well that isn't something I've ever seen in all my years," quipped Kuh Lon. "However we need a stretcher to move this young man to some shelter or medical facility." Mu Tze quickly complied by pulling a pair of staves out and a large blanket. Quickly he and the doctor set up the makeshift stretcher, and everyone gently moved the young man onto the waiting stretcher. Ryu, Ryoga, Soun, and Genma took a corner of the stretcher and using great care lifted their unconscious charge to move him to shelter. Kasumi was carrying the young girl while Tofu was carrying the now sleeping boy. Mu Tze had another burden as he had to carry a very exhausted Minako Aino.

Arriving at the waiting shelters they were directed where to go by a still transformed Rei Hino and Ami Mizuno. Ami was typing at a furious pace to make sure her mother and any other medical professional could get the information on where the wounded pilot and the surrounding group would be. Mu Tze was directed where to take a now dozing Minako, he would end up spending the night with her family.

Entering the structure it was apparent that there was some level of expected habitation. Droids flew in and out brining supplies and clothing for the new arrivals. A bed had been prepared for the young man and the doctor was amazed to find brand new air splints waiting for his use. Soon the makeshift splints were removed, the young pilot stripped bare of everything but his ID tags. Kuh Lohn covered the young man with a sheet, and then went to help Kasumi with the children, while the rest made sure the droids brought enough beds and clothing for everyone to change into.

Within a short time baths had been taken, some food had been consumed, and then sleep began to claim everyone in the building. Genma and Soun slept by the entry door, while Ryu and Ryoga slept in the back hallway that looked into what appeared to be the back yard. Kuh Lohn was sleeping near Kasumi and the children, the children having cuddled close to the oldest Tendo daughter. The doctor was crashed out in a room just across where they placed the young pilot. Nabiki however chose to stay right where she was. Oh she had gotten a bath and there were a couple more available rooms, but right now privacy was not foremost on her mind.

She chose to sleep by his bedside. She wanted to be there when he awoke. Exhaustion took Nabiki as she joined her father, sister, and what appeared to be new siblings off into dreamland. When they woke they would talk about returning to Earth, or remain here on the Moon. That was a discussion for another time. For now it was time to rest.

Only problem now is since I did this I realize there is a bit more I can do. It will focus on Nabiki and her new friend. Let me know what you think. Corrections and comments are always appreciated.