Author's Note: The movie was beautiful. It really made the sandbox pretty to play in. I've been re-watching old episodes of Star Trek, stuff I saw back when I was too young to write fanfiction, and now that I'm old enough... Of course, I've now come full circle and written a quick Spock/Kirk drabble. Inspired by Chris Pine's fingernails when he shakes hands with Captain Pike at the end of the movie.

Disclaimer: The characters, series, and movie aren't mine, of course. I'm just playing with them.


The captain bites his fingernails.

Every time they warp, he brings his hand to his mouth and sinks his teeth into the skin around them. He deals with the stress of command by wearing his nails down to nubs. Every crew member on the Enterprise associates Jim Kirk with a spread-legged stance, a forward lean, a hand at his mouth.

The captain bites his fingernails.

Spock cannot help but watch him. The relief is visible in his expression when he first makes contact between teeth and nail, engaging in the ritual of tongue-to-skin, lips-to-fingertips, gentle tugging and aggressive biting. It is a cathartic process.

The captain bites his fingernails.

He might be the only one who notices. Everyone else looks to Jim Kirk as though he is unphasable. As though his composure could rival a Vulcan's. These adoring fans have not taken a close look at his fingernails, but Spock has. He has seen the ridges of skin surrounding the nails swell and bleed, become raw and red. He has seen the ragged remains in the aftermath of a crisis.

The captain bites his fingernails.

Spock is unfamiliar with nervous habits. He doesn't feel anxiety or fear or stress, so he has never been compelled to bite his nails. He finds it intriguing that Jim does. Jim is stubbornly unafraid of consequences. It makes him a good commander and an excellent Starfleet member. He doesn't act out of panic; he copes with it and moves on. The fact that he bites his nails is disconcerting and fascinating in a way that Spock cannot explain – and that's saying something.

The captain bites his fingernails.

The first time they kiss, Spock can feel their dulled edges digging into the base of his neck. They rake down his shoulders and latch onto his shirt. He knows he has been waiting to feel that. They are the very essence of Jim Kirk – rough and blunt and flawed and illogical, and Spock is fascinated by all of that. He pushes Jim back and takes his hands, bringing them to his mouth. The captain gives him a confused look, but Spock treats his hands reverently, touching the agitated skin with care.

The captain bites his fingernails.

Spock kisses each fingertip in turn.