Roxiri is awesome. Enough said. Anywho. I suppose, I wrote this in response to a friend's oneshot, The Great Oreo Massacre of '09. Awesome. Go read and review it. Now.

For EternalSnowxxx

Roxas frowned as he watched the redhead dig through her closet. He sighed looking around the pink room, finding nothing interesting that caught his eye, besides Kairi herself; this was starting out to be a very, very boring day indeed. She had called him, at seven in the morning, on a wonderful raining Saturday, when he could be peacefully sleeping, to get to her house, as quickly as possible. She hadn't told him why, just that it was important, that he was there by fifteen after. So he had been forced out of the warm comforts of his bed, and cast out into the cold rain, to walk the three blocks to her house.

He fell backwards and lay across her bed, letting his feet dangle off the edge. He began to count all the darts that were scattered across the ceiling when Kairi let out an exasperated scream. He shot up to see her frowning with her arms crossed, glaring at her closet.

"Roxas!" He quickly slid of the bed and got to his hands and knees beside her as he looked with uncertainty at the massive mess of clothes, empty cans of Mountain Dew, and empty packages of Oreos. He arched a brow at the mess and then looked at Kairi to see her glaring at him.


"Okay, when we were little, do you remember what we use to play?"

"Uh…" He looked to the closet, trying to make the connection.

"Do you!?" She cried.

"No!" Jeez, somebody didn't sleep last night. "You tried to make me play Barbie with you. And when I said no, you cried and told my mom."

"Can it, man whore." She threw an empty can at him, which hit him on the forehead.

"Dammit Kairi!"

"What else did we play?"

"Uh…" Roxas raked his memories trying to remember what he and Kairi had occupied their childhood with.

"Well?" He glared at her impatience. He honestly had no idea how he put up with her constant mood swings of late.

"Well…we use to play in the…closet…" He quickly regretted saying that.

She smirked and jerked her head to the closet. "Wanna play Roxie?"

"Uh…I…we, I mean," He stammered, his face quickly heating up.

"Ohmigod Roxas!" She laughed. "You thought I was serious!? Pervert!"

He frowned and wrapped an arm around her neck, holding her in a headlock.

"You remember this game Kai?" He grinned as she struggled.

"Let go or I swear, I will, bite you." He scoffed and began ruffling her hair making her scream bloody murder. It wasn't ten seconds after he dare touch her precious hair before she sunk her teeth into his arm.

"What the hell!?" He pushed her off of him and cradled his arm. "You're a beast!"

"And you, are an ass-hole." She said with a cocky smile.

"Aha, I do remember what we played, or what the rest of us played." He said with a smirk.

The smile fell from her face and she gave him a confused look. "What do you mean?"

"You know, we would all play those imaginary games, pirates, or knights? And we never let you play." He laughed and turned away from her to look into the closet. "Probably because you were a sadistic bitch even at the innocent age of five."

Kairi listened with her mouth open slightly, taking it all in. She bit her lip and then sat on her bed.

Roxas stood facing away from her, waiting for her to make a sarcastic comeback, but instead heard only her crying. He turned around on his heel to see, she was indeed crying.

"Kairi, I wasn't se-"

"Was that why?" She cut him off, and looked up at him, "They, really did hate me, even then?"

Roxas bit the inside of his cheek, so she did know that Hayner and Pence had something against her? They had only been jealous that he had rather hung out with Kairi than them, and it had always been that way. Even now.

"I was kidding, you're not a bitch." He sat on the bed beside her, "and if you were, it'd be okay, because you'd be my bitch." He grinned.

Kairi rolled her eyes and turned to glare at him. "You still haven't told me."

"Huh?" He tried to play it off, because he really had no idea what game they use to play, besides the …

"What did we play?"

Roxas swallowed and looked to the closet. He stood and walked over to the messy closet, and began digging through the junk like she had earlier, before pulling out a wooden box and held it up to her.

"…Shut up."

He smiled and pulled off the lid revealing scraps of paper of various colors. He walked back to the bed and sat down beside her, handing her the box as he looked through the papers with a smile.

A six-year-old Roxas stood over Kairi as she drew on a paper, covering it with her hands so he couldn't see. Roxas continued to try and pry her hand away from the paper so he could see what she was hiding. Kairi finally had enough and pushed him to the ground where he stayed with a pout until Kairi turned around with the paper hidden behind her back.

"Ready!?" She asked with a toothy grin. Roxas nodded and got to his hand and knees and looked up at her, his blue eyes sparkling with curiosity. "Tada!!" She showed of the drawing of a stick-man drawing of Roxas and herself with a heart over their heads. There were also scribbles across the top that Roxas looked at with confusion, considering the young boy could not read. But considering Kairi didn't know how to write either, it wouldn't have done him any good anyway.

"Was dat mean?" He pointed towards her colorful scribbles.

"Kairi, loves Roxas!" She beamed with a smile.

"Oh!" He grinned and nodded in understanding. "I wanna do one too!"

Kairi giggled and lead him back to the small table where she assisted him in a drawing of his own.

Kairi smiled at Roxas' drawings, instead of drawing stick-men, he had drawn circles with stick arms and legs coming from their respected places, with color blobs as the hair. Needless to say, she was the more artistic of the two at that age.

"That game?" He smiled looking at her.

She nodded and looked down at her hands. "Roxas…" He replied with a 'hm'. "You wanna play?"

Roxas looked over at her with wide eyes, checking to see if she was pulling his leg as well this time, but saw she was blushing. He laughed and ruffled her hair again. "Let's play Kaikai."

She smiled before tackling him off the bed, landing on top of him. "I make the rules."

"Fine with me." He managed to say before she pressed her lips up against him to silence him, and start the game.

Silly children and their games. R&R. Or not. Whatever floats your boat.