"Little Booth, you come back here," the disheveled mom yelled after her son.

Blowing a tuft of her bangs out of her eyes, Temperance Brennan started after her son. Following the little pitter patter of feet, she rounded the corner to find her little boy standing on the couch cowering behind his father.

Seeley Booth looked up in the doorway and smiled at the sight of the ruffled woman standing there scowling at their son. She was a little flushed and he swore she had never looked more beautiful.

"Bones, simmer down," he pleaded. "He's only two."

"Booth, in case you have forgotten, he's not yet potty-trained and if you would take a closer look at your boy there, you would also notice that he's not wearing a diaper."

Booth's head twisted quickly to look at his son and noticed what he had missed earlier. The onesie that the baby currently had on was undone and hung down low enough that Booth hadn't picked up on the fact that his son's diaper was indeed missing.

Booth smirked and leaned down to touch his forehead to his son's forehead, "Little man, I know you are proud of that package, but we can't have you running around the house without a diaper."

Bones just grinned from her spot in the doorway. Those two were her world and even though she hated to break up the father-son moment, she had to get her boy covered up before he made a mess.

Walking over to where Booth was, she picked up the little boy and tickled him making him giggle and squirm. Sitting down, she laid him across Booth's lap and grabbed a diaper from the stash they kept beside the couch.

Booth watched as Bones tried to make quick work of putting the diaper on their boy. He started to laugh because his little man wasn't going to make it easy for her. The baby was turning over trying to get on his knees. Bones patiently turned him back over and finally got the diaper on him.

With the diaper firmly in place, he stood on his father's lap. Pulling her feet up under her, Bones settled back on the couch and snuggled in next to Booth. Laying her head on his shoulder, she sighed.

"Everything okay Bones?" Booth asked looking at her with concern etched on his face.

Raising her head off of his shoulder and leaning her face close to his, she smiled and placed a gentle kiss on his lips.

"Everything is great Booth. I was just thinking that this is a great way to spend a Saturday."

In that moment, there was no grisly murder to investigate and no remains to pore over. There was a very happy mommy, a very proud daddy and a very blessed little boy enjoying their weekend…together.