The Bond

The New Big One turned out to be patient, at least towards her.


He wouldn't keep her on his lap against her will or throw things at her just because she found a cozy nook between many paper things. They smelled old and somehow safe. They smelled of this particular Big One.


The Big one haven't had IT behind him, but she knew that her presence helped him somehow. That is why he gave her food.


It seemed a fair trade for her. She often knew that he wanted to tell her something and if he knew all the gestures, purring and meows, she was sure it would be possible for her to understand what.

It was all too good to be true and the yets plagued her tiny head, making her wonder when.

When would he decide that he had enough of her, that he wanted all of The Food for himself or start to keep her locked or throw things at her.

When will be the time to encounter exile again along with IT?

The old Big One she was taken to smelled funny. More like little Big Ones who ate funny things. It wasn't The Food, they ate, it wasn't even edible.

He made strange gestures over her, using a wooden stick. She curled into a tight ball, expecting the stick to hit her hard, but it never happened. Instead, she felt a warm, tingling feeling inside.

The old Big One said something and made another gesture over her. Then she heard a voice.

"Would you like to be Mrs. Norris, being the lady as you are?"

She was feeling his anticipation as he waited for her reaction. She agreed, purring and he scooped her into his hands.

Her life would never be the same, she felt it that day and dared to hope for it to be true.

Many springs and winters passed from the day she was assigned to work with the Big One, her Big One as she called him.

The Food was ever present, along with her daily portion of petting and brushing. She became a real guard-cat for misbehavers inhabiting the huge castle.

One day Crookshanks arrived. His previous experiences with Big Ones were similar to hers.

During warm may they sat in late sun at grounds, catching little bugs together.

"Did they, um, you know- took your opportunity to reproduce?" He asked shyly.

"Yes, but I have no wish to be a mother again," she said distantly.

"But you can be my Mommy?"

She thought about The Carpet. He would be surely a good part of it.

"But I won't share my Big One with you. Besides you have yours."

Of all times she was always Mommy. She could be still, even if for the orange, oversized boy of unknown specimen, twice her age.

She was not the young feline she used to be, but her hearing was sharp and so was her sense of smell.

The mouse was close. One jump away from her.

Two jumps. Even three.

She was alone now, except for bugs, but she didn't mind their constant presence if she was in a mood for hunting.

She stood up and sneaked into an old castle through a little, half opened window where The Food was always waiting for her.

Along with Big One, whose hands still smelled of it as he said bon appetite.


A/N: Thanks for staying with me through the whole story!

This chapter is not beta-read, so if you find any mistakes - I would be more than happy to know about it :)