a/n Hey everyone this story may look like one that was previously posted but it is being totally reconstructed. I wanted to change some of the things in it. Lindsay is part of the team. In the original story I was using several OCS with the permission of their authors. They won't be appearing in this story. All OCS that appear in this new story belong to me. You may use them, but, ask first. Please read and review

Disclaimer: I don't own anyone associated with CSI NY. Jaylin Nichols, Alexander "Xander" Williams, Taylor Madison, Ashlynn Smith and anyone else you don't recognize are mine, however.


"Is that gum?" Lindsay asked her colleagues Adam Ross and Jaylin Nichols.

"Yeah I'll collect it. Maybe it'll give us a DNA match to our perp," Jaylin said as she reached for a swab but groaned in frustration when she dropped it. It took her two more tries before she had the swab safely in her hands.

"Suffering from a case of butter fingers Jay?" Adam quipped.

"Oh shut up, Ross," she retorted with a laugh.

"So you and our resident Doctor got a hot date tonight?" Lindsay asked turning to her menti. Blushing, Jaylin replied.

"Well yeah I'm not sure where we're going or how we're getting their. I should call him," Jaylin said thoughtfully as she removed her phone from her belt after securing the gum in a bindle for further processing.


Sheldon was processing some evidence when his cell phone rang.

"Hawkes," he answered.

"Hey there, sweet stuff," Jaylin said. Both Lindsay and Adam raised their eyebrows.

"Sweet stuff?" Lindsay mouthed. Embarrassed and forgetting she was at work, Jaylin quickly corrected herself.

"Um, I mean hey there, Shell. I was just calling to see when and where you wanted to go for our date tonight?"

"Let me guess Linds and Adam caught the slip?" Sheldon asked laughing.

"Yep," Jaylin said.

"Well how about Olive Garden? We could meet their around 7:00, I'd pick you up, but I'm not sure how long your case will take," he explained.

"Yeah, sure sounds good to me, any suggestions as to what to where?" Jaylin wanted to know.

"I don't know something casual maybe that red silk shirt I like and those blue jeans with the little studs on the pockets?" Hawkes suggested.

"Okay, so am I meeting you their or are you picking me up and what time?" Jaylin asked again.

"We're meeting at Olive Garden at 7:00, remember?"

"Uh, yeah, I guess," she answered listlessly.

"Hey you feeling okay, Sweet girl?" Hawkes asked in concern.

"No, not really, I have a headache and my eyes hurt," she answered.

"Can I talk to Lindsay for just a sec? I love you and will see you tonight," Hawkes told her.

"I love you to. I'll give you to Linds now."

"Hey Linds, Shell wants to talk to you," Jaylin said, handing her the phone.

"Okay, what's up, 'Sweet stuff?" Lindsay asked cheekily. Hawkes gave a short laugh.

"Is Jay okay? Does she seem kind of out of it to you?" Sheldon asked.

"Yeah she does, she can't seem to hold on to anything and she repeatedly asked you the same questions. I wasn't eavesdropping she was standing next to me," Lindsay was quick to explain.

"It's okay I know you weren't eavesdropping," the former ME reassured her.

"Hey guys?" Jaylin called.

"What is it, Jay?" Adam asked as he turned towards her.

"I don't feel so good," Jaylin said as she collapsed to the ground.

"Whoa!" cried Adam as he rushed forward hoping to catch her before her head hit the ground but he was unsuccessful. Just then she began seizing.

"She's having a seizure, what do I do, Sheldon?" Lindsay called frantically.

"Turn her on her side and call 911," he told her. Lindsay quickly turned her on her side as Adam pulled out his phone and called the medics. He called out to the officer that an ambulance would be arriving and to report that they had an officer down. Just as she was turned on her side Jaylin vomited.

"She's vomiting, and her breaths sound rapid and shallow," Lindsay reported.

"But she's still breathing?" Hawkes asked. He was running to Mac's office as he continued to talk to Lindsay.

"Yes, and I think she's coming out of the seizure," Lindsay stated as she saw the jerking of Jaylin's limbs stop and her brown eyes flutter open.

"Jay, can you hear me?" Adam asked as he knelt on her other side.

"Adam?" she asked confused.

"Yeah it's me, how are you feeling?" he asked.

"Confused," she answered.

"Put me on speaker so I can talk to her, please," Sheldon requested.

"Will do," Lindsay said, doing what he asked her to.

"Jaylin, can you tell me where you live and how old you are?" Sheldon requested.

"I'm 17 and live in Littleton Colorado with my family," she responded. Adam and Lindsay exchanged a worried glance. Jaylin was 30 years old and no longer lived in Colorado. She had as a child but moved to New York when she was 24. All of a sudden her limbs began to jerk and Jaylin began convulsing once again. By this time Hawkes had reached Mac's office and explained the situation.

"We'll be at Manhattan General as soon as we can hang in there," Mac told Lindsay when Hawkes handed him the phone.

"Thanks I'll see you then. The EMTS just pulled up," Lindsay said as she hung up the phone and got to her feet ready to greet the EMTS.


It was an anxious group of cops and CSI's that waited in the ER waiting room. Flack and Angell had been on a call when they heard the officer down over the radio. Overcome with worry they rushed to the hospital to figure out what was going on. Danny and Stella who were at a scene were notified by Mac and asked to be kept posted. Adam had reluctantly agreed to finish processing and take the evidence back to the lab and inform the lab techs and to come to the hospital once the evidence was secure. Hawkes was pacing back and forth.

"Sit down, Sheldon, wearing out the floor won't help," Flack said. Nodding Sheldon sank into a seat.


"Family of Jaylin Nichols?" The group stood up.

"I'm her boss; Detective Mac Taylor how is she?" Mac asked.

"Ms. Nichols appears to be fine at the moment. She suffers from General Seizures."

"What type does she suffer from?" Hawkes asked.

"She suffers from Tonic-Clonic seizures and from what I gathered from the EMTS Ms. Nichols had a partial seizure that lead into a Tonic-Clonic seizure," the doctor explained.

"What does that mean Doctor?" Flack asked confused.

"A partial seizure is where the patient is in an altered state of consciousness. They may walk aimlessly, mumble, pull at there clothes or appear generally dazed and confused. A Tonic-Clonic seizure is actually divided into two stages. The tonic period occurs when the patient falls to the ground and is rigid. The clonic phase is where the person's limbs jerk. Tonic-clonic seizures used to be called Grand Mal Seizures. Does that make it clearer?" Everyone nodded at the doctor's explanation.

"Can we see her?" Hawkes asked.

"Yes you can, I'd like to keep her for a few more hours but then she can go home. I don't want her at work tomorrow, however," the doctor said.

"I'll make sure she takes the day off," Mac said.

"She's asking for Sheldon would that be any of you?" the doctor asked.

"That would be me, Dr. Sheldon Hawkes," Hawkes said, introducing himself.

"Well if you'll follow m-." The doctor broke off as the frightened cries of a woman floated down the hall.

"C'mon Adam, move faster I have to know if she's okay," demanded Ashlynn Smith the DNA tech as she ran down the hall. Everyone looked up as the red headed tech ran into the room with tears brimming in her eyes. She ran straight for Hawkes.

"What's going on is she okay, Sheldon? Adam said she had a seizure?" Ashlynn asked throwing herself into his arms sobbing.

"Ash, calm down," Sheldon soothed.

"Just tell me if she's okay?" she begged.

"She's going to be okay, now calm down, 'Princess," Sheldon said using a nickname she'd earned due to her addiction to The Princess Bride. The use of her nickname elicited a smile from the lab tech. Adam was breathing hard as he ran into the room. Sheldon gently turned the young woman in his arms and gave her a gentle push towards Adam. Ashlynn went willingly to her boyfriend who put a comforting arm around her.

"As I was saying, if you'll follow me, you can see her," the doctor said as he turned. Nodding Sheldon hurried after him desperately needing to see his girlfriend.


A/n as I said, this is a completely redone story. So please read and review. I'll update as soon as I can.