

His voice was so quiet, both of them able to feel the pressure of ghosts' fingers brushing across their skin, memories now and nothing more.

He was in so much pain, and Feliciano knew it.

Ludwig knelt on the ground, staring at the empty concentration camp, and Italy sat next to him, both staring at the now wrecked buildings, torn down by the Allied Powers.

"Ludwig…" he said, soft brown eyes watering slightly, "I know it hurts… but it's going to be okay." He carefully placed his hand on the other's arm, almost scared to see the one he cared for so much like this after they had been through so much- and now finally, they were realizing the consequences. "We all made mistakes," Feli whispered, leaning his head on Germany's arm as the frigid winds blew, and snow, white as ashes, began to fall upon the silent ground that had seen far too much.

A/N: Oh my, I'm sorry I took so terribly long updating this! My Tomato-Box Fairy Muse ran off, but I caught it again! I'll be uploading another story soon, likely one much happier than this one was. T.T We're going through WWI in AP US History right now, so I guess I was gearing up for WWII. Aaaanyway, I hope you enjoyed this as much as the others ;D