Disclaimer: I'm not rich, so I don't own Harry Potter nor any of the other characters/terms used in the story. The above mentioned belong to J.K. Rowling and the originators of the myths I used, who ever they are.

Warnings! : This is SLASH as in (boy x boy) exclusively! Don't like it, please don't read it. I'm a fan of DracoxHarry, so I'm sorry if you don't like it, but I'll write what I feel like writing. Rating might go up, not too sure so be warned.

Chapter 4

The Return

I couldn't believe I was going to do this. It's simple I had thought the day before, just scale down a monastery and learn now how to flap my wings to save my life. Yeah, and Sirius and Remus weren't helping with their jokes of baby birds jumping out of their nest before their time. Ah, the love of my godparents is astounding; especially in the face of my imminent death by falling to the ground a hundred feet below.

"Don't worry Harry! I'm sure that bird on your head will take pity on you and teach you to flap your wings!" Sirius yelled most unhelpfully.

"Shut up Padfoot!" Frightening said bird on my head, causing it to nearly fall which it retaliated by pecking at my head. "Ow! Leave alone you bloody bird!"

Once the stupid bird flies away, and I successfully ignore Remus' 'Watch your language Hadrien Potter!' in the background I look again to see if I can toss myself onto the ledge below and to my left. I look at the stone carving I've been clinging to for the past five minutes and groan.

"I'm going to die, Riddle will know I tried to leave, he'll resurrect me somehow someway, and then kill me with his bare hands for my disobedience." I said aloud despairingly.

I looked once more to the ledge and breathed in a deeply as I slowly began to swing myself side to side, preparing to swing onto the ledge. When I finally felt I had swung enough I let go and spread my wings allowing me to drift slightly on the air which allowed me to land on the ledge rather than grab hold of it with my hands.

I smiled and whispered once more my reasons for doing something so suicidal. "Out there I can treasure every moment even if it's just for one day. I just need to get down there."

I looked at the city below me and smiled at the people who were already enjoying the festival even so early in the morning. Today I wouldn't just be an observer, but a participant in something normal, fun, and I'd be free. There was no way I was giving up now, and besides I got past the harder parts of my downward climb, so the rest should be fairly easy.

It took me over a half hour to get to the ground and though Sirius and Remus were beside me praising/making fun of me, I wasn't listening. I was in awe, for I was standing on grass. Now this may not seem like much but having never stood on grass (in my memory) I was surprised at how it felt. The blades of grass bent underneath my feet as I knew they would, but I was so much more aware of the feeling than other people might be. Another thing I noticed was that the air was different down here than up in my tower. And god the smell! It wasn't all that bad but I really need to find somewhere else to breathe or I might choke.

I pulled on my cloak, and the piece of clothe I had sown in to cover the bottom half of my face, allowing me to see still. Sirius handed me an object humans called glasses. Apparently, my dad use to use them when he would wander around as a human, instead of floating. Finally I was on my way!

"Harry! You're walking the wrong way. The town is that way." Remus said, pointing to my left.

Sirius moaned. "My godson has no sense of direction…. Perhaps you shouldn't go out, or maybe you should draw a map before wandering away from the monastery." He suggested much to my embarrassment.

"No!" They startled, and I calmed myself down. "I can't wait, 'cause any later and it will be too late." I began walking towards the town. "This could be my last chance, besides the wards on the tower will have already warned Riddle that I left and returning now would only result in my entrapment for the rest of my life- quite possibly away from you and Remus. Then where would I be? Alone and at Riddle's mercy."

I waved goodbye to them, knowing they couldn't follow me beyond the church's gates. And then I was on my own… and I wasn't sure what to do. The festival was just around the corner from the empty street I was on, and though there were people on all sides of me, I felt out of place. Even though I had watched all these people all my life, none of them knew me, or even about me. I felt the sudden urge to turn back, afraid as I was of being imprisoned for the rest of my life in the tower, I would preferably be locked in there with Sirius and Remus than out here on my own. And what if I did get lost?

I looked back making sure that I could see the monastery towers still. I breathed a sigh of relief, seeing my tower and two pale ghostly figures standing there.

"Hello there! Are you a traveler?"

I jumped about a foot in the air when a lady of about 50 and what appeared to be her grandson came up beside me, though thankfully neither touched me.

"Uh…. Yeah, I'm a traveler. My name's…Wiggins." What the..? Wiggins?! Of all the-

"Wiggins, huh; funny name, but we can't complain, right?" The woman continued. "My name's Augusta Longbottom and this is my grandson Neville. It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Wiggins."

I blinked. "Um, it's nice to meet you too Mrs. Longbottom." I nodded at the boy, who gave a slight apologetic smile back.

"Please, call me Augusta. Now I suppose being new here, you don't know what the humbug is all about."

"Erm- well I-" I began.

"So I'll just fill you in so that you can celebrate without worry. Our country has been plagued by this tyrannical ruler- who isn't our true king, he just took over one day- but he has gone away on some dark business, and word was sent that our real king- King Albus- is on his way back, and will be here soon. We are celebrating the return of our king and the rebirth of our country's economic success- it's been dismal ever since that man came to power 17 years ago."

I again nodded taking in the information that I sort of already knew, but nonetheless found her opinion fascinating. I was surprised she spoke so openly against Minister Riddle, the very person I had known all his life. Though I'm not exactly fond of Riddle, and I was aware that the man wasn't the kindest of men, but sometimes when he spoke, I couldn't help but feel that he really did want the best for the country. Minister Riddle just lost track of what he was really trying to do sometimes… a lot… nearly all the time.

I was invited to stay with the family of two for as long as I needed, but I declined. I did however wander around the booths as soon as we arrived. I had never seen so many- well anything! And the food! How could I even begin to describe to you how it tasted? Suddenly grateful to Sirius for giving him the "stray money left behind" that Remus didn't approve of, Harry took off on a shopping spree. There were so many people, more than I had been expecting. For high in the bell towers, the people look so small, and the crowds never seemed this full.

Slightly terrified, I made way to the fountain I had passed by dozens of times running from booth to booth. Unfortunately, it wasn't much less crowded here than at the booths. Finding a spot I quickly sat down, watching the fire jugglers and performers on the stage to my right. I gave a sigh of relief as my head stopped spinning, but frowned looking around. While this whole half a day was fun, the excitement was getting to me. I smiled grimly, realizing this is the most walking I've ever done, and would probably be the last time.

Harry picked up his souvenirs and began to creep away, just as one of the performers spotted him.

"How about you in the cloak!" Harry froze. "Yes, you look like you can sing!"

Harry shook his head, realizing he would have to unmask himself to do as the performer wanted him to. Slowly he tried to back away, but the crowd was thickening at the chance to see a random person- especially one that looked so mysterious- get up on the stage and sing.

Harry struggled as the crowd pushed him forward, ensuring there was no escape. As he stood on the stage, and the performers moved toward him to remove his cloak, the only thought in his head was- "I'm a goner, I'm a goner- I'm going to die…."

Harry's eyes closed as the crowd froze and the noise dimmed. The townspeople knew that face- had seen it once many years ago on an older gentleman- on a creature that they were no longer allowed to speak of. Before them was not that man, but instead the one they had all believed to be mere myth- a bedtime story to tell their children so they would not anger their ruler. But here before them was proof that salvation was on the horizon! That Minister Riddle would finally be defeated!

"Well well- isn't this a cheerful event. What is the cause your celebration I wonder?"

Harry's eyes shot open, hearing the familiar voice. Looking out into the crowd, ignoring the crowd all of whom turned as well, Harry looked right into bright red eyes.