Well here it is!! The last entry! Thanks sooo much for all the amazing reviews!! I love you guys!!!

Epilogue: Loved Back to Life

One Year Later…

Marie was busy cleaning up the Elbow Room in preparation for the arrival of the onslaught of crab fishermen that would soon be descending on Dutch Harbor for the beginning of Opillio season. Marie smiled when she realized that Edgar would be arriving at any time now. She missed him desperately whenever he returned to Seattle to help out his brothers and take care of his home.

Just then the door burst open and Jake Harris and Dave Millman ran over to her, cheering and yelling loudly.

"You're not gonna believe this!" shouted Jake, "She's ready!"

Marie's eyes widened, "You mean…she's finished?"

"Yes!" exclaimed Dave, "We just finished hiring our crew! Looks like we're fishin' with the big boys now!"

Marie jumped up and down excitedly as she ran around the bar and embraced her friends, "Oh guys that's awesome! I'm so happy for you! What'd you name her?"

Jake puffed out his chest proudly as he answered her, "The Cornelia Marie II. I know it's a little unorthodox to be naming a boat after one that sank, but considering the circumstances I think it's acceptable."

"And besides," added Dave, "We knocked on wood before we had the name painted on the back, so all the bad juju is gone."

Marie laughed, "Well I can't wait to see her! I'll get to wave to you as you all leave the docks," she said as she turned to fix them some drinks, "A new boat in the fleet," she said reflectively, "I like the sound of it."

Just then loud whoops and cheers filled the room as the Time Bandit crew entered the Elbow Room.

"What's goin' down Dutch Harbor?!" shouted Andy.

"We're baaaaaack!" announced Jonathan as they crew filed in at the bar.

"Yeah we noticed," grumbled Dave as he rolled his eyes in exasperation.

Jake laughed and patted his friend on the shoulder, "Don't worry…we'll show up those rowdy kids when we hit the high seas tomorrow."

"What?" asked Andy in surprise, "Wait…do you mean you guys finished restoring the boat?"

Jake nodded a proud gleam in his eyes as he scanned the crew of the Time Bandit.

"That's right…and you better watch it," warned Dave, "The Cornelia Marie's back and she's ready to take you all on!"

"Bring it!" said Andy as he playfully punched Dave in the shoulder.

Dave laughed and started to punch Andy back until the two were practically wrestling in the middle of the Elbow Room.

"Hey now!" warned Marie, "You all know how I feel about bar fights…don't you make me jump over this bar!"

The crew laughed as the two crabbers continued their play fight. Just then the door swung open and the crews of the Wizard and the Northwestern joined the rowdy Time Bandit crew.

"What the hell?" asked Matt Bradley when he saw Dave and Andy going at it.

"Oh don't mind them," said Jake Harris, "Dave got competitive and started bragging about our new boat and Andy decided to show him up I guess."

"Your new boat?" asked Sig, his eyes widening in surprise, "You finished it?"

While the crews talked to Jake and patted him on the back, Edgar moved through the throng of people and made his way over to Marie. Her eyes lit up when she saw him and she smiled broadly.

"Hey there handsome," she crooned in his ear as he gave her a big bear hug.

"Right back at you sexy," murmured Edgar with a light laugh.

Edgar pulled away suddenly and reached for an empty glass sitting on the bar. Marie gave him a confused look as he opened a drawer and grabbed a spoon. He banged it loudly on the glass and turned to face the crowd of loud, rowdy crabbers.

"Hey! Can I have everyone's attention for a second?" he shouted.

The roar slowly died down as Edgar's banging grew more incessant.

"Oh Edgar what now?" asked Jake Anderson as he exchanged a knowing look with his best friend. Jake's ankle had healed and he was back to continue his fishing career with the Northwestern.

Edgar smirked at Jake while everyone waited to hear what Edgar had to say.

"This will only take a moment," said Edgar as he suddenly dropped to one knee.

Marie gasped in shock when he pulled out a small black box from his pocket. Her hands flew to her mouth while her eyes slowly began to fill with tears.

"Marie you've been to hell and back this past year and yet through the entire thing you remained strong and loving. Everyone here would agree with me that you are an amazing person…and there is nothing in the world I want more than to spend the rest of my life with you. Marie…will you marry me?"

Marie felt her heart pounding in her chest as she fought back the tears to answer Edgar.

"Y…yes, yes of course!" she exclaimed.

Edgar leapt up from the ground and hugged her tightly. He pulled back slightly, just enough to kiss her as he slid the ring on her finger. Marie gasped when she glanced down and saw how big the diamond was.

The entire Elbow Room echoed with loud cheers and rounds of applause as the crabbers hooted and hollered and whistled their congratulations for their friends.

And in that moment…Marie knew she had never been happier…


Early the next morning, Marie watched from her bench in front of the Elbow Room as the boats pulled away from the docks and made their way out to the channel that led to the Bering Sea. She smiled when she saw the Cornelia Marie II pull away from the dock. It had a very similar paint scheme to the original Cornelia Marie and would have been an exact replica had it not been a house-forward boat.

The Northwestern followed the Cornelia Marie II as they left the harbor. Marie saw a figure on the back of the boat waving to her. Even though she was a good ways away, there was no mistaking that figure. She smiled and felt her heart grow warm as she waved back to Edgar. The Wizard and the Time Bandit joined the other two boats and before long all four had disappeared into the rising fog …


Later that evening, Marie put on her parka and left the Elbow Room. She made her way to the cemetery and stopped next to a particular headstone. She smiled slightly as she ran her hand across the engraving. A slight pang of sadness hit her but it wasn't nearly as intense as it used to be. She sighed with relief as she realized the worst of her pain was finally gone. She had finally found a way to move on…and it was all thanks to a certain deck boss. Edgar had loved her back to life.

Marie sighed again and sat down on the cold ground.

"Hey Josh," she whispered, "Edgar asked me to marry him today…I said yes. I want you to know part of me will always love you. I'll never forget you, that's not possible. But I know you'd want me to be happy and well…I am now. Thank you for everything you gave me…I'll never, ever forget our time together. Maybe one day we'll see each other again. So…this isn't goodbye. I'll just see you on the other side."

Marie stood up slowly and began to walk back to the Elbow Room. And for the first time…she never looked back…

THE END!!! Thank you all so much for reading and reviewing this! I'm still trying to figure out exactly what I want to write next…what I'd really like to do is take an idea that a writer by the username of Jane Minatti had and run with it. She started a story with the concept of the fishermen being forced to have a nurse on board due to the high levels of injuries the crabbers endure. I thought it'd be fun to take that idea and write storylines for all 4 main boats. I thought that'd add a bit more diversity and interest to the story. There would be a lot of romance involved of course…on every boat too : ) Jane Minatti hasn't been on in a long time from what I can tell so I don't think she would mind and I'll credit her for the original idea. Let me know if you guys like that idea and if so then I'll get started right away on a storyline!