Author's Note: This was supposed to be a one-shot to practice slighty-lemonish writing, since some of my multi-chappy fics were heading that way. I felt it was better to develope the style and 'feel' out what needed to be fixed in an exploratory short, than make a glaring mistake in a fic I'd heavily invested in already. That said, my internal issues with brevity made the one-shot into a two-shot. Think of Chapter one as the emotional set up. The young, weak-hearted, and perpetually innocent should probably stop at the end of Chapter one. ^_^ I hope.

Warnings: Strong language, specifically the ridiculous abuse of F-bombs at one point when Kenny runs out of more eloquent words. Oh and someone says penis and cock!! Le gasp. The second chapter will be lemony fresh and I don't mean pledge seeing as that was the reason I wrote this li'l story. Kenny/Butters slash with some very brief Style fluff in Chapter 1.

Disclaimer: I do not own South Park or any of its charismatic characters; they belong to Matt Stone and Trey Parker.

"I believe in love, lust, sex, romance. I don't want everything to add up to the perfect equation...I want mess and chaos. I want someone to go crazy out of his mind for me. I want to feel passion, heat, and madness. I want it all." ~ Tori Pflibsen

Just A Touch of Chaos

Kenny McCormick stared out his bedroom window with a sullen frown on his face. The car-part littered lawn was doing little to improve his mood, but it beat staring at his room as he had been for the past hour, glaring at faded posters and piles of clothing. Unable to find inspiration in the view he returned his attention to his lap, where his hand hovered over his cell-phone, one of his only valuable worldly possessions. The screen was at his inbox, composing a text message only half-entered. The frown turned sharper again and Kenny's hand moved away from the phone, still unsure how to finish the text. With a disgusted sigh of discontent, he rhythmically began hitting his head on the headboard behind him as he tried to figure out what he wanted to say.

So why all the trouble? What possible issue could have managed to bring down one of the most easy going kids at South Park High? In spite of his carefree smile and ready sense of humor, Kenny had been nursing a serious concern, a discontent that seemed very inappropriate considering how well his life was going. You see, Kenny had a problem, a big one. And that problem centered around Kenny's all time favorite past-time. Sex.

The problem wasn't that Kenny couldn't get any. There was no point in Kenny's life that he could recall where 'not getting enough' was ever an issue. Thanks to a lucky genetic draw he happened to enjoy sex with either gender, as did far too many kids at South Park, so he had a large pool to choose from. He also happened to be able to get that sex whenever he wanted and with almost whomever he wanted. This was mostly due to the even luckier quirk of birth that had blessed him with disarming blue eyes, blonde hair that fell into a sexy tousled look without effort when he woke, and a stunning smile that was quite remarkable considering he couldn't afford a dentist. Even the personal misfortune of his poverty actually helped him in some regards; scant meals had kept his body naturally lean long before he toned it out by running for track.

The problem wasn't even that the sex was meaningless. Well okit was meaningless…but not anymore. All that had changed six months ago when Kenny had finally confronted his own fears of commitment and begun a hard fought campaign of seduction to win over the one kid at school who had ever managed to stir those annoying, pussy-ish little butterfly feelings in his stomach. His target, the bashful, , blushing blonde, Butters Stotch. And all those efforts had proven successful. Very successful.

Even now, thinking about the day Butters had finally relented to a date still brought a faint smile to Kenny's face. The thought of the endless make out sessions and far worse he'd managed to persuade his boyfriend into doing in the month's since turned that faint smile into a blatant smirk of lust and satisfaction.

Kenny's hand twitched, moving to the contact list of his phone without thought and cycling through the numbers before settling on Butters. His thumb hovered briefly over the call button, before the phone flashed a warning message asking if he'd like to save his unfinished text as a draft. The smile died almost instantly. Oh yeah, the problem.

Kenny saved the message, but didn't complete the hastily begun act of dialing his boyfriend. Instead he cycled through the list of names, seeking inspiration. Occasionally a name would come up that caused the internal discord to flare, Craig, Clyde, Stan. Every one of them was an unsubtle little stab into the heart of his current dilemma. Finally a name turned up that didn't evoke unpleasant reminders nor bland nothingness, but instead stirred a faint sense of hope. An emotion Kenny had been desperately seeking since he began confronting his problem a week past.

Without any of the hesitation that had marked his actions earlier, he pressed send. The phone dialed twice before it picked up. As soon as he heard the other end pick up Kenny composed himself, trying to force his voice to take on his normal cavalier tone and hide the worry and guilt that had been gnawing at him.

"Hey Kyle, I need to talk. Can I come over?"


Twenty minutes later Kenny was circling the block that Kyle lived on. Technically Kenny could have made it in ten, five if he put real effort into it. A car was a pipe dream for someone as poor as Kenny, so he'd become an expert at getting anywhere in South Park on foot in very good time. Not this time; however, Kenny was not moving with his usual speed. The momentary burst of courage that had driven him to call Kyle had faded as soon as he stepped out into the crisp Colorado air. On his way over he ignored every shortcut, twisting down unnecessary side alleys and taking out-of-the-way streets to delay reaching his destination.

What was I thinking? Kyle's probably the last person I should be talking to about this. He gets flustered even when it's Stan who brings up sex in conversation and I'm pretty sure they do it like rabbits. And Kyle already has issues with how I behaved before Butters. Why did I think this was a good idea? With a groan Kenny passed Kyle's street again, his feet already angling back towards his home. Excuses for canceling on Kyle were already filtering through his head. I'll just make something up about bumping into Cartman and going to get pizza or something. Kyle wont come if Cartman's there, and he'd never call him to check on the story.

Mind made up, Kenny was already reaching for his phone when a text popped up.

'Dude, where r u? Stan and I r waiting.'

Stan, fuck. Again that unwelcome surge of lust and discontent frothed in his stomach. Stan was one of the people he did not want to have this talk in front of. Worse, his excuse was gone. Stan would think pizza with Cartman was awesome and invite himself. Then he'd begin bugging Kyle to come as well. And of course Kyle could never say no to something when Stan asked.

'Sorry. I can visit l8r.' Kenny replied, while calling himself a coward under his breath.

The response was instant, clearly Kyle was waiting and Kenny could almost see Kyle in his head, frowning at his phone impatiently.

'Dude stop stalling. I know something's up. Get here.'

Fuck, how could he tell? Kenny replayed the phone call earlier as well as his behavior over the past week. He'd been so sure that he'd kept everything hidden. If Kyle had noticed who else might have? Wendy? Bebe? Craig? Butters? Please god, at least not Butters.

Feeling trapped by his own stupidity, Kenny trudged the last block to Kyle's house. He knocked on the door listlessly feeling defeated. It was answered quickly enough by Kyle's little brother.

"Hey Ike," Kenny smirked, adopting a false smile so as not to arouse suspicion. It was bad enough that people in his High School might have caught on. He didn't want this mess spreading to the middle school as well. Ike was far too perceptive for a seventh grader.

With a bored expression Ike pulled the door wider and gestured towards the stairs with a nod of his head, "He's in his room with Stan; they've been waiting for you."

"How do you know that?" Kenny nervously asked. Had Kyle said something to Ike? Who else? Would the whole town know by Monday morning?

"Duh," the little genius rolled his eyes, "Stan's been here for ten minutes and Kyle hasn't locked his door for 'privacy.' Then you show up during 'Stan' time." Ike's right eyebrow lifted in amusement as he said that last part. He smiled sarcastically as he finished, "If it's not to see them, why else would you be here?"

Crap, it is Stan and Kyle time, how could I have forgotten? Between different sports, their countless friends, and Kyle's insanely difficult classes, the red head found precious time for just his boyfriend. To counter that, Kyle had declared Sunday afternoons 'Stan time,' to be interrupted only by their closest friends and only for the gravest of emergencies.

Of course, there was a good side to this news. At least now Kenny knew how Kyle had figured out something serious was wrong. As some of his unfounded worries were lifted, Kenny let out a low chuckle. He ruffled Ike's soft black hair teasingly as he walked past the boy towards the stairs, eliciting a flush from the little Canadian. "Maybe I just wanted to see if Kyle's little brother had gotten cuter, which by the way…he has," Kenny said with a wink. Even harmless flirting, considering their age gap and Kenny's boyfriend, was still effective at quieting Ike and hopefully distracting that razor sharp mind from being too curious as to the reason behind Kenny's visit.

Leaving the flustered boy behind him, Kenny climbed the stairs and entered Kyle's room. Kyle and Stan were waiting on the bed, Stan leaning casually against the headboard while Kyle sat a very prudish two inches away, watching Kenny's arrival with an air of expectation. Without being asked, Kenny closed the door behind himself. As soon as the door was shut the two inches vanished as Kyle turned, laying bag against Stan, to make a cozy chair out of his boyfriend. Once settled between Stan's legs and resting his ridiculously poofy jew-fro against Stan's chest, Kyle turned his piercing green gaze on Kenny.

The portrait of peaceful boyfriend-cuddlyness on display before him, was another wrench in Kenny's day, reminding himself all too well of the boyfriend he'd been avoiding. To distract himself, Kenny walked over to the bed, grabbing the empty spot at the foot. He avoided looking directly at Stan and Kyle, instead finding himself looking out the window beside the bed. So here I am, looking at a lawn. Again.

At the other end of the bed Kyle coughed in annoyance, clearly expecting Kenny to begin. Kenny frowned at the sound, turning to face his two best friends but still keeping his gaze directed away, studying Kyle's sheets instead. They were green. Of course.

Finally Stan, ever the eloquent one, spoke up, "Dude, so what's up?"

"I…" Kenny slouched back against the foot of the bed making himself more comfortable before finally looking up at his friends. His control slipped upon meeting their gaze and his confession came out in a tired voice, while his hands played with Kyle's sheets, "I have a problem. With Butters. I think we're gonna break up."

Instantly Kyle sat up, his head leaving his boyfriends chest to lean closer. Nothing caught Kyle's attention like a chance to meddle, or as he'd defensively put it, psycho-analyze. Behind him Stan shifted forward to rest his chin on Kyle's shoulder, restoring the broken contact. His arms swung around Kyle's skinny frame, unwilling to relinquish contact with Kyle's body so easily.

"What happened? What did you do?" Kyle stated bluntly.

Kenny flinched a little, feeling defensive at the question. He blinked slowly, drawing a deep breath and reminding himself not to take offense. Of course Kyle would assume he'd done something wrong. The idea of Butters doing something to hurt someone's feelings was ludicrous. And it was painfully obvious that Butters was head over heels in love, so it wasn't like he'd be thinking about leaving Kenny. I wish I could still say the same was true for me.

"I haven't 'done,' anything. It's not like that," Kenny began, before trailing off. It was so awkward to bring the reason up. Across the bed Kyle watched skeptically, clearly waiting for more explanation. Kenny wasn't sure how to provide that answer without sounding like a whore. He ran a hand through his hair, trying to think of a delicate way to put his problem. Finally he settled for blunt honesty. "It's the sex."

When Kyle finished staring in disbelief, a hint of anger was audible in his voice, "Kenny did you seriously come over here to interrupt 'Stan time' because Butters isn't putting out enough?"

"No," Kenny grumbled unhappily. "That's not the problem. Butter's isn't…holding back. And I didn't mean to interrupt you two. I just…I forgot what day it was." Again Kenny trailed off, struggling to talk about a topic that usually came so naturally to him.

Kyle muttered angrily at the silence, clearly no longer feeling like sharing his special 'Stan' time if the problem was just Kenny and sex. The red head prodded Kenny verbally, "So spill it already. Why-"

Stan had been silent since initiating this conversation but now brought one hand over Kyle's mouth, blocking whatever else Kyle was going to say. "Let him finish Ky," Stan commanded softly, before turning Kyle's head and kissing him quietly to apologize for shutting him up. The shiver that went down Kyle's spine was matched by an unobserved one from Kenny. As Kyle settled obediently back down against Stan, Kenny became aware of those dark dominating blue eyes on him expectantly. Silently he prayed that the envy he felt wasn't obvious in his return gaze.

"The problem isn't that we aren't doing it," Kenny began. Kyle snorted sarcastically, but Stan moved quickly, biting down lightly on Kyle's pale neck to distract him. Forcefully Kenny tore his gaze from the scene and finished in a rush, "He just…What we do…it's not enough anymore."

"Really?" Stan asked surprised, "I thought he did pretty much anything you asked."

"I know he does," Kyle affirmed scathingly, "just last week I heard you two going at it in the boy's bathroom? I know for damned sure that doing it during school wasn't his idea? What else can he do to satisfy you? Let you fuck him between every period and on our table during lunch?"

The comment was meant meanly, but Kenny ignored the anger in it, too busy thinking back to the day Kyle was talking about. He'd been feeling more and more frustrated as each week passed and on that particular day, he'd finally reached the point where he couldn't wait for school to end before he fucked his adorable boyfriend's brains out. Trapping Butters in the bathroom stall had been so easy, just pretend he wasn't feeling well and needed a hand getting to the bathroom before he got sick. Once there Butters had put up only a token fight before giving in and letting Kenny do what he wanted. But it hadn't been enough, afterwards Kenny still felt as frustrated as he had before. It was then that he'd finally figured out just what was missing.

"No," Kenny replied glumly. "It isn't a question of quantity Kyle. I know I have a reputation for being insatiable but…trust me," even sad, the edges of Kenny's lips tugged upward in a momentary hint of a smile, "He's not as reserved as you think he is. He'd do it all day if I could find a place where we wouldn't be disturbed. And don't think I haven't been looking for a place like that, because I have been."

"So quality?" Kyle pushed, clearly growing more impatient. "Is Butters just bad in bed or something? I always figured he'd be too naïve to be that good, so it'd make sense."

Kenny's shoulders stiffened in irritation at both the prodding and the implication that there was anything wrong with his Butters. Well anything but the problem he had, which was more on his end that his boyfriends. When he replied it was with an edge to his own tone, "There's nothing wrong with Butters. The kid's a natural at everything he does, from fucking to blow jobs. The things he can do with his tongue…he can get me halfway to erect before we finish our first kiss, he's that good. If you don't believe me just ask Stan, I'm sure he remembers."

Stan winced as Kyle stiffened, turning to glare over his shoulder at his boyfriend. Kenny felt bad at bringing up old history, but he wanted some of Kyle's anger off him and on someone else and Stan made a fairly good target at the moment. That and maybe they'd stop being so damned cuddly in front of him.

The guilt was short-lived; it wasn't like he was revealing anything new, the kiss in question had occurred back in seventh grade. It wasn't even a secret, not when it happened at a sleepover in front of at least eight guys in their grade, including Kyle, during a game of Truth or Dare. It was Cartman's dare of course, an unsubtle stab at Kyle who had been vehemently denying his feelings for guys and Stan on a 'truth' question earlier that night. The party had fallen in the time shortly after Stan finally came out and way before Kyle had, so there hadn't been any good reason to stop the fat-asses dare. Besides, it was a kiss with Butters; it should have been completely harmless. The first clue that there might be more to their sheltered friend than any of them ever guessed was when that kiss went on far longer than the ten second peck the dare had required. When they'd finally broken it off, Stan had been panting hard and eyeing the blushing Butters, while most of the other guys were busying hooting and cheering, or like Kenny, staring at the little blonde with new found respect. The only person who hadn't been amused or aroused was Kyle, who had spent a month not speaking to Butters afterwards. And of course, Kyle couldn't offer any reasons for why he was avoiding Butters. Not that they hadn't all guessed why he was so pissed off. It was a month of trying to hide their smirks behind their hands when he stormed off unable to explain why he was bothered by a stupid 'dare-inspired' kiss.

"Well Stan?" Kyle asked between gritted teeth. "Is he that good of a kisser?" Even with Kyle currently facing away from him, Kenny knew those green eyes were probably screaming a more dangerous question, is he better at it than me?

Kenny chuckled as Stan's eyes widened fearfully. It was an impressive feat of bravery that Stan made no move to protect himself or inch away from the red-headed ball of anger sitting so close to his delicate parts.

"Well Ky," Stan licked his lips a moment before going on, "no. In spite of Kenny's claim, Butters didn't get me halfway to erect with just a kiss. I swear."

Kyle relaxed only slightly, but Kenny could imagine his eyes were still narrowed in suspicion. Kenny had to bite his own lip to keep from pointing out the technicality Stan was sneaking under. You can only say that because of the 'half. I'd bet all the money I don't have that he gave you a full hard-on.

Stan's eyes flashed to Kenny's, shaking his head pleadingly at the mischief he saw in Kenny's eyes. Kenny nodded and Stan sighed in relief before pulling the still disgruntled Kyle closer and pecking him lightly on the lips.

"Besides Ky," Stan turned on the charm while pressing deeper kisses against his boyfriends lips once he was sure Kyle wouldn't bite him for trying, "You know I think you're the best kisser I've ever met."

That last bit mollified Kyle, who grudgingly allowed himself to be consoled and kissed into calming down. Kenny took the time to figure out what he wanted to say before his red-headed inquisitor remembered that Kenny was there.

"Anyway," Kenny began when Kyle returned that green-eyed and demanding stare to their guest, "I guess what I'm trying to say is, Butters is good, really good. He's also a total…he won't," Kenny grumbled. Talking about dirty deeds was usually so easy, but that was because he was normally bragging. Now it felt almost like he was snitching or complaining about Butters and that felt wrong. Finally Kenny forced it out angrily, though the anger was more at himself and his stupid inability to be happy with what Butter's was capable of, "I need fucked, damn it!"

Both of his friends leaned back at the vehemence in his tone, confused for a moment. The confusion didn't last long, it was vulgarly put but Kenny couldn't have been much clearer. Comprehension was dawning on both faces and Kenny could almost see light bulbs above their heads finally being turned on.

"Oh," Kyle began, "You mean he doesn't…er no I guess he wouldn't. Not him anyway, he's way too much of a bottom."

Yeah, I noticed. Kenny managed to keep the comment inside his head where the bitterness might go unnoticed.

Stan sympathetically nodded before turning a quizzical gaze to Kenny. "And you need it that badly?"

"I didn't think I would," Kenny said with a sigh. "I mean most of the time, I LIKE being the guy who does the…giving. With girls that's all I did and with most of the guys too. But every now and then I need it the other way. When I was single it was easy to deal with. I could just…take it every now and then when the need hit me. There were a few guys I could go to that I knew could really take charge and just fuck me. Craig, Clyde, Christophe…" You, Kenny's eyes met Stan's, sharing in the silent fourth name on his list. The last part was definitely not spoken aloud and part of why being in the same room as Stan while he was being…the way he got with Kyle, was so torturous to Kenny right now. Stan nodded in some silent empathy as well as gratitude for the omission.

Kenny shrugged in response. It was certainly not something he could bring up. Kyle knew Stan and Kenny had fooled around briefly back before Kyle had come out and they'd become what they were now. Back then Kenny and Stan had agreed to keep Kyle out of the loop on how far they'd gone, mostly because even then it had been obvious Kyle had issues with other people getting too close to Stan. Granted it was Kyle's fault Stan had done anything with anyone else since Kyle had taken so damn long coming to terms with being gay and in love with his super best the whole, 'it's your fault the love of your life fucked me once or twice, years ago,' wasn't the kind of conversation Kenny ever wanted to have with Kyle. Sure death wasn't permanent, but it still hurt and Kyle definitely wouldn't be in the mood to kill him gently.

"So have you tried finding another way to get fucked without Butters having to do it?" Kyle flushed at his own bold suggestion.

Kenny glared, misconstruing the question and being offended at the implication.

"I'm not that much of a whore Kyle. I won't cheat on him. Or bring a third guy in to share him. He doesn't deserve the first and neither of us would be happy with the second. I'd rather…" Kenny balked at saying the last part. The alternative was what he'd been debating miserably, but saying it out loud still hurt. He tried to hide the raw misery in his voice when he finished, "…I'd break up with him before I strung him along or cheated on him. I'd rather hurt him honestly than do something like that."

Kyle reached across the bed to hold Kenny's hand sympathetically.

"Dude, I didn't mean that. I know you really like him… and I know you're not that type." Kyle's hand squeezed Kenny's before he continued, "That wasn't what I meant anyway. When I said another way I was thinking…well…you know…substitutes for a c-," Kyle flushed adorably before forcing the word out, "cock."

Kenny looked at Kyle in confusion.

Kyle blushed redder, clearly too flustered to explain.

Stan fortunately took pity on his boyfriend and finished Kyle's thought. "He means sex toys Ken. Like a dildo or something. Just fucking yourself with something other than someone's penis."

Kenny shrugged ruefully while Kyle flushed at the words even if they'd been his own oblique suggestion.

"Already tried that. It's not the same. There's no feeling of being out of control when it's your hand at the wheel. Or of being dominated. I didn't realize how much that mattered till I was facing the idea that I might never get it again. I don't mind that I'm mostly going to be the top, because he's so damned good at being fucked. And Butters is pretty strong in other ways. Outside of the bedroom he's good at keeping the give and take fair."

Neither Stan or Kyle seemed to believe that last part but Kenny didn't feel like explaining. That was part of Butters that belonged to him alone and he preferred it that way. No one else knew just how much Butters could take emotionally, since he didn't like talking about the kinds of things his parents put him through. Or Cartman. But he told Kenny and more importantly listened when Kenny talked about his own troubles. It was remarkable how comforting it was to have someone who could understand just how very, very unfair life could be and how you just had to grit your teeth and endure. Butters was the one person he didn't have to keep quiet with on anything that upset him, the one person he never had to hold back with or be unhappy with. Until now. Until this…stupid, stupid problem.

"Is it…really that bad?" Kyle began. "I…Stan does almost all the fucking and it doesn't bother him," Kyle's eyes widened in panic as he turned to look at Stan with worried eyes. "It doesn't bother you does it?"

"No Ky," Stan replied with a reassuring smile, possessively pulling his boyfriend closer, "trust me, I have no complaints with just fucking you. Besides," Stan's voice turned teasing, "you can be pretty dominating even when I'm the one sticking it in you."

Again Kyle flushed which caused Kenny to bite back a groan of arousal and envy both. To distract himself he answered Kyle's first question even though Kyle had forgotten it entirely while staring lustfully at Stan.

"Yes it's that bad. I can't even enjoy fucking him anymore. Every time we do it, I just start getting angry. Angry at him for not wanting to fuck me back. Angry at myself for letting something so stupid get in the way of everything we could have. Angry that I can't be satisfied with the mind-blowing fuck I'm in the middle of having. Then when I'm angry I just fuck him harder, which of course turns him on more because he's fucking hot like that. Which should be fucking turning me on more, I mean, god he's so fucking sexy when he's practically writhing under me. But then I just get more pissed off because that's what I want to be getting too. It's just so fucked up." Wow, used fuck a bit much there? I can't get that stupid word off my mind anymore!

"Have you told him all of this? Maybe if you just talked about it and worked around to asking him to be the top, he'd do it," Stan commented, while Kyle just stared, his jaw still hanging low from Kenny's rant.

"Yeah, right Stan," there was no hiding the bitter sarcasm in his voice at this point. "First I'll tell my super sensitive boyfriend how upset I am, knowing he gets worked up when even assholes like Cartman are angry or upset with him. Then I'll give him a guilt complex by telling him that it's partially his fault, and that all the great sex he's been getting lately is because I'm so pissed off at 'us' that I can't see straight while I'm ramming him. And I'll finish off by asking him to push me down and fuck me brainless like the dominating stud he is. I'm sure Butter's would take that real well. I can just hear his answer now. 'golly, K-k-ken, if that's all you wanted, why didn't you just say so sooner? I'll p-pound you something fierce, boy howdy.'"

In spite of the seriousness, Stan had to bite back a snort of laughter at Kenny's Butters imitation.

"Fair enough," he said after regaining control. "But you could still ask him to fuck you. Just say you want to have a little fun with something new and seduce him into saying yes. I'm sure with the hold you have over him, he'd do it. You got him to go skinny dipping with us in the hot tub and his shyness is at least as big an issue for him as the whole topping thing would be. It only took you two minutes of nibbling on his ear and whispering to get him from wringing his hands and blushing, to butt naked and racing for the hot tub."

Kenny chuckled for a second. "Only because I told him how badly I wanted to jerk him off once the bubbles came on and no one could see."

"Sick, dude," Kyle complained in disgust, "We were in the tub with you two."

"Yeah," Kenny smirked, "That's what made it so hot. He couldn't cry out or anything, just sit there and bite his tongue."

"I thought his face was just red from the heat and the whole skinny dipping thing," Stan replied with a grin, far more amused than Kyle. Kenny could almost see the plans running through his dark-haired friend's imagination. Woe to anyone else stuck in the hot tub, next time Stan and Kyle went in.

With regret Kenny returned to the conversation at hand, breaking up the most light-hearted moment he'd had in a week.

"And yeah, I've thought about it Stan. The thing is, it'd be the same as using the dildo, or even worse. I'd still be the one in charge, still be in complete control. And at least I know the dildo will go through with it, there's a good chance Butters would back out before it got past the point where it hurts and starts getting good. Unless I can completely hide my initial pain, he'd start apologizing and going soft in guilt the second I winced. There's also the obvious question …if you have to ask for it to start, and then beg and cajole to keep it going…in what sense are you being dominated?"

Stan chewed his lip thoughtfully, leaving a moment of silence before Kyle spoke up.

"Have you considered maybe…" Kyle's voice grew heavy with embarrassment again, "getting him drunk and getting him to do it?" When both Kenny and Stan stared at him, completely astounded at that particular suggestion escaping Kyle's anti-drinking brain. He flushed till his forehead matched the roots of his hair, but somehow still stammered out his reasoning. "A-a-alcohol can make people act funny. We've never really seen him completely wasted. M-m-maybe it'd make him a little bolder. Then, we'll you'd still be asking, but he would probably put up less resistance, which mean's you'd wouldn't have to be as in control."

Kenny scoffed, "Dude, you want me to get my boyfriend drunk, on the off chance it'd make him an insensitive fucking machine? No way would that work."

Unsurprisingly, Stan took Kyle's side, "Think about it Ken. Even if it doesn't make him want to do it, he'd be more willing to try. And he might be too drunk to notice when it hurts you at first. Once he's in there and moving, I know…well I'd imagine, you're good enough to make sure he's enjoying himself too much to even think about stopping." Kenny was glad that Stan's telltale flush at the near slip and his cover-up was unnoticed by Kyle.

Kenny nodded slowly, but his thoughtful frown let it show that he was not yet fully convinced.

"It has a chance of working," Kyle defended his idea. "Even if you have to do all the work the first time, if you get him to the point where he enjoys it, he's more likely to initiate that kind of stuff in the future. Which is what you want? I know it's a stretch and it definitely won't turn him into a total top, but you don't want that anyway right?"

Kenny nodded, agreeing that a permanent transformation in his boyfriend was definitely not what he desired. This need, even strong as it was, in the grand scale of things was only a temporary thing. Like in the past, once he'd satisfied the urge, it would fade away for probably another six months. Then Kenny could go back to enjoying what Butters did best, which was taking everything Kenny could give him, at any place and time Kenny wanted, with incredibly sexy eagerness.

Stan killed any remaining reservations Kenny had with his final thoughts on the matter, "It couldn't hurt to try, Ken. Unless, you'd rather just give up. And I really don't think you'd be this worked up, if you didn't really care about him. Isn't it worth at least giving a chance?"

Kenny could come up with no argument to that statement. There was no doubt in his mind that even a faint shot at making it work with Butters was at least worth trying, no matter how far-fetched. He's worth that much and more. I guess its time to find out what happens when you get Butters Stotch drunk.