Hello all, my profoundest apologies about the long delay on the next part of this story. I just hope everyone can still enjoy it, especially Sacred, who the story is dedicated to in the first place. Looks like I will be turning this three part story into a four part story!

Disclaimer: I do not own anything

Her hand was shaking as she pressed the 21st floor button. She tried to remember to breath in and out. In a way it still seemed like a dream, that this was just some crazy dream she was having after too many shots. But as she listened to the elevator as it passed each floor, Tifa realized that in reality, yes she had pretty much jumped Elena this morning using the transfer materia on her. Tifa couldn't help but giggle as she pictured Elena freaking out trying to figure out what was going on. Elena was going to be allowed to limited access to people and places, until Tifa had enough time to really be able to give a report of what the materia did. She put her hand through her hair as she does often when nervous, only to ungracefully jerk when her hand quickly pulls through the just above the shoulder length hair. She laughs at herself; that's right, Elena's hair is much shorter than mine.

She takes a moment to look at herself in the mirror. It was the strangest sensation she had ever experienced, looking through someone else's eyes, literally. Having her own memories but Elena's body. Well actually she did seem to have a lot of Elena's memories too, or at least information. As the elevators opened she did her best to casually walk off the elevator and glance around. She had only been on this floor once or twice so she expected to have to be acclimated to her surroundings. However, before she even realized, she was standing in front of a door that said TURKS, Authorized Personnel Only. She then typed in a number she didn't even know she knew and heard the door buzz, telling her that she was granted access. She had arrived, now the hard part...it was time to pretend to be Elena.

The first person she saw was Rude, who was already working diligently at his computer. First test, to bother or not to bother Rude?

"Good Morning Rude!" Tifa said in a way too high sing songy voice. Wow does Elena always sound like this in the morning?

Rude did not respond and a relieved Tifa went to sit down at her desk (even without Elena's memories it would have been easy to pick out, it was the only one with a feminine touch and completely immaculate). It was then that she realized that if she sat down, it may seem odd...Elena didn't like being ignored, that much Tifa knew. So she walked over to Rude's desk and cleared her throat.

"Excuse me, I'm pretty sure I said good morning to you, it can't be that much trouble to open that mouth of yours and say the word hello, or morning, or whatever one word you prefer."

Tifa heard Rude sigh and then say "Morning." in the most monotone voice that is possible.

Tifa smirked a little, "See, that wasn't so bad, was it?"

That time she only got a groan and figuring she had played her opening part pretty well, went to sit down at her desk. She was instantly grateful at how methodical Elena was, she already had her schedule laid out, and what today's agenda was suppose to be. A few minutes later she was completely enthralled in her work. She figured part of it was Elena's feelings, it was obvious she puts a lot of pride in her work, but some of it was Tifa's curiosity. Because today was catch up on paperwork day she was able to see what some of the missions were. Her respect for what they were doing went up each time she read a report, there was so much detail, every possible scenario was thought out and planned for.

"Hello my fellow coworkers I am here to rescue you from the boring hell you are obviously living in!"

Tifa jumped so high she almost fell out of her chair. She glanced over and their was her lover standing their looking very smug and carefree and smirking at the fact that he had startled her.

"Ugh, Reno seriously." Tifa said, annoyed to have been interrupted. Was that her or Elena's feelings?

Next thing she knew Reno was right on top of her, sitting in her lap.

"Oh Lainey, you always make my entrance worth it, you fall for it every time!"

"Reno!" Tifa felt her face turn red, he must have recently put his cologne on because it smelled just strong enough to make her melt, she loved his cologne.

"Hey easy blondee, I'm not going to do anything...too inappropriate."

"Well that's disappointing." Tifa didn't even think before saying it, and immediately began kicking herself, not even two minutes in and Reno already has her distracted from her performance as Elena.

"Ohh, well looky there Elena is in one of her flirty moods. So that can only mean one of two things, Tseng asked you out and you are on cloud nine, or you are in your annual screw Tseng epiphany and are determined to stop pining over our something stuck up his ass boss."

Tifa's mouth dropped open, she couldn't believe that Elena wasn't either in a full blown relationship with Tseng or was still willing to pine over a man for this long. It was then she realized, she and Elena may not be that different when it comes to giving someone their heart.

"Help me out partner, which one do you think it is?"

They both looked over at Rude who had gotten up to get some coffee, he turned around and just stood there, frozen and silent.

"Ah, Rude's giving us his infamous, cold as a statue look, which means he is going with option 2, screw Tseng and not in the pleasurable way."

Tifa started laughing, she had to admit she always was fascinated about Reno/Rude/Elena's interactions and how they weren't trying to kill each other or at least despise each other with their very different personalities and approaches to the job. Elena wanted to do the best work, but wears her heart on her sleeve. Rude is all business. And Reno is anything but business in his approach. Yet here the "three" of them were, and Tifa could feel the closeness they had with each other. There was love and respect, thought they may never actually tell each other.

"The only one going to be screwed is you if you don't get off Elena and start working on your paperwork."

All three of them turned to see Tseng standing in the doorway, staring calmly at them.

Reno jumped off "Elena" and went to his desk, Tifa noticed her body become much more stiff and immediately looked down at her paperwork.

"So what happened, you have a lover's quarrel with Rufus?" Reno snarked as he grabbed a massive pile of paperwork from his files.

Tseng's glared at Reno but did not answer him right away. Tifa noticed that his eyes left Reno quickly and turned to her. She could have sworn she saw a little longing and maybe even sadness flash in his eyes but it was gone as quickly as it came.

"I will tell you if you need to know my business Reno, for now why don't you try to actually get some work done."

With that Tseng went into his private office and closed the door.

"Well something must have went down between him and Rufus, he is definitely cranky earlier than usual this morning." Reno said.


Tifa jumped when she heard Rude speak and suddenly she once again felt like a fish out of water, she could only hope that they would keep giving her more insight to what was going on.

"Wow, Tseng really must have pissed you off this time, normally we would at least get a "serves him right" quip from you." Reno stated like a kid teasing another kid about a crush.

Tifa was now feeling very uncomfortable, she had no idea what response would change the focus back to Rufus and Tseng. She wanted to know more about that.

"Can't we keep the gossip about those two for a change please..."

Reno stared at her for a few long seconds, but then finally answered.

"You're right Lainey, as much fun as it is to pick on your love life, right now Rufus and Tseng are much more interesting."

"How much you want to bet that Rufus is finally ready to get a little pay back on Reeve."

Tifa's mouth dropped for a moment, and her head was spinning with questions immediately. Before she even realized it though she was talking.

" Payback on Reeve? Is Rufus Shinra seriously contemplating a takeover?"

" That's our Lainey, always jumping to the most dramatic conclusion."

"What?" Tifa asked, getting frustrated that she didn't understand what was going on.

"Rufus loves being just a figure head, he still looks like he has some power without having any major responsibility and has been able to make up for a lot of the things both he and his father have done in the past. His life is good right now."

"I don't understand."

"Well that is understandable, since you don't know about the bet between Reeve and Rufus years ago."

Tifa stared blankly at Reno and stayed quiet so Reno could continue.

"When it was decided by all of us that a new organization was needed, it was obvious that Rufus would have to give up power as amends and it would be better PR wise if he was in the background. But there were a lot of Shinra employees needing to work and as you remember no one wanting thousands of workers laid off."

"I remember, Reeve was chosen since he had a link to both sides, as it were."

"Exactly. And Reeve was really good a stroking Rufus ego to help the transition, and then to seal is cooperation....Reeve made a bet with Rufus."

"Very interesting, and that bet was what?"

Reno smirked. "If Reeve did a decent job as head of the WRO, Rufus would owe him a party, celebrating his success and praising him as a boss."

Tifa started laughing. "And since Reeve has done a decent job over the course of the past few years, it is time for Rufus to pay up eh?"

"That's right, but we all know that Rufus doesn't concede easily and while he will honor the terms, I would bet anything that he at least wants to give Reeve one friendly parting shot."

At that moment Tseng's door swings open and he comes back in to join the discussion.

"You are correct Reno, Rufus wants to embarrass Reeve at his party. And has asked us to come up with the right info that would make it happen."

"Tseng, does he want to embarrass him, or humiliate him...is that why you are upset?"

"No, actually it is to be in good fun, the problem is I have no idea what would embarrass Reeve...he is always good at staying cool under pressure and in all my years I can't remember a time that he was embarrassed by anything crude or crazy. So I have no idea what we are going to come up with, but we need to do some digging and fast. Rufus is setting up the party to be in two weeks."

"I have an idea sir."

All of them turn to Rude who has inexplicably decided to join the conversation.

" You could have Rufus call out Reeve's feelings for Yuffie."

Tifa, Reno, and Tseng mouth's dropped open at the same moment and blankly stared at Rude who was still sitting casually in his chair as if he hadn't said anything profound at all.

"EXCUSE ME?" Tifa said loudly, completely in shock.

Looks like Tifa really had picked a good day to be in the shoes of a Turk.