"Rin look at this." Kagome pulled down her shirt collar, revealing a light pink scar shaped like two fang marks at the base of her neck. Rin nodded with a light smirk, pulling at the kimono's edge by her neck revealing a bite of her own. "Check it out.." Rin giggled, laughing at Kagome's expression of shock and confusion. "...Rin! Oh my- Oh my gosh! Who?!" Kagome demanded, Rin's only response a dark smirk which gave it all away. Kagome gaped in a whisper, as if it were entirely unbelievable "...Noo. Get out, girl! Seriously?! Sesshoumaru?!!" Rin nodded slowly, her lips pulling out to reveal a white smile. Kagome shook her head, "How did this come about? Last I knew he was a human, half demon, woman hater. Not exactly leaving the odds very much in your favor."

Rin shrugged, pulling her kimono (yup, right back to those nasty things again) back properly, "Just...as I stayed there...we just grew closer. I mean obviously the time apart, even for a demon, changed our relationship, and as I stayed there, I think we both assumed our relationship would be the exact same in time, but as we grew closer, instead of friends it was...more, I guess. Its just, we didn't even think anything like that of the other person, and so when both of us began to get feelings for the other, it took us both off guard." Kagome gave Rin a dark side look, "Rin you have only been back in this land for four months now, but you have been his mate for what-" Rin blushed, knowing where Kagome was going with this "Four months." Kagome gasped with a smirk, "I knew it! Rin- how many days where you here before you took him to bed?" Rin blushed, gaping now as well, "I'll have you know Kagome that it was not MY doing, I didn't take him anywhere- he came into MY room, HE got on MY bed and-" "Whoah whoah spare me the details here, I don't want know know what my brother-in-law does with his free time kay?" Rin laughed, "Whatever- and for your info Kagome, I was here for a full week thank you very much." Kagome rolled her eyes, "Shame genis book of world records haven't been invented yet, you just might qualify for world longest dating couple." "Pshh shut up Kagome." Rin laughed, shaking her head. Things were different in this time, especially for a demon. It was rare for a demon to come to terms when it came to taking a mate, and when one did, there was no waiting. You were mates. That's just how it was.

Rin rubbed her neck, still smiling, "Speaking of invented things, I'm all for the wedding ring coming out in the future. This whole marking stuff is hardcore. Bit too violent I say." Kagome nodded, in total agreement, "But I just can't believe it Rin. I mean, Sesshoumaru, human, half demon, woman hater- takes a mortal mate? Talk about irony ladies and gentleman." Rin paused, grabbing Kagome's eye contact with a serious look, "Um...not quite Kagome. I mean, maybe at the time, but that's no longer the case." Kagome gave Rin a testy look, conversation less lighthearted than before, "What do you mean, no longer the case? What is..." Rin gave a sigh, closing her eyes so she didn't have to see Kagome's reaction until she wanted to, "Um..I'm immortal now." Rin opened her eyes, seeing a gaping Kagome who was clearly confused. "WHAT?!" Kagome inhaled again for another round of shrieking, "HOW DID THAT HAPPEN?!" Rin took in a deep inhale, then thought better of it and exhaled instead, "It's a LONG story Kagome. In summary, I got kidnapped, some guy angry at Sesshoumaru, turned me immortal...blah blah blah." Kagome immediately nodded in understanding- getting kidnapped was something she was familiar with as well. Not a normal everyday occurrence for a normal person, but on the other hand, normal people didn't hang out and marry demons either.

"So, how is life with Sesshoumaru? I bet he treats you like a princess." Kagome smiled, imagining a happy scene where Rin returns to the West, greeted by a smiling Sesshoumaru with either flowers or some other gift saying "I've missed you," or some other romantic line. Rin shrugged, "Meh, it's great don't get me wrong, but don't fall for the pretty face. He can be just as cold hearted with me as he is anyone else. I quote, "Just because you are my mate does not mean you get to-" fill in the blank." Rin smirked at her afterthought, "....but I thought dying Jaken purple was a pretty clever idea personally..."

Kagome snorted with laughter, "That creepy little toad?! Ha, that is ingenious Rin! But I mean, he doesn't bring you gifts or anything?" Rin groaned, "Don't get me started, he SHOWERS me with gifts- especially kimono's. I mean, look at this thing Kagome." Rin pulled at the silken fabric around her while Kagome oh'ed and ah'ed. "But Rin I don't see why you are so negative sounding, this is really exquisite!" Rin pointed, "And IMPOSSIBLE to move in. He sucessfully makes it so I can't fight or anything. Strategically planned, these kimonos. Like, last time he was going to fight, he sent me away." Kagome gaped in horror, "What?! With all your training and everything?!!" Rin nodded, equally offended, happy to see someone else as shocked as she was, "I know! And I was even immortal then too!" Kagome shook her head, "So why didn't you just demand to stay. You could've put up a fight or something right?" Rin smiled sheepishly, "....He...bribed me?"

Kagome groaned in agony, "Riiinn...a bribe? You accepted a bribe?" Kagome gave a side glare of disappointment towards Rin, who defended quickly, "Hey now you don't know Sesshoumaru like I do! There is no 'my way or the highway' option, it's my way or I'll kill you...so as far as I saw it, I took what I could and ran with it!" Kagome sighed, "Guess so. But what did he bring you, was it worth it?" Rin grinned, "I think so." "Well...what was it?" Rin explained, still grinning, "Well, while I was still at the bad guys hideout, he had this sword that I used- really good sword actually. I could wield it well. So when Seshoumaru came back from the battle, he came back and gave it to me- with the promise he would give me the 'proper instruction' I would need to 'improve' my skill." Kagome scoffed, "Proper instruction? So what...does he like, train you or something?" Rin nodded proudly, "Actually, that is exactly what he does. My being immortal is very much so a mystery to everyone, so my training serves as a way for me to prove to him that I CAN indeed fight, and it allows him to observe the extent of my new being."

Rin cursed slightly, shooting up from her chiar, "I'm late!! I have to be back in the Westernlands or there will be hell to pay.. And by hell, I mean Sesshoumaru will decimate me!" Kagome stood up, trying to stop Rin from her running around the room furiously and grabbing her things, "Rin- Rin this is ridiculous! You just got here this morning, and it's a two day journey from here to there without stopping! Sesshoumaru will understand, its impossible!" Rin shook her head, not thinking as the words fell out of her mouth, "For a normal human, but I'm a demon now so-" "WHAT?!" Kagome shrieked, grabbing Rin's arm. Rin paused, realizing she just admitted even more of the news she had listed out for Kagome, "Uh...yeah. That came with the whole immortality thing. Kinda shocked us both too." Kagome shook her head in wonder, halfway mumbling to herself, "That would explain the demonic aura. Confused me at first, but I just decided that it was somehow correlated to the fact Sesshoumaru was your mate or something. ...Guess that mystery has been solved." Rin nodded, pausing for only a moment, then grabbing more things frantically.

Rin walked out the door, turning around to say goodbye to Kagome "Um Kagome, before I go...I want to tell you something." Rin leaned over and whispered quietly in her ear, pausing for her reaction. Kagome's eyes widened in shock, "...What? You serious Rin?" Rin nodded, Kagome still ad-libbing her suprise "Wow Rin...that is going to be...wow." Rin forced a grin past her fears, "Yeah...well, I seriously have to go. Wish me luck!" Kagome nodded firmly, "Oh I do..I wouldn't want to be in your shoes right now." "Shut up! -Oh! Tell Inuyasha I said hi! Love you girl!" Rin smiled, dashing off into the woods.

Sesshoumaru glanced at the setting sun, holding the bakusaiga lightly in his hands. She was late. What a surprise. Though he knew the second she left for Kagome's village saying "I'll be back before sunset" that she would not, in fact, return before sunset. Suddenly, Rin jumped threw a, now completely demolished shrub, pulling leaves and twigs from her disheveled hair. "I'm here!" she panted, trying to untangle the mob ontop of her head. Though Sesshoumaru really wanted to laugh at the more than amusing sight, he carefully showed no emotion to the frivolous display. Rin sighed, placing her hands on her hips at his look of unamusement, "Hey I ran as fast as I could!" Sesshoumaru remained just as stoic, "Not fast enough. ...You're late" A slight sliver of a smirk made it past his defenses, showing Rin that indeed he did have a small sense of humor somewhere beneath the cold exterior he always had on.

Not wasting any more time, Sesshoumaru flicked the sword in his hands lightly, "Let's begin." And lunged for the small girl in a kimono. "Not fair!" She hissed, untieing the obi as quickly as she could to reveal a more proper attire beneath the layers of silk." (A/n: Picture the whole Songo thing..not exactly like that but it's the proper idea.) Sesshoumaru swung his blade around towards her stomach, and his sword instantly clanged as if hitting a wall. Sesshoumaru glared at Rin, "Rin." he stated smoothly, "explain why you used your shield? It has been an established rule that you are forbidden to use it in training."

Rin exhaled, knowing right away that from this moment on, things would drastically change. "Well...you were going to hit me and...I had to do something..." Sesshoumaru sheathed his sword, giving Rin full eye contact, expecting an explanation. "I have taught you ways to block unexpected attacks at any speed, have I not?" Rin sighed again, wishing that he would just drop it and keep training. "Yeah but-" "But.." "I panicked ok? Sorry I just, I didn't want to get hit! ....Can we just keep training, please? I won't use my shield or any other power that we've discovered, pure swordsmanship I swear." Rin stated in a mini rant, stressed out entirely for such a small issue. Sesshoumaru read her face, and shook his head. "No."

Rin gaped, "No? No! What...what in gods name do you mean no?!" she demanded, sheathing her sword as well, glaring at Sesshoumaru. To this day it irked her when he got heavy on the 'do this' or 'do that' and 'I'm Sesshoumaru, Lord of the blah blah blah' and the firm 'No' definitely qualified. Sesshoumaru grabbed Rin's forearms, "Not until you tell me what you are hiding from me." Rin's eyes widened. God he was too smart for his own good. Rin tried to play it cool "Hiding? What would I hide from you my Lord?" Rin smiled innocently with a bat of her eye lashes. Sesshoumaru's eyes narrowed. Rin only called him Lord when she was hiding something. "...Rin, did you put itching cream in the bathtubs again?"

Rin chocked back a laugh in fond memory. Everyone was walking around scratching themselves for a week straight! It was hilarious! "No Sesshoumaru. I would never take advantage of my position as your mate and do something so childish." Sesshoumaru fought the urge to roll his eyes. "Rin you've never been afraid of getting hurt before? Why now when you know very well your body will heal itself over in less than 24 hours?" Rin sighed in defeat.

"Um Sesshoumaru...I have something I need to tell you." she whispered, staring into the ground nervously. Sesshoumaru was somewhat alarmed by her change in behavior. "Yes Rin?" She kept her focus on the ground, not sure how Sesshoumaru would respond to the news. "Um...I can't train anymore." She didn't look up to see his face, though she was sure that it would look the exact same as if she had never said anything at all. His voice was interested, wanting the reason behind her statement "Why is this Rin? I know you love combat. Perhaps I should be to blame for that... Not that I am complaining, I would much rather you stay safe instead of fight, but why the change?" Rin's face shot up, offended about the whole staying safe comment "Sesshoumaru you've seen me, I kick butt!" Sesshoumaru held her chin, moving his face closer to hers as if it would help him read her better. For the first time in his life, he found it nearly impossible to understand her. "So why do you want to stop?"

Rin tried to move her face down, though Sesshoumaru held it there. Rin adverted eye contact, and could feel tears begin to spill down her face. She didn't want to tell him and make him angry at her. With a deep inhale, Rin sputtered out "Sesshoumaru...I'm...pregnant!" And then words flew out of her mouth like a waterfall like they always did when she was emotional "And that's why I blocked you because if you hit my stomach then it could hurt the baby and I would hate myself forever if I let anything happen and I didn't want to tell you because I didn't plan on having kids for like another hundered years but I think the whole immortality thing messed with my period because all my days were messed up and then I stopped having them and-" Sesshoumau placed a finger over Rin's mouth, waiting for her to make eye contact again. "Rin...is this true?" Rin gave a slow nodd, tears still falling down her face. "I..I was suspicious last month, but now two months in a row I am positive..." she whimpered.

Sesshoumaru shook his head with a small grin, wiping Rin's eyes with his thumb, "All these tears...Rin, this is a good thing!" Sesshoumaru outwardly was giving a faint trace of a smile, though inside he was glowing with pride. His first born. Rin started crying all over again, "I thought you would be so angry and tell me that I was pathetic or something mean like that!" Sesshoumaru laughed, picking up Rin bride style, "Oh my little Rin, you have so much to learn about me still.." Rin exhaled a sigh of releif, trying to subdue her tears. She had been so worried about telling him, she knew she had to soon, it was just so scary. Parents could get mad at you and say you made a bad decision, but if the father of that child says that? You're totally screwed. Though perhaps Sesshoumaru was right, she didn't know him as well as she should.

She grinned slightly, giving a warm smile to her mate Sesshoumaru. Perhaps he was right...but she would have an entire eturnity to prove him wrong. Just her, him...plus baby.


The (honest to goodness) End.


A/N: This is the end forever and ever of this story. It was a sweet story and we leave the couple, now a small growing family. Quite a happy ending in my book. Thank you all for sticking with me! Comments always accepted and appreciated!
