"I will be setting up my empire; you need to go. You will only be getting in the way." The silver haired youkai stated factually. The young girl's sad eyes shot open widely in fear and confusing, "G…Go? …Lord Sesshoumaru?" He ignored her and merely shifted his gaze to the other mortal by him. "Please take her, keep her safe." Rin turned around to face the person he spoke to. She shot her head back around to Sesshoumaru, eyes tearing up accordingly. The voice of the mortal, Kagome, responded with an understanding sadness, "I will."

Without another word, no lingering goodbye, Sesshoumaru turned around and walked away. Rin, knowing no other way of life, cried out with a high childish voice, hand outstretched to his disappearing figure. Kagome held the child's arm tightly as Rin fought and pulled against her. "Let me- Let me go! I have to…I have to be with Lord Sesshoumaru!" Kagome stated in the same tone, saddened by her pain "Rin he is gone! Look, he is already gone!"

------------------------ ---------------------- 8 years later ---------------------- ----------------------

"Inuyasha! Just put it on ok?!" the angry voice of Kagome roared through the Higurashi walls. Rin gave a small sigh, trying to not laugh as she walked toward the center of all the commotion. Inuyasha held a long black fabric in his hand, while Kagome glared at him with some unmet expectation. Not letting things get out of hand, Rin walked over to Inuyasha, rolling her eyes. "Pipe down you two; you'll never make it if you keep bickering like this." Rin stated as she tied the tie around Inuyasha's neck. "There. Now don't you look-" "Ridiculous.." Inuyasha cut in with sarcasm. Kagome took in a deep sharp breath, preparing for a 'sit' command no doubt. "Ah ah ah, Kagome. You don't want to mess up his clean-cut look by slamming him to the ground. Besides, you should be in your dress by now!" Kagome glared at Inuyasha as she turned and left the room defiantly.

Inuyasha sighed, surveying his black tux in the mirror. "This era is so weird Rin…I look like a penguin!" Rin laughed, "I know right? And look at this dress Kagome picked out for me…just be thankful I picked out her dress. Even I have a better fashion sense than Kagome." Inuyasha, still not satisfied, continued complaining, "This is such a waste of time! I am not doing this." Rin laughed again, placing a cap over his head, "Yes you are! Because it's important to Kagome, you will. Plus she already said that once the wedding is over, you guys are going back to the feudal era for the honeymoon. Try not to put up too much fuss; she bent over backwards for you." Inuyasha frowned stubbornly, crossing his arms. Rin continued, "Just dress like a penguin for a couple hours, smile as if you enjoy it, and then feel free to default back to your parachute pants. It's the least you can do Inuyasha." He rolled his eyes, "Fine fine. Anything else you need brat?" Rin smirked, fighting back, "You know Inuyasha…I don't think I've ever seen a wedding where the groom and best men all wear hats…it's just-" "Out!"

Rin giggled as she left, immediately seeking out Kagome. How did she become the Maid of Honor again? So much responsibility would usually give her a headache. It was a wonder how her head hadn't exploded yet. Rin maneuvered her way through all the bridesmaids and other wedding personnel, up to Kagome's room. She politely knocked on the door frame before barging in, "Knock knock Kagome, I'm coming in kay?" Before Rin even turned the handle, Kagome opened the door widely "Rin!! Help I can't zip the dress up!!" Rin was taken back for a few moments by the urgency in Kagome's voice, then regained her senses. "Kagome, Calm. Down. I'll zip it ok? Just…chill." She said, staring at Kagome with concern. Kagome inhaled deeply, obviously more stressed out than ever. After a few efforts, Rin had the dress zipped and gorgeous. "There. See? No freaking out. Zero stress. You're just getting married…people do it everyday.. Well…not everyone gets married…I've never gotten married….and some people get divorced and are miserable…and others sometimes…but…I mean.." Now realizing how pathetic she sounded, and how little good her speech must be doing, Rin smiled widely, trying to cover up her speech "Aw, you're so pretty! Go look in the mirror!" Kagome, falling for it, nodded merrily, "Right.."

Seeing herself, Kagome's eyes widened in shock. "Is this… me?" Rin nodded, "Inuyasha will be amazed, I told you the dress was a killer." It was classic. Long, white, simple…perfect. (Nothing like the bridesmaid dresses) Kagome continued staring at her new self "You really think so Rin?" Rin opened her mouth to respond accordingly, though was interrupted by the playing of an organ. Sounds like it was time for everything to begin. "Hey Kagome, that's my cue to get down there. Don't be late ok? Put your veil on and head down, don't dilly-dally." Rin left quickly, meeting with the rest of the bridesmaids. "All set." She stated tiredly, just in time to be ushered out onto the isle.

She smiled warmly at all the attending guests, scanning the best men for Souta. Finally able to make contact with him, she signaled to her hand, assuring he remembered the rings. He gave a quick thumbs up, and the ceremony continued as planned. The music shifted, and everyone stood up to greet the bride. As Kagome stepped up, Rin smiled proudly. That really was an amazing dress. It fit Kagome so well, and Rin was able to steal a glance at Inuyasha, who couldn't tear his eyes away from his bride. Just the way it should be. After the vows, I do's (the whole nine yards) the wedding closed and the crowd moved to the garden for the reception. Everyone except Rin. She had duties to take care of first.

Rin headed back to Kagome's room, packing for their upcoming trip. Just about the time Rin finished, the reception ended and Kagome walked into the room. "Hey Rin.." Rin waved back, pushing a bag towards her "All packed. You are free to set off for the honeymoon." Kagome looked at the bag happily, glad she didn't have to do it. "Really? Lets see then." Rin grabbed the bag back, "Gladly, allow me." Rin unpacked certain things, showing off her collection.

"Well, you have a full weeks worth of individual outfits…if you want to stay longer just wash them in a river or something…uh lets see here, I grabbed a swimsuit, birth control, medicines, and a lifetime supply of lingerie…isn't this one pretty? My personal favorite." Rin joked, holding up a piece of silk that made even Kagome blush. "R-Rin! Just how old are you again?!" Rin smiled evilly, "I'm seventeen Kagome. Not the kid you brought here anymore, remember?" Kagome brushed the hair from her forehead, "Right…seesh I think I am more sheltered that you…if that's possible."

"Kagome!" Inuyasha called through the door, "You ready yet?" Kagome jumped "Uh...almost! …Rin! Help me get outta this thing, it's killing me!" Rin sighed miserably. Clearly Kagome did not appreciate such a rare find in dress ware. She unzipped it, glaring at Kagome as she tossed it to the ground. Rin handed her the usual schoolgirl outfit. "Here. It's tradition." Kagome nodded, "Sure, I really don't care at the moment I just want out of here." Rin handed her the bag, "Here, don't forget this!" Kagome smiled, opening the door "Thanks Rin!" she handed the bag to Inuyasha, who grunted in surprise, expecting to grab her and not the bag. Kagome walked back to Rin, "Oh I am going to miss you so much!!" Kagome hugged her tightly, and whispered in here ear secretively, "Go into my closet and open the green shoe box." She pulled her away, smiling as if she never said anything, "You are the best ever. See you when I get back, ok?" Inuyasha grabbed her wrist and started pulling her away. She called back to Rin, still continuing to give her more instruction. "Oh, take care of Buyo! And-" Rin called out to them "Bye! Have fun….Don't kill each other!!"

Only after she was sure they were gone, did Rin dash into the closet in search of this green shoe box Kagome told her about. Sparing nothing, Rin tore through the closet with speed, until she finally found the box. She tossed off the lid onto the floor and pulled out the one envelope inside the box. She tore it open more carefully, and pulled out an old piece of wrinkled paper. It had Kagome's handwriting on it. It was a letter, addressed to her. Rin read it slowly


If you are reading this, then it sounds like you've grown up huh? Wow…I wonder what you are like! No doubt you will remain the selfless innocent girl you have always been. See, today is the first day you've been here in this era. You haven't stopped crying! I decided on my own, against Sesshoumaru's knowledge, that it isn't fair for me to hold you here in my era. I decided that when you are old enough, wise enough, to make your own decisions, that I would let you. I don't know how old you are now, but you always were smart, so you probably know where this is going. If you want to go back to the feudal era, then taped to the bottom of my letter is a jewel shard. You know how I use them, and because your true time is the feudal era, you should have no problems getting back.

As you can tell, this is all about choice. If you want to stay, I will gladly keep you as my little sister. If you want to go, I will always support you no matter where you go, or what you do. I don't want you to worry about me though. I've got Inuyasha remember, so I will be fine. I'll be happy. I want you to be happy too Rin. And when the time comes for you to read this, you will know what you need to do, and where you need to go.



PS= Hey! I just wrote this last paragraph last night. Oh gosh I am getting married Rin!!! If you decide to go, stop by Kaedae's village. It's right by the well and it won't be hard to find. Also, Sesshoumaru did set his empire up, though I would talk to Kaedae for details. As said, don't feel pressured to go. If you want to stay here, please do. You are amazing…but I can't keep you caged up. Do what you think is best for you ok? And don't worry. If you have a jewel shard, in time, I will run into you again. Good luck Rin!"

Rin folded the letter slowly, lost in thought. It had been so many years sense she had been in the feudal era. Eight years to be precise. Did she really belong there anymore? Then again, did she truly belong here in the future either?

Rin ran down to her room, quickly gathering her things before her logical half got a hold of her and forced her to think things through. She didn't want to think about it, that would just complicate things. Kagome was right though; she can't just stay caged here in Kagome's time. And Kagome had a double meaning with the jewel shard. It allowed her to come back to. Her leaving the future was not a final decision, she could always come back anytime she wanted to as long as she had it. She might as well visit, right? It would be nice to go back…and see Lord Sesshoumaru. Rin's mood lightened dramatically. Lord Sesshoumaru. It had been so long…not like time changed him, but it definitely changed her. It had been so long. Too long. At that moment, Rin's mind was made up. She was going back.

End of Chapter 1: More to Come!

Authors Note: Hey guys! My name is Midnight, and this is my first published story. This is only chapter one though! I have a huge long story/plot line planned out and it is going to be good! Hope you guys liked it, though the real story has obviously just begun. I will be typing all night to get up part 2. (Part 2 and 3 is already written, I just write everything on paper, and then type it, so it takes a bit.) If you guys would please leave me comments or pointers…just let me know you are out there really…I would appreciate it so much! Enjoy the parts to come, cause it starts to pick up from here on and won't stop till the end! (Remember, comments and pointers people, comments and pointers.) Thanks guys!
