Eric has decided, over the ages, that he likes change. It is necessary – how bored he would be, otherwise – for those who will never die. He likes technology, especially, but also enjoys witnessing changes in fads, opinions, attitudes.

But in his more nostalgic moments – of which there are very few – he will admit that there are downsides to change – well, one, in particular.

He may have lost her decades ago but her face is etched into his mind.

Many of them had had and lost human loves over the ages – a terrible secret they refuse to acknowledge, even to one another.

He has a vampire companion now – nearly her opposite. Dark to Sookie's fair, more cruel than compassionate, ethereal rather than grounded, homey.

But it is for her eyes that Eric chose her, because they are Sookie's eyes – not just Sookie's blue, even, but the exact shape and size, too; Rain's affected air of innocence lights them up, evoking Sookie in all her glory.

Eric will only recognize this connection on his nostalgic days – and, of course, only to himself. Every other day of the year – every day not marked by her death – Eric pretends that he chose Rain because they are a good, strong match; she, too, has the air of a capable leader.

Tonight, though – tonight he will remember. And tomorrow night – tomorrow he will be back to business.