10/21/14: I've cleaned up the first 4 chapters. I'm hoping to start this up again in a few weeks. I have the outline finished, so it's just a matter of writing. Enjoy!

It wasn't fair. Then again when was life ever fair. He soon hoped to change that. Jun had just dropped off his stack of post cards into the mailbox. There was nothing left he needed to do for the day. He didn't feel like going home just yet. He knew his mother and her flavor of the week would be there, and Jun really didn't want to deal with the drama.

The time was eight o' clock. It was Friday. The Giga Macho was unusually quiet. The cashier was spending the remaining hours of her shift reading the latest issue of "Coolest Magazine." A group of kids from Seven Sisters were looking through the new releases. Jun made his way to the international section. He picked up a Johnny Cash CD and ran the barcode through the scanner. He donned the earphones and listened to the playlist. Though he didn't understand the meaning of the words being sung, he enjoyed the tunes none the less. Certainly more so than the cacophonous sounds of today's hip hop and rap culture.

The strumming of an acoustic guitar filled his eardrums. A baritone voice sang a relatively up beat melody. The track title read, Burning Ring of Fire. Jun didn't know what the words meant, but he liked the song.

"Hey punk, whatchya doing in our store?"

Jun flipped through a few more tracks on the listening station. He liked the CD he picked up and decided to purchase it. The Kasugayama Senior was a bit annoyed at the group of Sevens boys blocking his path to the register.

"Hey I'm talking to you punk!" The largest of the group said as he pushed Jun. He was forced to step back a bit, but he didn't fall. Jun was surrounded by the five Sevens boys. Their features were nondescript and ordinary. Nothing he would remember later. He caught one of the boys looking him over.

"Hey, it's that fag that everyone's been talking about. Always starting trouble and shit." said one of the boys. Jun decided to have a little bit of fun at this boy's expense.

"I don't know about starting trouble, but I'd be willing to start something with you if you're interested." Jun didn't give the boy any time to respond as he grabbed the boy's tie and firmly pressed the boy's lips to his own. The boy's muscles locked up tighter than the most fortified of bank vaults. He let the boy go.

"Fuck man, did you see that?! He kissed me." The boy yelled as he wiped his lips with his hand.

"You little fag, your going to get your ass…" The ring leader didn't get a chance to finish his statement as a voice from behind him interrupted.

"I hope you boys aren't causing any trouble."

"Look buddy, this doesn't concern yo….Officer…" The large boy had opened his mouth without even looking to see to whom he was speaking. The man standing behind the group wore a pair of ruby shades. His police badge was hanging from a chain wrapped around his outstretched hand.

"It's getting late, you boys should be heading home." The Officer said. He was tall and handsome. He looked familiar to Jun, but he couldn't remember from where. Too bad the Officer didn't seem to be the type to swing his way. He wouldn't mind having him as arm candy.

"Look Officer, you can't just send us home for having a conversation." The large boy argued. He really didn't have a clue.

"Very well, you can have it one of two ways. Either you walk home quietly and without a fuss, or we can all take a ride in my cruiser to the Juvenile Center where you can have a nice sleepover party. Option one means the employees on duty don't file a complaint for a peace disturbance. The other obviously would mean they would file a complaint, in which case, I would have to do something about it myself. Am I clear?" The Officer explained. Jun could tell the Officer wasn't pulling any punches with this group. It sounded like he had to deal with this kind of crap on a regular basis. Jun kept quiet. If anything he could always play the "innocent little Jun" card and get out of this crap with the Sevens kids.

"Crap, come on guys. Let's get out of here. Okay we're leaving Officer…?" The ring leader asked.

"Officer Suou. Don't let me catch you causing any more trouble. Got it?" Officer Suou said. He was polite despite his earlier ultimatum. The boys just nodded and left. Jun overheard one of them mention something about Officer Suou's brother. He couldn't make out exactly what though.

"They didn't do anything to you did they?" Officer Suou asked. His demeanor had changed from a hard ass cop, to that of a caring, if almost older brother type. A bit caught off guard by the change, Jun could only nod his head.

"That's good. Go ahead and get whatever you need to do here done. I'll take you home." Officer Suou said. Jun took his purchase to the register and paid for his CD. Officer Suou was waiting for him outside next to his cruiser. From the car's appearance, Jun guessed Officer Suou had some rank. The cruiser was a sleek black car. There were no insignias or logos on the car.

The only indicator that it was a police cruiser was the flashlight mounted on the hood of the car. Jun noticed that the interior of the car was impeccably clean as he took the front passenger's seat. Even the back of the vehicle, where suspects were put was spotless.

"Where to?" Officer Suou asked. It took a moment for Jun to register that Officer Suou was asking him where he lived.

"Hirasaka District." Officer Suou started up the cruiser and headed in the direction of Hirasaka.

"If you don't mind me asking, why is a kid like you going to KasuKou High?" Officer Suou asked. Normally Jun wouldn't be bothered with small talk, but Officer Suou's brotherly like demeanor was a welcome distraction from is normal brooding self.

"As you saw, I seem to have a talent for getting into scuffles with groups of bullies. However, instead of me being beaten to a bloody pulp, I usually leave my would be assailants on the floor writhing in pain. As effeminate as I may look, I am fully capable of protecting myself. The reason I ended up transferring to KasuKou High was because everyone thought I was starting the fights." Jun responded. He didn't know why he was telling Officer Suou about himself. He hated opening himself up to others.

"I didn't mean to upset you. I'm sorry." Officer Suou said. Jun felt bad. He didn't mean to push Officer Suou away because of a simple question.

"Don't worry about. I don't." Jun said as he glanced at Officer Suou to gauge his reactions, he noticed that there was no sparkle to his eyes. Jun knew from observing others that even the people who hated their lives always had some sparkle to their eyes. Some were bright, some were dim. It indicated to him that these people had a dream for themselves. Officer Suou's eyes conveyed an emptiness so deep that Jun was curious as to how someone so young could not have a dream.

"I don't plan on staying at KasuKou forever. I someday hope to help others realize and fulfill their dreams." Jun said. He had to play the cards in the right order for this to work. He didn't want Officer Suou to lock up before he got the information he sought. Officer Suou's eyes darkened a bit at the mention of dreams. For a moment Jun thought he had pushed too hard, but Officer Suou spoke up.

"Dreams are overrated. The best thing anyone can hope to do in this cruel world is to survive and hope fate won't kick them in the teeth." Officer Suou stated. Jun now knew that something had happened to where Officer Suou lost faith in his dreams. Something catastrophic. He decided to push a little be more.

"If you don't mind me asking, what was your dream? I have the feeling that being a cop wasn't part of it." Jun asked. Officer Suou looked like he would break down at any moment. Jun decided not to push any further.

"You're right. Being a cop was not my dream… It was my father's. My dream died ten years ago after my father was disgraced. My dad used to be a cop, but he was convicted of corruption and jailed. I had to support the family because my mother is completely useless at being anything but a wife, though sometimes I question that too. I gave up my dream in order to support my ungrateful brother. I love him dearly, but he doesn't see how good he has it. I became a cop because of job security and so I can hopefully clear my father's name some day. But the longer I stay a cop, the more I realize how futile my efforts at regaining the possibility of living my dream is." Officer Suou ranted. Jun was beginning to think he pushed too hard. In the store, Officer Suou seemed to be an unshakable pillar of authority, but here he was almost to the brink of tears.

"I never wanted to be a cop. My father had this notion that his sons would follow in his footsteps. He was not pleased to say the least at my preferred career choice. Tch, You'll laugh if I told you what my dream was." Officer Suou said.

"I promise I won't." Jun was quick to respond.

"sigh…Well, my dream job was to become a patissier, or as most people would call it, a baker, but it's better translated as a dessert chef. I know it sounds silly, but that was my dream." Officer Suou said. Jun felt really bad for the man sitting next to him. His dreams had been sundered and he was forced into a mold he made people think he fit in, when in fact he didn't.

"I don't think it's silly at all." Jun said as he gave Officer Suou a sympathetic smile. They sat in silence for some time. Another thing Jun noticed was the lack of music coming from the car's stereo. Every now and then he'd hear a voice over the police radio, but nothing else. He knew from prior rides, that there were no rules to playing music on the radio as long as it wasn't loud enough to interfere with work.

"I was wondering, what kind of music do you like to listen to?" Jun hoped the change to a lighter subject would brighten the mood a bit.

"To be honest, I don't really listen to music. I find it too distracting from what needs to be done." Officer Suou confessed. Jun was a bit taken aback by the response.

"What would need to be done that was so important that you couldn't find time to relax and listen to a bit of music?" Jun asked. He was intent on hearing Officer Suou's response.

"Well, for starters, I need to make sure my brother is taken care of. Two, I need to see to the injustice done to my father because no one else is going to do it. Lastly, crime doesn't rest and relax, so neither will I." Officer Suou stated. Jun was and yet wasn't surprised by the young policeman's answer. Officer Suou's answer troubled Jun as well. It was very automatic. As if the answer came from a robot as opposed to a human. Jun could definitely tell there was a possibility of psychosis going on with the man sitting next to him. Jun chose his next words carefully.

"You would be doing the city, and your brother a great injustice by not relaxing every now and then. If you're not rested then you won't be as effective in your duty. You're only human you know. Besides, you brother needs to fall a few times on his own if he's to learn how to walk. You can't be there for him all the time holding his hand. He would end up resenting you for it. It won't be loving him any less than you do now if you let him deal with some of his problems on his own. Please trust me." Jun could see Officer Suou picking apart his words.

"Speaking of your brother, I overheard that group of kids from Sevens mention something about him. I couldn't make out what they were talking about though." Jun said. This statement brought Officer Suou back to reality.

"They were talking about him. Because I interfered with their business, so to speak, they plan to take it out on him. However, after talking with you, I'll try not to get involved with his life too much. I'll go ahead and let him deal with this on his own. He should be fine." Officer Suou stated. Jun was surprised by the sudden change in ideology. He was having trouble understanding Officer Suou. First the man wanted nothing more than to be a shield for his brother, now he was willing to allow five rather large boys beat the crap out of him the next school day. Jun decided to remain silent for the rest of the ride.

They made it to Jun's house just after nine thirty. The house he lived in was average looking. It looked no better or worse than any of the other houses on the block.

"Before you leave, I have one question. Did you really kiss that boy?" Officer Suou asked. Jun was a bit startled by the seemingly random question. However, the abrupt question brought a smile to his face.

"Yeah, I did. Are you uncomfortable near me now because I'm gay?" Jun had to smirk at Officer Suou's reaction. The man shifted in his seat a bit. He was so cute when he did that.

"No, but I should warn you that it is considered harassment to kiss someone, man or woman, without their consent." Officer Suou advised. Back to the role of the cop. Jun had to admire Officer Suou. Despite how unfair life was to him he could shake it off, or at least make it seem like he could.

"Alright Officer, no kissing without permission. Thank you for the ride home." Jun got out of the car and started towards the front door of his house.

"Before you go take this." Officer Suou handed Jun a card. It had the standard business card information in it. Jun learned that Officer Suou's first name is Katsuya, which he found to be incredibly adorable. On the back of the card was a phone number.

"My personal cell phone number is on the back. If you need any help, that's the best way to get a hold of me. Take care." With that Officer Katsuya Suou drove away. Jun put the card in his pocket and walked into his house. It was immediately apparent that his mother wasn't home. Jun didn't mind. Even though his mood had improved slightly, he didn't want to deal with her at the moment.

"Jun, could you come in here for a moment." His father's voice called from the study.

Jun cringed slightly. His father was home. His father wasn't a bad father, or person, but Jun was starting to think his father had gone off the deep end. The postcards he sent out today only solidified his beliefs. Who in the fuck would believe that someone called Joker could grant wishes if you called your own phone number? Jun would believe that when pigs could fly.

Jun's father was finalizing the manuscript for In-Laqetti. Jun thought the book was a lot of bullshit, but far be it for him to say that out loud to his father. Especially since it was his father's life's work.

"Yes father." Jun hoped he didn't want to have another long winded conversation about some random "prophesy" from his book.

"Monday after school, I need you to take this manuscript to Kismet to get it published." Jun's father didn't even bother to look up from his papers to address him.

"Yes father." Jun said before taking his leave. He didn't want to stay there any longer than he had to. Jun closed the door to his bedroom behind him. It was about 10 o' clock now. Jun wasn't tired, but he didn't feel like doing his homework either. He decided to update his horoscopes page. He didn't know why he bothered to do so. No one ever read it.

Having nothing else he really wanted to do, Jun took out the card Officer Suou gave to him and examined the number on the back. Feeling daring, he got out his phone and sent a text to the number on the back.

'You know, if you're ever curious, I'm legal. :p'

A text came back about a minute later.

'Are you coming on to me?'

Jun stifled a giggle. He sent another text. He decided to play coy.

'Curiosity killed the cat you know.'

Not even a minute went by when the response came in. Jun couldn't hold in his laugh at the text.

'I'm not hearing a no.'

Jun was quick to respond.

'Someone is feeling rather adventurous tonight? Are you sure it's okay to flirt on duty?'

The next text caught Jun a bit off guard, but he had to smile at it none the less.

'Sorry about the earlier texts, my brother got a hold of my phone. I hope he didn't say anything too embarrassing.'

Jun sent a response back, then waited for the shoe to drop.

'You mean I was flirting with your brother?'

The next text took a few minutes to come in, but when it did, Jun couldn't help be laugh.

'Shit. Wow, this is awkward.'

Jun felt bad for the cop. He was probably thoroughly embarrassed by the whole thing.

'I was only playing. Don't worry. I figured we could both use a laugh. No hard feelings?'

Jun was feeling a bit anxious now. He didn't want to push the elder Suou away because of his antics.

'No hard feelings. However, I'm going to strangle my brother right now, so I'll talk to you later. : ). '

Jun had to giggle at the last text. He felt better now that he knew he hadn't bungled up a potential friendship. He set his phone down and turned the lights off. His sleep that night was met by unsettling dreams.