A day had passed since Itsuki's visit to Yuki and now, it was time for her and the others to go to school. As the silent girl walks the familiarized way to the school grounds, she saw the familiar view of students walking the same way, some were talking with their friends and others were hurrying, she herself knew that she would arrive at her class at the exact second so she does not change her pace for walking.
As usual, to do something while walking, she take's out a book from her bag and put's her glasses and starts to read while walking, she does not bother to look forward since she had already memorized the way and the outline of the road though but as they say, accidents may happen anywhere and anytime.
She herself did not notice that the knot of her left shoe was suddenly untied and her right foot had stepped on the knot, as she was about to step her other foot, the knot was pulled and her feet was outbalanced, she did not had anytime to react since the flow of gravity took over her body and she starts to fall forward, she had just braced herself for the heat of pain but it did not come, instead the feeling that connected to her body was the warmth of comfort, a warmth that she was very familiar of.
"That was close, Yuki-san." Said by the voice whom had saved her, the very familiar voice that her ears were longing to hear since she woke up that morning.
"…Itsuki." She said and when she looked up, she was right; the esper was the one who had hugged her body to save her from falling.
"Good morning." The esper said, slowly after her line of thinking had come back, the alien had slowly straightened herself and had then released her body from the deputy chief, much to the dismay of both of them.
The purple haired girl then looked at her left shoe and saw that the knot had been cut.
"It seems that your shoes had reached their limit." The esper commented.
"Yes…" the alien replied and started to tie back the knots but to no avail.
"There were some extra pair of shoes in the club; maybe we can borrow one of those." Itsuki suggested, the girl then nods her head and the two walks towards the club room.
The alien had already analyzed the way to walk without the need of too much lifting but that also made her look that her knee was hurt, luckily no one always stands close to their clubroom because of their infamous leader so no one really saw her in that state.
"Here we are." The deputy chief said and since that was his rank, he had a spare key though there was a hidden key just underneath the plant pot near the door, it was supposed to be used if someone other than he or Hauhi had first arrived at the clubroom, he then opened the door and let the girl walk in first, Yuki sit's at her usual spot while the esper looks for a pair of shoes.
"…" the alien was looking outside and then just started to think today's events, she had then remembered that she was supposed to buy a new pair of shoes yesterday but because of Itsuki's sudden visit, her plans were ruined but being with the esper really had enjoyed her, though she really needs to look out to those kind of accidents, next time, the deputy chief might not be there to save her again.
Being reminded by the way the esper save her again maked her cheeks flush slightly, she save a very small note in her mind that she wouldn't mind being in an accident as long as the Itsuki was there to help her.
"Here, Yuki-san, these are your size." Itsuki suddenly said which caught the girl off guard as she had quickly spun her head to his direction with wide eyes.
"H-Huh? What?" she asked shockingly.
"The shoes, it's your size, though your only allowed to wear it for today, that's what the note stuck on it says." The esper said, he doesn't seem too surprised by her reaction but of course, he wasn't doing this on purpose.
"O-Oh…yes…of course." The alien said, she then busied herself with changing her shoes while Itsuki waits patiently for her.
After a minute, she then had then stand up straight, she had already analyzed the way the shoes should be used so that it won't suddenly cut its knot, just so to be on the safe side, she just left her old shoes at the club room while Itsuki left a note that he was just borrowing the shoes for today and left it where he took the shoes, he then looks back to Yuki.
"Alright, it fits." Itsuki said, he then started to carry his and her bag which both of them had left at the table, "Come on, Yuki-san." He said as he hands her bag.
The alien blushed slightly when their fingers connected; she then nods her head and two of them walks out of the club room, the esper locked the door and they continued their way towards the school.
When they had changed for their school shoes and just before they take their separate ways, Itsuki called for Yuki's attention.
"By the way, Yuki-san." The esper started just after changing his shoes.
"Yes?" she asked after changing her shoes herself.
"I was just wondering, you were going to buy a new set of shoes right?" the deputy chief asked.
The alien nodded, wondering where this discussion will take her.
"Well, I know this pretty good shop where they sell good shoes, do you want to come there with me?" he asked while the girl had again blushed.
"Me and him…?? Is this what humans called date…!?" the silent one wondered.
"What do you think?" The esper asked.
"Well, I-" just as the alien was about to answer, the school bell suddenly rang, signaling that classes were about to start.
"Oh! Well, let's continues this back at the clubroom, later for now, Yuki-san!" Itsuki said as he ran for his classroom, leaving the alien standing in midsentence.
"He…left…" Yuki said but she then remembered that she too should also hurry to her classroom; she had then started to run at the hallway.
As usual, nothing much had happened to classroom until lunch break came, though because of different classes, Itsuki and Yuki's lunch time were different so they did not meet there.
Instead, Itsuki was eating lunch with Kyon and Haruhi since their lunch time happens to be almost together, they were eating bread and juice from the canteen while sitting at one of the benches.
"munchmunch, Food at school always change though that's why I like eating in here, munchmunch." Haruhi said while eating.
"Yeah, sure thing." Kyon said while drinking his juice, the esper only smiles at this scene.
"Oh! My juice is empty; I'm going to buy another one, okay? Save my spot for me!" the goddess leader said as she ran back to the canteen.
"Man, she just eat two yakisoba special, no wonder one pack of juice wasn't enough for her." Kyon said as he bites his croissant.
"She's just hungry, Kyon-kun" Itsuki said as he too took a bite from his Ja-Pun.
"Yeah, whatever." Kyon said and resume eating until he remembered something, "So, I heard that you and Yuki-san came together to school."
"I see the news travels fast, it's true if you're asking." The esper answered and drank his strawberry juice.
"Then, is this going to develop into something more?" Kyon asked seriously.
"It has a potential to." Itsuki answered though this isn't the answer the human wants.
"Don't give me that, you know what I mean!" the chore boy said, loud enough to show the esper that he really is serious about this talk.
"…If you're asking if I will let this relationship develop into something more, then my answer is that I do want it to but of course I'm not planning on forcing Yuki-san if she does not want to." The deputy chief explained with equal seriousness to Kyon.
"…hmph, that's all I need to hear." Kyon said and then resume eating his bread.
"…I see you're really looking out to Yuki-san's well being." The esper brought up.
"Of course I do, I already have a deep debt to her for always saving me, the least that I could do is to make sure that nobody hurt her emotionally." Kyon said while looking a side glance at the deputy chief which did not go unnoticed.
"I'd rather die in the most painful way than hurt her in anyway possible." Itsuki said while looking to the only human of their group with a serious face.
"I'd remember you saying that, because if you break that promise, I'll be the one to hurting you painfully to death." Kyon warned the esper.
"I'd remember that." Itsuki replied and the smiling his usual smile.
"Hmph." Kyon then finished the discussion of that topic and concentrated on eating his croissant.
"By the way, how was it like to have a date with a goddess?" Itsuki suddenly asked which cause Kyon to cough his juice.
"H-How did you know about that!?" Kyon shoutingly asked.
"Well, as an esper, I have a good sense of feeling and hearing those near me, and I also heard it clearly since the volume of your talk was rather high." Itsuki said playfully and also gives the chore boy his usual smile after saying it.
"What!? I didn't know about that!?" Kyon shouted.
"Heehee." Itsuki giggles.
"Ugh, stop doing that, it gives me the shivers, and there's nothing really to tell about, just imagine a normal date." The chore boy said and quickly followed it up, "as normal as Haruhi can get I mean."
"Yes, I can just imagine it, being able to see it helps on remembering it." Itsuki thoughtfully said which cause Kyon to now cough up his bread.
"Y-You're there!?" asked again loudly by the chore boy.
"I was just passing that restaurant you were eating by to go home when I noticed you and Suzumiya-san there, that took my interests so I watched from outside where you won't notice me." The esper explained, "And I must say that the events that followed it are really interesting."
"Why you-!?" when Kyon just had an urge to strangle the smiling man in front of him, Haruhi suddenly came back running.
"Hey! Sorry it took a while! The line was pretty long!!" explained and shouted by the goddess leader.
"What! Haruhi!" Kyon suddenly looked at the goddess and when he looked back at where Itsuki was, he was already gone.
"I'll leave you two alone now, have fun!" Itsuki said when he was at a safe distance from Kyon.
"That guy…" the chore boy said though deep inside, he was glad that he was alone with Haruhi.
"Hey Kyon! Huh? What happened to Koizumi?" Haruhi asked when he was at the chore boy's side.
"Well, his time's up, he needed to go back to his room." Kyon explained.
"Oh, then I guess we'll just have to enjoy the remaining time with only two of us." Haruhi said though her voice really was that of happiness.
"Yeah, sure." Kyon said, also equally happy.
Finally after a few more hours, the school had ended. When Yuki got into the door to the clubroom of the SOS brigade, she noticed that it was locked so she used the hidden key at the pot, she then took her usual place at the seat near the window though now she hadn't had the feeling to read any novel as usual so she just sat there and ponders if she will say yes or no to Itsuki's offer.
After a few minutes, the door had opened, she looks up and sees the leader of the brigade and her favorite 'toy' Mikuru enters the clubroom.
"Alright! Today we will continue yesterday's project and wait for someone to call us everyone! Be ready!" the leader announced.
"Good afternoon, Nagato-san." The time traveler said where the alien nodded her response.
The routine went the same, they have to wait for the boys to be in the room so that the official meeting may commence, Mikuru had already started on making her tea, as usual while the leader was typing something on her computer, as usual though the only unusual one was Yuki since she wasn't reading a novel like always.
"Here you go, Suzumiya-san." Mikuru said as she hands a cup of tea near the computer.
"Thanks." Haruhi said, still looking at the computer screen, the time traveler then heads towards the alien's direction.
"Have some tea, Nagato-san." The time traveler said as she set's the cup in the table near the alien.
"…" the purple haired girl looks at the cup and then the retreating back of the time traveler, "Mikuru-san." She called.
The time traveler was surprised since it was pretty rare that the alien would actually refer to her, the goddess leader seems to have also heard this as she stops typing and slightly looks at the two.
"Yes? Nagato-san?" Mikuru asked.
"Well…when a boy asked you to go out alone, would it be considered…dating?" the alien asked, this again shocked the two.
"W-Well, it depends on the situation I guess, you could only call it a date when you and ummm the guy were boyfriend and girlfriend…" the time traveler nervously replied.
"How do you define someone as a boyfriend or girlfriend?" the alien asked innocently.
"W-Well…ummm…how do you say this…?" Mikuru was very uncomfortable at the subject; she was also blushing very hard now.
"…??" Yuki still was wondering since she still doesn't know much about these things.
"You're boyfriend and girlfriend when you two feel something hot when you're near each other!" Haruhi exclaimed and she was suddenly in front of the alien.
"Hot?" the said alien asked.
"Yeah! Though it depends on the gender. For the girl's, it's like when you just make some teeny-weeny skin contact, you'd feel your cheeks radiating, that's how!" Haruhi further explained.
"!!" this caught the attention of the alien; she then remembered how she felt that morning.
"And also, when you're near him, you'd feel your heart pump so fast that it might explode, or in other sense, you'd feel safe when your near him!" again explained by the goddess leader.
"…" now Yuki was listening attentively.
"And finally, you'd feel that if you lose those feelings, then you won't be able to complete your day." finally said by the leader.
"…I see." Yuki said, now she knows that those feelings were what she had been feeling ever since that day when she was in Itsuki's back.
"That's one way of explaining it, I guess." Mikuru said.
Suddenly, someone knocked at the door to the clubroom.
"It's open!" Haruhi replied to the knock.
The door opens, revealing the two missing members of her brigade.
"Sorry were late." Itsuki said.
When the alien felt the presence of the esper, she quickly stands up and walks towards his way until she was in front of him.
"Is there something wrong, Yuki-san?" the deputy chief asked.
"…" the alien was looking at him straight in the eye.
The other three-fifths of the brigade were staring at them.
"…are you…my boyfriend?" Yuki suddenly asked.
Kyon and Mikuru were surprised by this sudden question while Haruhi watches the events unfold with interest.
"No…" Itsuki said, this caused the girl to suddenly be sad until the esper followed up his statement, "Not for now at least."
"What do you mean?" the alien asked with hope in her eyes.
"If you would allow me to then I certainly will be your boyfriend." The esper started which lift the hopes of the girl, "But I have to ask you something."
"…I will do anything." The girl said, determinedly.
"Can you be my girlfriend?" Itsuki asked.
"…I already am." Yuki answered which cause the esper in front of her to smile a true smile on her.
"This is something…" Kyon said, he then looks at the brigade leader, "Hey! Haruhi!"
"I know!" answered by the goddess, "Yuki! Koizumi!" she called.
"Yes?" asked by the two.
"Since Yuki has just recovered, it wouldn't be good if she over works herself so I order you to rest for the day." The leader started.
"I understand." The girl replied.
"Good, now Itsuki, I want you to make sure that Yuki does rest, you will guard her until she tells you to, do I make myself clear?" she asked.
"Understood." Itsuki said with a smile, Yuki had also smiled on this one.
"Then you may go now." The goddess leader declared.
The two then heads out of the clubroom.
"So, about my question earlier…" Itsuki said.
"Is it a date?" Yuki asked.
"If you want it to be one." The esper replied.
"Then, I do take the offer." The alien answered.
The deputy chief chuckled, "Okay, let's go then." They had then started to go out.
"They're gone." Mikuru said, she then hears some sound and then looks at the leader of the clubroom who was picking up lots of camera, "Umm, what are you doing?? Suzumiya-san?"
"What does it look like to you? I can't let them have all the fun, you know!" the leader of the brigade exclaimed, she then gives all of those cameras into the arms of the time traveler.
"What do you mean?" the said time traveler asked.
"Kyon!" the goddess leader called.
"I know, I know." The human replied, "Sorry Asahina-san but I promised Haruhi that we'll go to another date today."
"Again!? Really!?" asked shockingly by the time traveler.
"Yep! So you better start spying on us!" Haruhi declared.
"Sorry, I guess I really enjoyed myself yesterday that I didn't know what I was saying." Kyon apologized to the time traveler where she only shakes her head.
"No, it's better this way." Mikuru said and then smiled at the human.
"Now that that's settled, let's go!!" shouted by the goddess leader and the three of them then head off the clubroom.