A/N: I don't own anything but the writing. I hope that everyone enjoys this final chapter. Thank you for the support on this story over the years. It is finally done! Go on and enjoy.


"Check on the cave." Mesogogg hissed as Zeltrax trembled.

"I don't understand why you left that Black Ranger alone with her."

"He can't possibly save her. If he moves or even touches her, the table she is on will blow up." Mesogogg growled. "Now check on them. I want to watch as he blows the love of his life away."

Zeltrax did as Mesogogg demanded. It took several minutes before the picture came up but when it did, they saw Dr. Oliver without his helmet on standing at the control panel with the Blue and Yellow Rangers.

"I think they found a way to stop the spinning." Zeltrax muttered as Mesogogg took a step closer.

"They can stop the spinning all they want too, it won't matter." He remarked.

They watched as the rangers turned off the laser and stopped the table.

"Foolish ranger, all he will see is the bomb now. He will know that if he does anything, they will die." Mesogogg laughed as the rangers left Dr. Oliver knelt down to see the bomb.

"Are you sure he can't rewire it?" Zeltrax asked.

"Yes." Mesogogg hissed as they watched the Black Ranger stand up. "What are you thinking, Dr. Oliver?" He mused.

They watched as Tommy closed his eyes. A few moments later, he started glowing white.

"I don't think this is a good sign." Zeltrax muttered as they watched pink ribbons start wrapping around Kimberly's body.

"No, it's not possible." Mesogogg hissed. "Those powers were destroyed."

"What powers?" Zeltrax asked. He was confused about what was going on. Dr. Oliver was the Black Ranger and shouldn't be glowing white while the former Elsa was the White Ranger and shouldn't have pink around her.

"Their Ninjetti Powers." Mesogogg spit out. "I know those powers were destroyed. There is no way they could access them."

"Looks like they did." Zeltrax remarked as Mesogogg spun around to look at him. "I'm sure there is a reasonable answer to this."

"Find out what's going on." Mesogogg ordered as Zeltrax nodded and rushed over to the computer. He turned back to the screen and watched as they were engulfed in white and pink light. They all but disappeared in the lights seconds before the bomb exploded.

"I guess he moved her." Zeltrax commented.

"Find out if they exploded or if they got out." Mesogogg demanded.

"You said it yourself that they couldn't escape." Zeltrax pointed out. "They are dead."

"Just do it because if they contacted their spirit animals, they might just have gotten out." Mesogogg hissed. "I want them dead if they are still alive." He growled before storming out of the lab.

Zeltrax pulled up the cave and tried to search for their signatures but he couldn't find anything. "They have to be dead."


"Did they make it?" Kira cried.

"I don't know." Billy replied as he typed at super speed.

Hayley moved back as she watched Billy work. She was impressed with his speed, but she wondered if it was enough. Had Tommy saved Kimberly? Was it possible that their spirit animals were not enough?

"Kira, let's go upstairs." Krista said gently.

"No!" Kira yelled. "I need to know if they are alive." She said as tears streaked made tracks down her cheeks.

"Kira, please go upstairs." Trini stated. "We will be up there to join you in a few minutes."

"Actually if all of the dinos will go upstairs, we will join you in a bit." Jason said in a quiet voice.

His tone scared the dinos as they nodded and ushered Kira upstairs. The others besides Billy looked at Jason and wondered why he ordered the dinos upstairs.

"Jason, what are you thinking?" Trini asked quietly as she placed her hand on his arm.

"Billy, tell me this minute if they didn't make it." Jason demanded.

"Jason, I honestly don't know." Billy said without looking at him. "I'm working as fast as I can."

"I can't…" Jason started before choking up. "Billy, I can't lose them." He said as his eyes filled with tears.

"Oh Jason." Trini cried as she wrapped her arms around his waist.

The others stood in shock as they watched the Original Red Ranger break down in his wife's arms. They've never seen Jason break down like this so they didn't know how to help him. He had always presented a strong front to them, so to see him as anything but strong was never racking.

Hayley looked back at Billy and saw tears streaming down his cheeks as he continued to work on finding them. She wondered where they went if they did make it out. Where would they teleport to?

Everything went quiet as Billy stopped pecking away at the keyboard.

"Did you find them?" Rocky asked in a strained voice. He had been crying, as had everyone else in the room.

Billy removed his glasses to wipe his eyes before putting them back on. "I can't find any sign of life." He admitted. "I don't know if they made it."

"If you can't find any sign of life then they could have gotten out." Adam remarked, trying to stay positive.

"It's possible." Billy hedged.

"What do you know that you're not telling us?" Zack asked.

"There should be a power trail of where they escaped. I can't find it."

"So they probably died in the explosion." Aisha voiced each word shaky as it left her lips.

"Everything indicates that outcome." Billy replied. "I'm sorry." He whispered.


"Kira, are you okay?" Krista asked.

"No." She cried as Trent picked her up and sat down with her in his lap.

He knew she needed comfort right now.

"Kira, they could be still alive. I mean they are some of the Original Power Rangers." Ethan remarked. "They were great rangers."

"Were being the operative word." Kira cried as she buried her face in Trent's chest.

"They are not dead." Connor stated. "Dr. O wouldn't have risked your mom."

"I don't feel any connection with her anymore." Kira revealed.

"What are you talking about?" Krista asked.

"I share a connection with her. I could see images of her smiling, talking, just playing with me. It was something warm and comforting but now it's gone." She whispered. "It's gone because she's gone."

"No, they are gone." Trent said rubbing his hand across her back. "Billy just needs time to locate them."

Kira shook her head as she cried. She was soaking Trent's shirt with her tears but she couldn't stop. She had lost her mother for good this time.


"I can't find any trace of life." Zeltrax announced as soon as Mesogogg stomped into the room.

"Good then let's attack the rangers. They will be weak from losing their mentor. I want to destroy all the rangers today." He stated.

"Yes, sir." Zeltrax said before walking over to the computer to choose a monster. It would need to be something that would destroy the rangers. He couldn't find anything worthy though. Nothing would be able to take the rangers down. "Except me." He whispered.

Turning he knew what his plan would be. He walked into the machine and closed the door. It was time to become a super Zeltrax.


The alarm in the basement startled everyone. Most of them jumped when the sounds pierced the air.

"Is it Tommy and Kimberly?" Jason asked as Hayley and Billy shook their heads. "Then what is it?" He asked.

"It looks like Zeltrax is in the park but there is something very different about him." Hayley replied.

"He's a super Zeltrax." Rocky stated as everyone glanced over at him. "What? You know like Super Shedder from the Ninja Turtles."

"Hun, you watch way too much TV." Aisha said patting his arm.

"Maybe so, but he's right." Billy said bringing up the readings on Zeltrax. "I don't know how he did it but it appears as if he combined several monsters into him."

"See Super Zeltrax." Rocky said smugly.

"With an army of tyrannodrones." Hayley remarked.

"I'll get the rangers." Trini stated as she went upstairs.

"Do you think they can handle Zeltrax's upgraded form?" Katherine asked.

"I don't know but we're going to find out." Hayley said. "Tommy was working on something before he was encased in amber. I guess now is the time to test it." She said getting up.

"Where are you going?" Connor asked as the dinos and Trini appeared in the basement.

"You five are about to face an upgraded Zeltax."

"Super Zeltrax." Rocky stated as Aisha glared at him.

"Oh like Super Shedder?" Connor asked as Rocky nodded. "That's so cool."

"Wait, a Super Zeltrax?" Krista asked as Connor and Rocky nodded. "We can barely handle a normal Zeltrax, how are we going to take down a Super Zeltrax?" She asked.

"When Tommy designed the morphers, he knew there would come a day when your basic powers would not be enough." She stated as she looked at the teens. "Every ranger team has had to upgrade their powers. It's your turn now."

"So what do we do?" Connor asked.

"Once you morph and appear in the park call out Super Dino Power." She replied. "Your powers will be enhanced but you can't maintain the advanced morph long."

"What happens if we are still fighting him and our powers give out?" Kira asked.

"You will have to manage fighting him without Super Dino mode." Hayley stated. "Defend him before they are exhausted."

"What are we waiting for?" Trent asked as Connor smiled and stepped forward.

"Dino Thunder Power Up! Ha!"

Once the rangers were morphed, they jumped on their cycles except for Trent. He jumped on Tommy's ATV. They exited the basement and made their way to park.

"Do you think that they can do this?" Katherine asked. "Advanced powers are not stable."

"They can do this, just like all of us did." Jason stated. "I have faith that they will defend him before their powers give out."

Hayley smiled as she sat back down at the computer. She and Billy typed away as the battled was displayed on the screen for everyone to see. They then began running scans of the area. The rangers didn't need any surprises while they were fighting.


As soon as the ranges appeared in the park, they jumped off their cycles and ATV to face Zeltrax with his army of tyrannodrones.

"Okay guys; let's get as many of the tyrannodrones gone before we step up the battle." Connor suggested as the others nodded. It was a good way to insure their Super Dino mode wouldn't give out before actually facing Zeltrax.

They spread out as the tyrannodrones rushed them.

Kira flipped back before sinking once more to sweep her leg through the tyrannodrone's legs. The minion fell as she jumped up to kick another one that had rushed up behind her.

Krista circled a tree before grabbing one and slamming it against the tree. It bounced back into another one before they both fell and ate dirt.

"I don't think so." Ethan muttered, as he broke free of a tyrannodrone, only to rush back to him. He kicked backwards and connected. Seconds later the tyrannodrone fell backward as Ethan looked around to the other rangers.

Trent was faring better than the others were because he really knew how to destroy them. He was taking out three at a time. It was impressive but compared to how many Connor had taken down, it was barely anything.

Connor was running superfast around a small group of the tyrannodrones to trip them up. When he came to a stop, they tried to stop but ended up knocking into each other and falling over.

"You think speed will defend me?" Zeltrax questioned as he fired a blast at the Red Ranger. It hit Connor and knocked him to his back.

"Connor!" Krista yelled as she ran to his side. "Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yea, just a little winded." He replied as he sat up and shook his head. "We have to take care of the tyrannodrones before we can even attempt to fight him." He stated.

"The only problem with that is that we will be tired." She pointed out as he stood up.

"Then don't use that much energy. We have to deal with them first." He said as he grabbed her and spun her around away from a tyranndrone that had come up behind her.

"Thank you." She said as he nodded.

Trent picked up a tyrannodrone and threw it into the tree before being knocked aside by another.

"Are you okay?" Ethan asked as he blocked an attack on Trent while he was down.

"Yea, I wasn't ready for that last hit." Trent said as he sprang up to his feet. "You know I think I liked it better on the other side. I didn't have to fit these guys."

"But you had to fight us." Kira pointed out as she flipped over to them.

"True." Trent agreed. "How about you scream for us?" He asked glancing over at her.

"Cover your ears." She commanded as she let loose a scream that send the tyrannodrones to the ground along with Zeltrax. The tyrannodrones disappeared leaving only the rangers and Zeltrax.

"Ah, Pink Ranger let's see what we can do about that voice of yours." Zeltrax yelled as he flashed to her side.

"What?" Kira asked as Zeltrax grabbed her around the throat.

Kira reached up and grabbed his hands. She tried to pry his hands away from her throat but she didn't have the strength. If she couldn't move his hands, she would pass out or possibly die at his hands.

"Didn't think I could get to your side as fast as that Red Ranger?" He asked as the other rangers circled them. "You better stay back or I will kill her." He yelled looking at other rangers.

"Super Dino Power!" The rangers minus Kira yelled out. Their suits transformed in a flash of light. The diamonds on their suits became spikes that became three-dimensional. They could feel the power coursing through them and their gems. This wasn't just a power boost; this amplified them and their powers.


"They need help." Trini said as she watched Zeltrax squeeze Kira's neck. "Can you do something?"

"No." Hayley replied.

"What about Justin? He has his Turbo powers." Jason said.

"They are not recharged from the last time." He answered. "I didn't realize how weak the Turbo powers are."

"What about our Ninjetti powers?" Rocky asked.

Hayley shook her head no. "Did you not see what happened to Tommy and Kimberly?"

"The blast had nothing to do with their powers." Aisha stated.

"Your Ninjetti are just as weak as the Turbo if not more. When was the last time you called on your animals?" Hayley asked.

"Wait." Billy said as he glanced at the other Ninjetti. The look on his face was something the older rangers knew well. It was 'Billy's thinking face', as Kim called it.

"What's wrong, Billy?" Adam asked.

"Did you guys feel anything right before the blast?" He asked watching them closely.

"Yea." Aisha whispered.

"I did too." Rocky said.

"What's going on?" Jason asked not understanding what Billy was talking about.

"I'm not sure but if my theory is correct, the rangers will get the help they need." He said turning back to the computer.

"Who?" Tanya asked.


"Let her go, Zeltrax!" Trent demanded, holding his shoulder in pain. He had hit it wrong the last time he landed on it.

"I think not. Her parents have caused me too many problems. Since they are now gone, I have to take my revenge out on her." He said squeezing harder.

Kira vision blacked out as she tried to fight to stay conscious. She wouldn't let him win.

Zeltrax fired at the rangers and sent them all to their knees in pain. "I think I'll destroy every one of the Power Rangers. It would solve all of my problems." He stated firing at them again.

As Kira swayed on the edge of passing out, she thought she saw a flash of pink and white. She wasn't sure if it was her imagination since everything was black to her now. Dragging in a deep breath, she felt her body go limp and slip out of Zeltrax's grip. It was too late. "Just don't let my friends die." She whispered as she hit the ground.

"Kira!" Trent yelled as the rangers struggled to stand up.

Zeltrax fired more blasts at them to prevent them from getting near the Pink Ranger. They would not help her because he wasn't finished with her. He hadn't meant to release her but something had caused an ache in his hand causing him to release her. In fact, his hand still throbbed. He didn't know why but he would find out then destroy her.

As he took aim once more, a flash of white and pink knocked him to the ground. "What?"

"You dare touch my daughter?" A voice yelled as the pink and white flashes formed two bodies. "You dare to try to kill my daughter?" The voice called out again as the flashes faded.


"I knew they couldn't be dead!" Rocky yelled while throwing his arm up. "I just knew it!"

"How though?" Tanya asked.

"Because they didn't feel a loss before the explosion." Hayley explained.

"Exactly, the Ninjetti are linked but we didn't feel Tommy and Kimberly's link break." Billy explained. "I didn't think about it at the time. There was no way they could be dead since we were not in pain."

"You know sometimes, I'm glad that I passed my powers on before becoming a Ninjetti." Zack stated. "The powers sound cool at times but just too consuming at others."

"I agree." Tanya said with the shake of her head. "I had hard enough time as a Zeo and Turbo Ranger."

"Billy, are Tommy and Kimberly okay to fight?" Trini asked looking at the screen.

"They are more than okay." He replied. "Their Ninjetti powers give them the added powers to take on Zeltrax with the rangers."

"Okay, good." She whispered as everyone looked back at the screen.


"No, you're dead." Zeltrax said as he stood up.

The rangers were shocked to see a Black and White Ranger standing in front of them. They knew it was Dr. O and Kimberly but their suits were different from the last time they saw them. Dr. O's was still black but it had white on it now. Every line was edged in white now. Kimberly's suit was of course still white but it was edged in pink. It was liked their powers had combined to make them stronger. It was like their upgraded powers except their suits didn't have the spikes.

"Dead? I think not." Tommy said.

"There was no trace of you in that cave." Zeltrax stated. "I know because I checked it myself."

"Of course there wasn't." Kim said. "We escaped."

"No, couldn't have escaped. The bomb was rigged to explode the moment he lifted you even an inch." Zeltrax argued.

"Well it might have been but he didn't lift me." Kimberly said. "We flew out of there."

"Rangers don't fly."

"We do." Tommy said folding his arms across his chest. He looked very at ease even though they were facing an upgraded Zeltrax who had tried to kill a ranger.

"Impossible." Zeltrax yelled as Tommy unfolded his arms and grabbed Kimberly's hand.

They disappeared in flashes of white and pink again and knocked Zeltrax back to the ground before reappearing in front of him.

"You were saying." Kim taunted as she glanced at Kira.

The Pink Ranger hadn't moved yet but she knew she was still alive. She could feel Kira's life force all through her.

"You will pay for that." Zeltrax yelled as he turned and fired at Kira.

"NO!" Kimberly screamed as she flashed to her daughter's side.

"Kimberly!" Tommy yelled as he flashed to her side as well.

The other rangers didn't know what was going on. They hadn't seen Tommy act like that before.


"Just like high school." Jason mentioned as everyone agreed.

Hayley groaned before looking over at Billy.

"What's wrong Hayley?" Trini asked when she noticed her look.

"Mesogogg is joining the battle. I don't know where he is but he's close to the park." She stated.

"Well of course he is since it's the big showdown." Rocky muttered. "Man, I really want some powers."

"Cool it; we don't need any more former rangers out there." Hayley remarked.

"Don't worry he's not leaving this basement." Aisha stated as she grabbed his arm. "Right?" She asked looking at her husband.

"Right." He stated as everyone hid their smiles. They knew that rocky was scared of his wife but then again most of the men were scared of their wives. It was something to marry a former female ranger.


Kimberly made it to Kira's side in time to block Zeltrax's blast. She deflected the blast with her bow as Tommy joined her.

"I will destroy you rangers!" Zeltrax yelled at them.

"I don't think so." Kim yelled back.

"If he doesn't then I will." Mesogogg hissed as he appeared next to Kimberly. "I knew you were a strong ranger." He stated as he grabbed Kimberly's arm.

"You don't know the half of it." Kim sneered as she broke his hold, ducked down, and swept her leg through his. She flipped back up and backed away from him.

"How about I take your precious daughter?" Mesogogg asked as he stood up and eased toward Kira.

"Do it and you will meet a former Evil Green Ranger." Tommy warned as he stood next to Kimberly's side.

The other rangers made their way over to Tommy and Kimberly while watching Zeltrax closely. Krista eased next to Kira and shook her awake before helping her to stand.

"You might want to upgrade your powers." Krista whispered as Kira nodded.

"Super Dino Power!" Kira shouted as she transformed.

"Oh look, the Pink Ranger has decided to wake up and join us." Zeltrax stated as he joined Mesogogg.

"I think it's time to take this battle to new heights." Mesogogg stated as he pulled something out and fired it at Zeltrax.

The rangers watched as Zeltrax grew. It wasn't something they weren't used to, but they had hoped to keep this battle on the ground.

"Okay guys you take care of Zeltrax." Tommy stated as they nodded and called on their zords.

"Did you forget about me?" Mesogogg hissed as Tommy looked back at him.

"No, I know that Kimberly and I can take you." He stated as Kim nodded.


The basement fell silent as they watched the zord battle with Zeltrax and Tommy and Kimberly's battle with Mesogogg. It was probably the quietest the rangers had been and Hayley was starting to worry about them. They were not a quiet group but she was focused on the battle because she needed to make sure the zords were working properly.

"Use the power sword." Jason whispered as Hayley smiled.

She knew everyone standing behind her wanted to be in the megazord with the dinos right now. She didn't blame them. They once held this job of keeping the Earth safe from the bad guys.

The rangers did call on the power sword. One swift swing of the sword had Zeltrax falling. He didn't explode like the other monsters instead, he transformed into a man.

"Who is that?" Rocky asked looking closer at the screen.

"I don't know but I'll have the rangers bring him back here." She said as she contacted Connor and told him to rescue the man.

"It's Tommy and Kimberly's time." Jason said.

"They can handle this." Trini supplied with a smile.

All the rangers sat back and waited for the show with Tommy, Kimberly, and Mesogogg. Tommy and Kimberly had a major score to settled with Mesogogg.


Tommy and Kimberly blocked and attacked Mesogogg. They would fall but then get back up still fighting. They knew it was their job to destroy the monster. It fell to their shoulders and they intended to deal with it.

Tommy reached out for Kimberly's hand. "Together?"

"Together." She agreed as she took his hand.

They turned into flashes of lights and attacked Mesogogg from both sides. One last blow delivered by Kimberly had Mesogogg falling and exploding like the fireworks on the 4th of July.

"I think we need to get back to the basement." Tommy said as he helped Kimberly to stand.

"Okay." She said as they teleported back to Tommy's basement.


Once all the rangers made it back to the basement, they relayed the battle in detail. The former rangers all smiled as they listened to the teens recap the showdown. It was a sight to see.

They learned that the man who had appeared after Zeltrax was destroyed was a former friend of Tommy's. He had been working on the island with Tommy and Anton Mercer. His name was Smitty. He was thought to be killed in the island explosion or at least that's what Tommy was told. No one would have ever thought that he would be turned into Mesogogg's minion.

They also learned that Mesogogg had been a part of Anton Mercer until he had found a way to separate himself. Anton was fine if not just a little out of his mind. Trent had left to check on him before coming back. When he came back, he reported that his dad was unaware of who the Power Rangers were along with who Mesogogg was. It was the best possible senario for him and the rangers.

"I've missed you." Jason whispered as he pulled Kimberly in his arms. "Don't ever leave me again."

"I'll try not to." Kim whispered as she squeezed him tight.

He released her only to watch herbe picked up by Rocky.

"Rocky." She squealed as he laughed and hugged her tight. "I've missed my Ape man."

"Of course you have." He said before setting her down.

Everyone crowded around her then to hug her and welcome her back. They decided to turn the victory into a celebration and homecoming. They ordered enough pizza for everyone and Rocky to eat. It was just like high school all over again for the former rangers. It was also a welcoming party to the newest rangers to finally join the family, officially.

"So where did you two go when you flew out of the cave?" Hayley asked before taking a bite of her pizza.

"Not sure, it was just like we were in limbo." Kim replied. "It was like our spirit animals wanted to make sure we were really okay before letting us come back.

"Yea, it was weird." Tommy stated. "At least we made it to the battle in time."

"True, because I'm not sure we would have survived, if you weren't there." Trent mentioned.

"I know I wouldn't." Kira stated. "I was on the verge of death when Zeltrax released me." She admitted.

"Our spirit animals would not have let you die." Kim said as she placed her hand on Kira's. "You are my daughter and a part of me just like the crane is."


Later that night, Kimberly slipped out back for some fresh air. Everyone was celebrating Meosogg's defeat along with her homecoming. It was overwhelming but she was happy to be back. She couldn't believe she had been gone for almost three years. It felt like she had only been gone a few days until she looked at her daughter.

Time had not stood still with Kira. She couldn't believe the changes in her daughter. It was sad to know she had missed so much with Kira but she intended to make up for it. The biggest thing to do was tell Tommy. He needed to know her secret.

"I thought I'd find you out here." Tommy said as he slipped out the door.

"Just needed some fresh air." She stated. "Thank you for saving me."

"I just wish I could have saved you sooner." He mentioned. "We've lost so much time."

"I know." She said as he wrapped his arms around her. "I do need to tell you something that I should have told you a long time ago."

"You love me?" He teased as she laughed.

"Well yes I do love you but that's not what I was going to tell you."

"I'm listening and I'm not going anywhere."

"Kira is my daughter." She said slowly.

"I did know that." He said. "It took me a while but then again I'm not that observant when it comes to teenagers."

She smiled before continuing. "Okay well she is also your daughter."

"I knew that as well." He said shocking her.

"How?" She asked.

"Well I didn't know until Mesogogg said in the cave." He replied. "I did feel a connection with her that I didn't with the others. I thought it was just because she was wearing pink."

"You're not mad at me?" She asked.

"No." He answered with a sigh. "I'm mad I missed so much of her life but then I remember, you've missed the past three years."

"Yea." She whispered. "I'm sorry for not telling you sooner."

He nodded and led her over to one of the chairs on the deck. He sat before pulling her into his lap. "Kimberly, I know that we've not been a good place in our lives. We didn't live in the same place or even on the continent some years."


"I can't be mad at you for something I should have known inside of me. I've always known when something is different with you but I didn't pick up on us sharing a child."

"I wanted to tell you so many times but it never seemed right." She admitted.

"I understand."

Kim wrapped her arms around his neck as they sat there in silence. The years echoed through minds. All the missed time led them to this moment. It wasn't ideal for them because they would have loved to been together all those years, but they had a chance now.

"You know I love you." Tommy said breaking the silence.

"I know." She whispered. "What are we going to do?"

"I want you and Kira to move in with me. I want us to be a family like we were always meant to be." He replied.

"You want to marry me?"

"You better believe I want to marry you. I want my ring on your finger along with my name following yours." He stated. "I'm all in."

Kim smiled. "I'm all in too." She stated before kissing his lips softly. "You think we need to go back inside and let our daughter know?"

"Yea and I need to warn Trent to treat her like a lady." He stated as he set her on her feet before standing up.

"Why?" She asked looking up at him.

"Appearing our daughter is following in her mother's footsteps because she fell in love with an Evil Green Ranger."

"Hey, I can't say that I regretted falling in love with my Evil Green Ranger. He is the best thing in my life besides my daughter." She shared as he laughed.

"Of course I am but they are young. He needs to know the boundaries when it comes to our daughter." He stated.

"I do feel bad for him."

"Why?" He asked.

"Because he is about to have every former male ranger warn him to stay away from Kira." She answered. "I hope he is strong enough to stay with her."

"We'll see." He said as he grabbed her hand and led her back inside.


Kimberly smiled as she watched her daughter crossed the stage to accept her diploma. Several changes had occurred over the past month. She and Tommy sat down with Kira to discuss everything. Their daughter took everything in stride. She could have been angry at everything but she wasn't. She told them that she accepted their choices and was just happy to be a family again.

Jason had asked where Kim would stay and when she told him she was moving in with Tommy, he demanded a wedding first. It didn't bother them since they were getting married anyway. They just moved up their timetable to appease Jason. The day after their wedding, everyone helped moved Kira and Kimberly into Tommy's house. Jason and Trini had stored Kim's things after she disappeared.

They hadn't gone on a honeymoon but they would as soon as Kira started college. They didn't want to take one before because it would cut into bonding time. They had plenty of time to be alone but only two months to be a family with Kira.

Kim had gotten a job at the school with Tommy, teaching Ms. Anne's classes. It was a funny situation but at least she had a job.

They rangers including her and Tommy had laid down their powers. They still had their gems since those were bonded to their DNA. If evil were ever to arise, they could just get the morphers from the basement. She personally hoped that nothing evil ever came back to Reefside. She wanted to enjoy her family without anything Power Rangers connected to it.

"She looks like you." Tommy whispered as he squeezed her hand.

Kim smiled as she squeezed his hand back. "I can't believe she is graduating high school. It seems unreal." She whispered.

"I can't believe Connor is graduating." He whispered as she shook her head.

"Did you look at his GPA?" She asked. It had shocked her how high Connor's GPA had been.

"I still think that's a misprint." He whispered.

"Oh please." She muttered. "You gave him an A."

"I might need to go back and look at those grades again." He teased as they watched Connor walk across the stage to accept his diploma.

Once graduation was over, everyone headed to the café to celebrate. Hayley had closed it for their party even though several people had tried to book it over the past week. She wanted the teens to have it to themselves with their families and former rangers.

It would be the last time that everyone was together like this unless another evil being attacked Earth. She personally hoped that it didn't happen even though history wasn't on her side. The teens deserved a normal college life. There was always another set of teens ready to take up the mantle and fight.

She glanced over and saw Tommy, Kimberly, and Kira sitting in the corner. He was smiling and laughing. She was glad he finally found Kimberly. He had his family that he had always wanted with her. He might have missed a lot of their lives, but he wasn't letting it affect him. Tommy was a one-of-kind man that had finally his dream.


Okay so what did everyone think? Please let me know one last time. Thank you again for the support you have shown me with this story and all of my stories.