A/N -This whole story is dedicated to a dear friend of mine, Jonathan, I love you babe!

The aftermath.



It resounded in my head.

People gathering around me, I blocked out their screams as I looked at the floor, blood dripped down from my lips. Harry ran away. I should have known, known this could never work, known this was always coming…I just didn't know it would hurt so much. There was a knife in my heart not because I had lost him but I had hurt him more than I thought was possible…just because I was a selfish bastard.

I pushed my way though the people shouting at me, as if they didn't exist, they didn't matter to me, none of it mattered to me I just stared at the door.

"H-Harry.." My one love, Harry Potter, hated me. My thoughts clouded my mind, I stumbled holding my bleeding jaw. I walked to the window and pressed my hand against the cool glass, when I looked out, Harry had already vanished .The people still persisted to yell at me, but it was all a blur of noise.

I needed to find Harry, I needed to make this right. I pushed passed the people with all my might and burst out of the door, rushed though the lobby and out of the building. I ran my hand through my hair, I tried to collect my thoughts together before the mob came for me. Where would he be? I asked myself.

"Oi! Malfoy! I hope you're fucking proud of yourself!" Dean Thomas exclaimed, but I was already out of ear- shot before I heard anyone else.

I sprinted down the road and I could hear a few people running after me still shouting, I picked up my broom, mounted it, and I flew into the night. I tried to forget about the stupid thing that I had done, all the lies, and what Harry screamed at me, this was the one time in my life, were I couldn't just give in and let it go.

I came to a grinding halt and landed on the pavement which caused a few drunken men to stop in their tracks. I looked at them and smiled weakly trying to act casual.

"HARRY!" I slammed my fist repeatedly against the door of his apartment. I slowly rested my head on the wood, I knew that if he was here, there was no way in hell he was going to answer. "Listen Harry, I'm so sorry, I wanted to tell you, but it got out of hand, I never meant to hurt you….I love you…" Silent tears dropped to my shoes as I closed my eyes. "I've always loved you…" I didn't know what else to say to the door which might have Harry on the other side. Nothing I could say or do would justify what I did.

An hour passed.

I was sat down with my back against the door, the bleeding had stopped but my shirt was ruined. I figured he wasn't there, so I'd wait for him, for as long as it took. "I don't know if I have said I'm sorry enough times, but… I know it's not enough…" I stood up and faced the door.

"Listen Harry if you felt anything for me this passed month, then just let me know you're there…give me one more chance, I'm begging you. And if not, well, then I'm just going to wait until you open this door…I'm not-" I was cut off. The door swung open.

"-giving up on us…" He stood in front of me. His eyes bloodshot from crying his expression blank. All words had escaped me when I needed them most. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. He turned and walked back into the living room, I took my chances and followed him in closing the door behind me. He stood with his back to me looking out of the window.

Silence. I still did not know what to say, and I preferred talking to the door. He turned his head sideways, his eyes closed. "You're hair has got darker." He turned back to the window. It was true, I looked nothing like I did in school but that wasn't what I expected him to say.

"Harry-" He turned around eyes so intense it could have knocked me over.

"You said, I have always loved you." He said stepping forward his eyes demanding an explanation.

"I know…and I always have…when we were at school, but I was a death eaters son! You were the chosen one! So…I made myself deny it, I tried to hate you, I hoped maybe all my feelings I caged up would just go, but they never did." I looked at the floor in shame.

"And so at that party?" Harry asked, I looked up at him.

"I had a chance to have you…and I took it. And I know it was selfish but I thought…if I could show you how much I wanted this…" I slowly walked over to him. "Then you'd want me back…no matter what my name is." He looked at me, he looked stunned at everything I had revealed.

"…Draco…Drake…are they the same man?" He asked.

I put my hand gently on his shoulders. "Everything that happened at school… that's not who I am, that's what I had to be. Draco Malfoy is actually a man who loves Harry Potter…that is who I am."

I moved my hands off his shoulders, no one spoke for a while, I knew he needed time to take in everything that had happened and all that had been said. I had said everything he needed to know.

He looked away again. "But everything we went through…how can I believe you?" I considered his question for a short time.

"You can't…I'm begging you to trust me." I said weakly, I wanted to know what he was thinking, could he forgive me? I wondered.

"Draco, tell me you love me." He walked up to me.

"I love you." I said in a firm voice hoping he would believe me. He slowly raised his hand to my mouth a gently wiped some blood of my bottom lip.

"I hit you really hard." I said nothing as he moved in closer.

" I deserved it." I said trying to predict his next move. His hand stopped bushing my swelled lip and lightly touched my cheek. It felt so warm I moved my face into his palm and kissed it lightly. I looked at him and he pulled my face closer and kissed me lightly.

"Do you still feel the same?" I asked I was so close to him I could hear his breath quicken.

He said nothing and just kissed me again but much harder this time. He came apart and had a serious look on his face. "You better know what your doing, Draco." His eyes bored into mine. I didn't know what to say but he captured my lips again in another intense kiss. I kissed him back hard as I ran my hand through his messy raven hair, while his hands slid down my back.

He threw me against the wall and grinded up against me his lips never leaving mine. He was so intoxicating. His hand travelled up my shirt his other grabbed my thigh and I wrapped it around his waist. I moved my kisses onto his jaw line he giggled slightly. He took one look at me and smiled, nothing was said, nothing needed to be said. He dragged forcefully me by my tie into the bedroom.

We collapsed on the bed, his tongue explored my mouth whilst I ripped his shirt off. Harry moved to be on top of me, his legs in between mine, his hands moving further to my groin, his touch burned against my body. He stripped me furiously and I did the same. His wet tongue ran from my neck, down my chest making me moan which made him smile. He stood up at the edge of the bed, my calves still wrapped around his legs, he slipped his boxers off and let them fall to the floor. He yanked mine off to. I didn't know why but I was shaking.

His eyes never left mine, he climbed on top of me again. Silence, his emerald eyes showed nothing but lust for me. He bent down to kiss me again, my hands touched his smooth chest covered in beads of sweat. He leant over to his bedside cabinet to retrieve some lube. I clutched my hair and panted, it was like my whole being had been set on haywire. He applied a generous amount on himself. In a deep kiss I buried my hands in his hair and wrapped my legs around him. "You want this Draco?" He whispered nibbling on my ear. I could barely hear him, but I nodded. "Tell me you want it." He said more demandingly.

"Yes Harry! I want you know!" I shouted, he smirked. Not wasting a second he slowly pushed inside of me. We both moaned, I dug my nails into his back. He pushed until he was completely inside I screamed, it wasn't painful, it never was with Harry, it was heaven. "Am I hurting you?" He asked. "Harder." I begged. He came out and pushed back inside, hitting that spot. He thrust inside of me so hard he drove me up against the headboard. "Harry!" I shouted in pleasure he kept on trusting moaning louder and louder as he did so. "Yes." He whimpered out in between moans. He rammed himself inside of me as hard as he could with no rhythm now. "Harry!" I screamed again. "I-m gonna-." He took one last thrust inside of me and I came all over him, a few seconds later he released inside of me.

He dropped to my side and turned onto his back, we were both panting in our big sweaty, sticky mess. I looked at him and smiled. It took a few minutes for us to get our heart rate normal again. "I'm sorry." I said quietly looking at him. He borrowed his forehead in confusion. "I'm sorry for everything that happened between us." I truly was sorry but also ashamed for what I did back then.

"It's in the past now, I forgive you and I want to be with you, you're the only one who could ever make me feel like this, and I don't care who you are anymore." I smiled subconsciously stroking his chest.

"You still love me?" I asked.

"Yes, I think I always will." I kissed him.

"I love you too." I accidentally put my hand on a wet patch on Harry's chest. "We should get cleaned up." I smiled, Harry laughed.

After all this time thinking I'd never have a chance with him…was finally mine.