Disclaimer: not Mrs S Meyer, surely you know that by now...

ok, here we go, SURPRISE this is the very last chapter, i will leave my gushing priase to all my reveiwers and any other things till the ned of the chapter.

Chapter Nineteen – When I'm Eighteen


I woke up the next morning. Feeling slightly sore, and on my own. I also could feel the goofy smile on my face. I sat up in bed and looked around my room for Jasper; I could hear the shower running. I smiled to myself. Jasper was perfect. I quickly got redressed and flopped back down in my bed to wait for Jasper to come out.

I must have fallen back asleep because next thing I knew Jasper was beside me, holding me and stroking my hair. When he realised I was awake again, he lent down and lightly kissed my lips.

"You're amazing. Love you Ali." He whispered, ever so quietly in my ear.

But before I could respond my door was flung open, I sat straight up in bed, Jasper and I turned in shock. Framed in the doorway were my mother and father. And Peter Whitlock. Jasper's father.

"Uh oh." I head Jasper say softly.

"Oh no…" I moaned. I hid my face in Jasper's shoulder. He held me tighter against him.

"You were right! How did you know he was here? How did we not know…?" My father said; the last part he muttered mostly to himself.

"Jasper!" Mr Whitlock barked out.

"Yes Sir?" Jasper asked calmly, not showing the rage and… and fear… I could see in his eyes.

"You ran away from home, I was so worried son! And you just up and come here, not a thought for how Carlisle might feel about it? What do you have to say for yourself?" He scolded.

"Worried, my arse." Jasper scoffed.

"Jasper Whitlock! You will come here right now! I have a taxi waiting and you have most certainly wasted enough of the Cullen's time!" Peter ordered. Jasper stood up, not an easy feat seeing as I was clinging tightly to him. Standing up, Jasper was almost as tall as his father. Once he was up, I stepped away from him a little, under the stern gaze of my mother.

"Peter, why don't you come downstairs and have a quick drink, Carlisle will stay with the kids to make sure no further… situations… arise." Esme said; her voice soft. I mentally thanked my unusually observant mother. Mr Whitlock reluctantly agreed and followed my mother from the room, but not before giving Jasper a warning look that could make a coward out of the bravest of men. Jasper met his gaze stonily.

"Alice, you should know better. Jasper, son, its good to see you again, but horrible under the circumstances. Get your stuff please." Carlisle said.

I started to beg, "Dad! You can't let Jasper leave! Surely you saw how horrible Mr Whitlock is!" I pleaded with my father. How could everything, which was perfect a moment ago, have become this horrible in a matter of minutes?

"Alice, you know I cannot do anything, even if I felt the need to. Peter is Jasper's legal guardian; he's his father for goodness sake! Now, I am going to give you two a bit of privacy to say goodbye, any funny business, Jasper, and you would be wise to remember that Rosalie, Emmett and Edward are outside playing ball, and they will happily help to restrain you if need be." Father warned. And then, true to his word, he walked out and shut the door.

As soon as it was shut firmly, I flung myself into Jasper. I wrapped my arms around him and he held me close.

"It's going to be ok, Alice. I'll be eighteen in one year, and then he can no longer tell me what to do." Jasper whispered into my ear. "Everything will be ok." His lips touched my hair. I pressed my face into his shoulder and cried. Jasper continued to stroke my hair and whispered sweet things into my ear. Then he pushed me away from him, there was a wet patch on his shoulder where I had been crying.

"Alice, it's going to be ok." He put his hand under my chin and tilted my face up. I closed my eyes as his lips touched mine.

He was soft, and gentle. He wrapped one arm around my waist and the other found its way to the back of my head, securing my lips to his. I wound my arms around his neck and played with his shaggy blond hair. Jasper kissed me like he was never going to let me go again; and eventually I had to push him off me so I could breathe. Jasper stayed close to me and wiped my eyes with the collar of his shirt. I took a deep breath. "Bye Alice." Jasper said. He turned and walked out of the room. A few minutes passed and I stood alone in my room.

"We're going. Now Boy." I heard Jasper's father say. I was like a statue coming to life. I flew down the stairs. Jasper was standing at the bottom. I locked eyes with him for a second, before walking out the front door.

And as Jasper was leaving, I sat on the front steps, just like this time ten years ago. I cried. And I cried. Just like this time ten years ago. Jasper couldn't leave me, not again. I had only just gotten him back. Mr Whitlock had his hand firmly clasped around Jasper's shoulder to stop him from making a run for it as he led Jasper down the steps, past me.

"Don't worry Alice. One year. One more year and I'll be eighteen. Then I'll come back. I promise." He said. I watched him being pushed into the backseat of the taxi. Like he was some sort of criminal. Mr Whitlock nodded to me and my parents and got into the back seat of the taxi beside Jasper. As it drove down the drive way, Jasper looked out the back window. He gave one short wave. I stood up and stumbled into the middle of the driveway, I wanted to see him for as long as I could. This could be the last time I ever saw Jasper. I watched the taxi until it was long out of sight. The heavens opened and it began to rain. It poured. Tears streaming down my cheeks, the rain droplets harsh on my skin. But still I stood in the rain.


My father led me down the porch steps. His hand was on my shoulder, and he was gripping it tightly to prevent me from running. It hurt a bit. As we passed Alice on the way down the steps I wanted to reach out and take her hand, if only for a moment, but that wouldn't be the best idea. I kept my eyes straight ahead as I was marched to the waiting taxi. As I got to the taxi, I turned; I couldn't leave her again without saying something, anything, to Alice.

"One year. One more year and I'll be eighteen, then I'll come back, I promise." I said, loud enough for her to hear. My father gripped my shoulder tighter, I winced, and he put his hand on the top of my head, forcing me into the taxi. I saw him nod to the Cullen's, but I only had eyes for Alice. All I could think of was the feel of Alice in my arms as she whispered "I love you", and then fell asleep in my arms last night. My father got into the backseat beside me. As we drove off I turned and gave Alice a single wave. I could see her crying like her heart had broken. I faced front again. I couldn't watch the house getting smaller and smaller and fading into the distance. I couldn't bear to see the tears running down her cheeks, and know that I was powerless to stop it. The heavens opened and it began to rain. It poured. My father looked at me out of the corner of his eye.

"First you kill your own mother. Then you run away. You. Will. Regret it." He muttered quietly to me. His words sent a jolt of fear through me. I didn't know what he would do, but I was dam sure I'd find out soon. So I settled into the back seat of the taxi to live out the last peaceful moments I would have for almost a year.

Finito Finished The End

Alright, and what did you think?? If i get ten reveiws for this last chapter ill put the first chapter of the sequal (YES!! THE SEQUAL!!!) up very soon.

yes, you heard me correctly, there will be a sequal!! do you honestly think id leave it there? no i didnt think so. so right now im thinking that the sequal will be called "Comming Home", but it could change.

thank you thank you thank you!!! to all my wonderful reveiwers!! you are absolutly awesome and i realli hope you liked this last chapter!! please remember to reveiw this chapter and ill get the sequal posted real soon!!

so for the final time this story,

Moony out.