A/N: Sorry for the long delay in updating. I finally completed my international move so I can get back to the important things. Below is the final chapter. But a sequel is already in the works.


The wedding was short and to the point. Jim would have been fine with just holding it in Sickbay to accommodate the still-recovering bride, but Lyla was adamant that it take place on the Observation Deck and that she be allowed time to find a real wedding dress. He'd casually joked about a repeat of their nude ceremony on Betazed and Spock had to physically restrain Uhura from out-right launching a PADD at his head in front of the entire command staff. There were no flowery words or saccharine declarations of love, only two people standing in front of their friends stating their intention to remain one instead of two for the rest of their lives. Admiral Pike officiated, a face-splitting grin on his face the entire time. Uhura was more excited about the planning than the actual bride, and when McCoy found out he wouldn't have to wear a tuxedo or formal Starfleet dress uniform, he willingly offered to help organize the reception. But that became unnecessary when the entire Quartermaster staff offered to do so as a collective wedding present.

Barnett couldn't attend, but spent a full two days working out arrangements for Lyla's official transfer to the Enterprise. So it was three days after making space dock at the station orbiting Earth that Lyla walked down a make-shift aisle on the Enterprise's observation deck to join her husband – as they were technically already married – her friends surrounding her. Sulu and Chekov both grinned at her from her right side and Scotty lifted a flask, already toasting the couple before the ceremony even began. McCoy had provided suitable pain relievers and she was glad she could smile without her wound pulling and speak without her throat killing her. Jim's face when she approached him, though, blinded her to the rest of the room, his intense eyes taking her in, telling her without words how he felt. Her bare hands slipped into his and she felt the familiar spasm of heat between them, his emotions bleeding into her consciousness. He had never said he loved her, but he didn't have to say it out loud. Everything they both felt was as obvious as if it were written in the sky. Stars twinkled in the observation window and Lyla vaguely heard Uhura sniffle as the ceremony began.

When he leaned forward to kiss her gently, she almost laughed. It was the most chaste kiss he had ever given her and she pulled back to wink at him and whisper, "You did better than that in Hydroponics."

His eyes twinkled and he grinned, before pulling her against him and kissing her like there was no tomorrow. Several wolf whistles later, he released her and she almost collapsed, her knees wobbly and her lips swollen, a silly grin on her face. They turned to face their friends, and now her fellow crewmembers, and Jim's mother – who was standing in the front row openly crying. Lyla glanced down at the ring on her left hand, sparkling in the starlight from the window behind her, and she smiled at her husband.

Pike leaned forward and grinned. "Enjoy the next two days of your honeymoon, because then you get to start debriefings and interviews."

Kirk mockingly scowled and then hauled her against his side, striding down the aisle toward the end of the room and the reception where everyone else was streaming. He promised her a dance, after all.

"The United Federation of Planets wishes to recognize Lt. Lyla Kirk for her heroic actions during the destruction of the Federation Space Station Suwayda and the Klingon invasion of Betazed. Lieutenant, please approach the stage." Barnett stood back from the podium as the crowd burst into applause, Lyla carefully standing from the front row of the audience and walking toward the stage. Kirk was whistling loudly, leading the entire crew as they cheered, and she grinned widely, flashing a smile at her crewmates as she mounted the steps.

"Lt. Kirk, it is with great pleasure that the Federation awards you the Federation Cross, for unparalleled bravery in the face of immediate death, and for the unselfish actions that saved the life of the sole remaining heir to the planet Betazed, one of the founding members of the Federation." Barnett shook her hand and pinned the medal to her uniform. Pike moved in next to him to shake her hand and leaned in for a hug as the cheering within the crowd surged to higher levels. Barnett stepped back to the podium and motioned for the crowd to quiet as they retook their seats.

"Additionally, Lt. Kirk, Starfleet Command is pleased to present you with this promotion to Lt. Commander." The crowd cheered again, but Barnett motioned for silence. "While officially this promotion is because of your heroic actions and deeds that epitomized what it means to be a Starfleet officer, Admiral Pike and myself are well aware that you deserve it simply for being willing to take on the role of wife to one of the biggest pains in the ass, Captain James Kirk."

The audience roared with laughter and Kirk grinned, bounding up the stairs to pin the new rank on his wife's uniform. She blushed bright red when he leaned forward and kissed her fully on the mouth in front of everyone, his eyes shining with mirth and the photographers going wild from the back of the room. He stepped back and let her step forward to have her moment of glory, one earned through sweat and tears and far too much blood for his liking.

Jim blinked as the bright lights above and in front of him were adjusted. The young woman in front of him was blonde, busty, and well-dressed in a blue suit that was a little too low cut for television – especially the serious news show that she was supposed to be interviewing him for. She smiled winsomely and he smiled to himself as he realized that only a few weeks ago he would have smirked right back at her in a very inviting manner. The reason for his current lack of interest, however, was settling into the seat next to him, her dark shining hair brushing against his shoulder. Jim could not contain his grin and the re-focusing of his gaze on Lyla. Out of the corner of his eye, he noted the interviewer's pursed lips and realization that he was not interested in the smile she had been giving him earlier.

"I'm sorry I'm late." Lyla's voice was rough and still sounded painful. He had finally halted his natural inclination to flinch back at the sound, realizing that despite the sound, she was not in pain any longer. McCoy had assured them both that his bride was recovering at a normal pace. Her larynx had been severely damaged and the scarring on her throat was still a vibrant scarlet, but her body was recovering quickly. "I just needed something to drink."

"It's no problem, Commander Kirk." The blonde smiled at her, obviously over her depression at the thought that James T. Kirk was no longer available. Lyla grinned at him, still excited over the new rank and name.

"My name is Ariel and on behalf of the International New Agency, I'd like to congratulate you both on your recent wedding, not to mention your promotion Commander – and your triumphant win in the Battle of Betazed."

"Thank you." Jim stretched his arm across the seat behind his new wife. "But the win at Betazed was a joint effort on the part of many ships within the Federation. Every single officer who was present deserves your thanks."

"Of course, Captain. INA understands that the Battle of Betazed involved the largest deployment of Federation ships since the creation of the organization itself."

"That's right." Jim grinned. "Although I love a good fight as much as the next person, it was the Federation's show of force and the use of excellent diplomacy that diverted an outright war between the Federation and the Klingons."

Lyla grinned. "I wasn't present at the time, but I understand that Jim's version of "excellent diplomacy" was a little less diplomatic than others."

"There may have been more threats than diplomacy going on." Jim laughed. "But I had bigger things on my mind at the time."

"That's right." Ariel smiled. "Commander Kirk, we understand that you were being held hostage by Majel Troi during the battle."

"That's right." Lyla swallowed deeply. "I owe my life to Commander Spock and the other members of the Enterprise crew."

"I understand that Majel Troi is now being held at the Alcatraz Maximum Security prison awaiting trial."

"You've probably heard more than us." Jim stretched his legs out in front of him. "We've been in debriefings for the last week. It's been tough to keep up with the news."

"Not to mention your wedding! I understand you two were married only two days after your return to Earth." Ariel's smile grew wider and Jim felt himself tense, wondering what her next question would be. "The rumor is that the two of you met only a week prior."

"That rumor is absolutely true." His bare hand automatically reached out to grasp hers and that familiar pull started. "I guess I know a good thing when I see it."

"You have to admit that it's a little unusual that one of the world's most eligible bachelors would meet and marry a woman in less than two weeks. Our viewers are quite interested."

"Well," Lyla's eyes met his and he swore the deep black was bottomless. "More improbable things have happened."

Jim took another drink and eyed the reception hall from his seat at the bar. It didn't escape him that he had been in this same position only a few weeks earlier – but his view on the world had been as different then as it could be. At the time, he'd been busy watching two of his senior staff and good friends celebrate their marriage. This time, Starfleet Command had gone out of their way to throw the party of the year – a party that was also doubling as a wedding reception, this time for his own nuptials. He grinned when McCoy slipped into the seat beside him.

"One bottle of Andorian ale," the doctor motioned toward the bartender and then slapped him on the back. "You don't look as pathetic as you did at the last reception we attended. Any more morose introspection?"

"Not morose." Jim picked up the glass in front of him and felt the familiar burn of the blue liquid.

McCoy barked a short laugh and took a drink from his own glass and surveyed the scene before them both. Scotty was leaning against the other side of the bar, three quarters of the way through a bottle of fine aged Scotch. A brunette from Astrometrics was leaning half against him and half against the bar, obviously having enjoyed a large portion of the Scotch herself. Uhura was cutting a rug with Sulu on the dance floor, her husband Spock enjoying the view from the side. Spock, McCoy knew, was not really a dancer, but he didn't begrudge his wife enjoying one of her favorite past times.

But Jim's eyes were on one woman and one woman only as she moved across the dance floor. Lyla's dark hair swung out behind her as Chekov pulled her across the dance floor – his own face split with a wide grin to match hers.

"I guess your time as a ladies man has finally come to an end. Generations of young cadets can sleep safer at night." McCoy took a long drink, but didn't look at the man sitting next to him. Kirk laughed out loud, his hand reaching out to slap McCoy on the back.

"You're absolutely right, Bones. I've only got eyes for one lady now."

"And you were so worried it was going to happen to you." McCoy grunted in irritation. "At least I don't have to listen to you whine like a little girl anymore."

"Nope, no more whining. But you know what this means, don't you?" Kirk grinned at him slyly, his eyes peeking out of their corners to look at him with humor.

"What?" McCoy knew enough to know that tone of voice was a dangerous one.

"I've got plenty of time now to find you a nice lady to settle down with." He laughed uproariously as McCoy choked momentarily on his drink, his eyes watering and his back hunched as he coughed violently. "How about that nice Nurse Chapel?"

"Maybe I'm waiting for my own woman to be trapped in a destroyed space station."

"Eh. Don't bet on it." He waved back as Lyla stopped smiled at him from across the room. "Those are one in a million."

"Oh, God." McCoy groaned, as if in pain. "You aren't a morose son of a bitch anymore. Now you're gonna be making goo-goo eyes at Lt. Stone and spouting poetry or some shit – aren't you? I don't even want to think about it."

"That's Commander Kirk, Bones."

The reception was finally winding down, and Lyla turned to him, her tired eyes indicating her willingness to leave. Kirk had appreciated the beautiful royal blue silk dress she'd been wearing, but he's also watched the fatigue creep up on her as the hours of the reception dragged on. Jim wrapped his arm around her shoulders and began to steer her toward the exit, waving goodbye to several senior officers who lingered around the room. The transport was waiting to take them back to the hotel and he sighed with contentment as Lyla settled her head against his once they sat down.

"How does it feel to be a Lieutenant Commander?" He squeezed her shoulder, his arm warm around her back.

"Not nearly as good as it feels to be a wife." She smiled at him with sleepy eyes and he was pleased that her voice was beginning to sound more like it had before the attack.

"I thought women didn't need to be a wife to be fulfilled." Jim teased her.

"I didn't say I was fulfilled."

"How about," he leaned over and pressed his lips against her ear, his breath warm against her skin and the tone husky, "if you were just filled?"

She shivered and her eyes opened, less tired than before. Her eyes were suddenly hungry and her hand rubbed the top of his thigh. "Is that a promise, Captain Kirk?"

"It definitely is, Commander Kirk. When we're able to, I'm going to spend one night learning all the things about you I didn't learn the first time."

"Then I guess I say," Lyla leaned even closer in, her breath on his neck, their arms beginning to wrap around each other in the back of the shuttle, "Dr. McCoy cleared me medically this morning for a return to duty." Jim froze at her words and leaned back to look her in the eye. Her gaze was dark with a promise and her lips parted slightly, breath heavier than only a moment before.


She smiled in response, and his lips slammed against hers roughly, the heat flaming between them, her hands gripping his shoulders as his arms went around her, pulling her flush against his chest. She moaned softly in the back of her throat and he pulled back, gasping violently as he remembered that they were still in the shuttle with the complimentary pilot in the front. He grinned at her and leaned in to press a wet kiss against her neck, smiling when she giggled. The shuttle was slowing and the pilot smiled wildly as he opened the door for them. There were two more photographers in the lobby that wanted a photo before they took the elevator to the top floor, and they stopped, even though he was raging inside to get her alone and naked.

As the door to the wedding suite swung shut behind them, Jim had her up against the wood, hands wrestling the fastening of her dress to the floor, her lips hungrily seeking his out and her hands pushing his dress jacket off of his shoulders. Fingers tickled his skin as she tore the dress shirt out of his pants. Silk pooled and slid, dropping to the floor, leaving her in only heels and panties, her skin flushed even in the pale moonlight and he paused to swallow heavily.

Her lips slowed and she gently kissed him, her hands coming up around his neck to slide into his hair. She resettled her mouth against his and kissed him deeply, his arms pinning her to the door, his hand tilting her head so that his mouth could slant even deeper across hers. She moaned low in her throat and he grinned against her lips as he felt her knees wobble slightly.

The bed flew up to meet them as they stumbled over and onto it, their laughter bubbling up together. Her laughter turned into a gasp as his lips trailed down over her throat, ghosting over her collarbone, to fasten on a nipple. Lips, teeth and tongue teased and tormented her, even as she pushed her upper body against him – wanting more of him, more of everything he was doing. His hands slid down her arms, sliding past her hands to grip her hips.

"Jim," his name was a gasp, her eyes rolling back into her head at the sensations pouring through her. He settled deeper between her thighs, his dress pants rubbing against her bare skin. He wanted to worship her body. This body that he had only explored for one night was now his to experience for the rest of his life – for as long as she would have him. Her hands smoothed across his shoulders, nails biting slightly and he shuddered, his hips pressing involuntarily against her center. "Jim, I think you're over-dressed."

He grinned and leaned back as her hands fumbled on the button and zipper, undoing the fastenings before pushing the pants down with her feet. Mouth lowering, he was set to resume his previous activity when her nails dug into his skin and his eyes moved up to meet hers. "We can do slow and tender later, Jim. It's been too long and I want you now."

Her bare hands were like hot coals on his skin and her desire was pouring into him. He shuddered and slipped his arms under her legs, lifting her up and opening her to him. With a groan of satisfaction and pleasure, he sank in – her answering groan spurred him on and he began to move slowly and deeply within her. His voice was a low groan but the words were heartfelt. "I've missed you, baby."

She was dimly aware that she was whimpering, but she couldn't find it within herself to care as she urged him to move faster and more forcefully within her. His hips snapped forward again and she cried out to him, "more."

The surge of their pleasure passed from one to the other in a never-ending feedback loop, and he sped up, leaning forward to capture her nipple with his mouth again. A sound that was definitely a muted scream came from her throat and he responded involuntarily, surging into her, arms pushing back to lift her legs higher.

He was deep within her and she wanted more – always more. Lyla urged him with her hips to go faster and deeper – to mark her as his. His mouth moved from one breast to the other and bit down.

The tremors started deep within her and she felt his rhythm stutter as he felt her body shift and clamp down on his. He surged again and she exploded. She would swear later that her vision went black and all she could see was a kaleidoscope of colors behind her eyelids as her orgasm washed over her.

The stars were bright in the window of their hotel room, and even though they were something he saw every single day when in space, Jim couldn't help but look up at them from where he lay against the cool sheets. Lyla was breathing deep and slow beside him, her pale body wrapped in the black silk material, her hair fanned across his chest, and he took a moment to run his fingers down the cream-colored skin of her back. She shivered slightly and pulled in closer to him. He pushed his fingers through her hair.

"You okay, baby?" She mumbled, her eyes still closed, her mouth moving next to his skin where she lay.

"I'm fine. Go back to sleep." She didn't respond, already lost to her dreams again. And Jim realized he was fine – better than fine. For the first time in a long time, he was truly happy.


This story may be finished, but Jim, Lyla, and the other members of the Enterprise have many adventures in the future.