Well, here is the first chapter of The 100 Tales! ^^ I am battling against Gingerstar14, and Frostfoot-Dreamleaf; and I THINK someone else. I'll probably lose, because I'm going away for two days tomorrow and not coming back until Friday ( :( ) but I hope you like this chapter! ;3

Chapter 1: Beginning

Wingfeather writhed on the ground and screeched.

"Jayfeather!" she screeched. "It hurts!"

"Now, no need to worry, I—" Jayfeather was cut off as Wingfeather's body rippled, she let out a pained screech and a kit slid out of her belly, onto the ground.

"Well done, Wingfeather!" he congratulated her. "You survived that one quite nicely. Okay…." He felt her belly and studied it. "It appears that there are three more kits coming."

"Three more kits?!" Wingfeather gasped. "I won't be able to handle that!!! What if I die?!"

"No, don't worry; you won't die," Jayfeather assured her. "It'll be just fine! I've got everything under control."

"I sure hope so—" Wingfeather screeched as her whole body shuddered, and a kit started to slide out onto the moss.

"Whoa, this is going to be a big one!" Jayfeather's eyes were wide. "Keep going, Wingfeather! Yes, you'll be okay…. you've got it!"

The father, Darkstream, raced up. "Is she okay?!" he gasped. "I heard the screaming."

Jayfeather flicked his tail impatiently. "Yes, she's doing fine. You might want to lick that kit, though. It still hasn't started breathing."

Darkstream licked the first kit desperately, and Jayfeather licked the second one. After a few moments, though, Darkstream was desperate.

"It isn't breathing!" he cried.

"Just lick harder!" Jayfeather urged him, already done with the second kit. The second kit wriggled up to her mother, and started to suckle from her belly. Wingfeather reached out a paw and stroked the young kit's fur. "Aw, she's so cute!"

"It's not working!" Darkstream cried desperately. Now, Jayfeather stepped in.

"Just lick some more!" he snapped. "We delayed a bit with licking that kit, so it's bound to take longer! Now keep working!"

"Okay, okay," Darkstream mumbled, licking the little black kit desperately. While Jayfeather paced around the nursery uncertainly, Darkstream was panicking more and more by the minute. And then, all of a sudden....

"I've got it!" Darkstream exclaimed. "He started breathing!"

"That's great! Good for you!" Jayfeather congratulated him. "Now, put that kit by the others, and wait for the next kit to come out. I'm going to need your help with licking it. This was the second one; there are two more coming."

Suddenly, Wingfeather gave a horrendous screech. "Another one! It's coming! It's stuck!"

"No, it's not stuck." Jayfeather felt impatient. "Just push harder!"

"Ugh…. UNGH…. there, I've got it!" Wingfeather screeched, pushing out a little brown tabby kit with a white underbelly and paws.

"Good for you!" Jayfeather congratulated her. "Now…." He pushed the kit over to Darkstream. "Lick," he ordered; his voice scary. "Lick for all you're worth!"

Darkstream licked desperately, but this kit didn't take that long.

"He's breathing!" Darkstream exclaimed.

"Excellent," Jayfeather said. "Now, put that one with the others." Darkstream gently picked up the kit and put it down beside its siblings. It mewled in a raspy voice, and Darkstream purred.

"Aw, so cute," he murmured.

Since it didn't look like another kit was due for a while, Jayfeather and Darkstream sat down, looking out of the nursery entrance.

"So? Have you picked out any names for them yet?" Jayfeather asked softly.

"Well, no…." Darkstream admitted. "Although we did like the names Flowerkit and Treekit…."

"Those are pretty names," Jayfeather conceded. "But there are two others, you know, and—"

Wingfeather gave a great big yowl, causing both Jayfeather and Darkstream to jump up and whirl around, bristling. A little brown kit slid out onto the moss, and Jayfeather jumped in and started licking it.

The kit gave a great big gasp, and sucked in for air. Jayfeather placed it with its mother and siblings, and the two toms looked over the mother and her kits.

"There are two she-cats, and two toms," Wingfeather murmured softly. "This black one is a tom, and this brown one is a she-cat, and this brown tabby is a tom, and this little white kit here is a she-cat."

"I think we should name the black tom Nightkit," Darkstream murmured. "And the brown she-cat can be Featherkit. What do you think?"

Wingfeather managed a weak smile. "Perfect. Lovely. Then, this little brown tabby tom can be Treekit, and this little white one can be Flowerkit."

"Those are lovely names!" Jayfeather exclaimed. "All right, so you have Nightkit, Featherkit, Treekit, and Flowerkit. These kits are not just kits; in fact, they signal a new beginning for the Clan."