Two – Shot.

It's Kenny's 17th birthday and he is celebrating it with a big barbeque. He has invited some old and new friends. However he also needs help, so who comes along to help? Well of course, Ash and Dawn. Ash and Dawn haven't met before and when Dawn gets herself in a pickle, Ash is always there to help, and instantly, there is love in the air. Pearlshipping, AADL.

Ash – 17

Dawn – 16

Leona - 16

Gary – 17

Kenny – 17

Dawn's POV

"What's this?" I looked at the invite, clearly written by Kenny, with the lovely curled 'e' and perfect shaped 'q'. He was having a barbeque. His seventeenth birthday was coming up. He was finally growing up, and becoming more mature, it was about time, and also, he has finally seen that he and I would never be, he started going out with Leona. Of course, I saw this coming; they had known each other more than they have known me. So, of course this happened. However, I felt lonelier that they were going out, I barely spent time with them, so I never had any friends around. My life had just become dust. WAIT, drifting off the subject. The last time Kenny had a party, it ended up with him going to jail and spending the night there. Believe it or not, he was a real party animal. It was really embarrassing! I checked through the letter, making sure I had every detail in my head. From the time to the address. At first I didn't know if I should go, there was no point, I didn't really know many people... and Kenny would be all lovey – dovey with Leona. However, I guessed that if I didn't come, Kenny would never let me live it down. I sighed and sat the paper down on the table. Suddenly, I heard a key turn from the key hole, probably mum... in fact it was my mum, Joanna, she came through the door with a bunch of groceries... it looked like she was about to drop them, I quickly ran to her. I picked a few bags from her and brought them to the kitchen. We sat them down. Instantly my mum saw the invite.

"Wow, sounds like a lot of fun, are you gonna go?" she always got to the point in such a short amount of time.

"Maybe.." she frowned, disappointed, I hadn't gone out in ages, it would have been nice to go, but, there was no point.

"I think you should, you know, to take your mind off things." She had a point. I started taking things out the bags and stacking them up, milk, cookies, grapes, bread, cheese, ham, bacon etc. All taken out and put in the fridge, this was our process.

"It will be a lot of fun sweetie." She said, trying to convince me (which I admit, was working)

"I'm sure Kenny would be grateful and you'll love it!" she kept going on.

"Okay mum, I'll go." I giggled at her attempts, she smiled with victory.

"Okay, so what are you going to wear?" she said from out the blue, I thought struck me. What was I going to wear. I obviously couldn't go in my normal clothes. Well, looked like it was shopping time, which I kinda enjoyed, but not as much as others.... looks like I was heading off.

Ash's POV

"A party?" Gary said, I looked at him confused in why he said it with that tone.

"So, you mean hot girls?" he chuckled, I hit him with my note pad, Pikachu shook his head.

"Will you shut it?" I said, pleading him to 'shut it'

"Can I come?" I sighed at his reply, that's all he ever thought about, girls, girls and more girls!

"Okay, but only if you try not to show everyone up, ESPECIALLY Kenny." I said concerned, I knew Gary, he would barge in and have a go at anyone.

"Yes!" he shouted with victory. I shook my head, he was so childish; did he ever grow up?

"What are you guys on about?" I turned, to see my mum at the doorway, with Prof. Oak waiting beside her, he was probably trying to get Gary's butt out the house.

"We were talking about a barbeque in Sinnoh! Kenny's one, can we go?"Gary rudely quoted. Prof. Oak frowned, but my mum smiled with delight.

"Sure you guys can go.." she said

"I dunno.." I said, I wasn't very close to Kenny, we didn't talk that much... but it would be nice to see what he was up too, and plus, I have never been Sinnoh. Ever since he moved out, it wasn't exactly the same. Like, he's party animal ways, they were really missed in Kanto, especially when he had that pool party and... you know what? I won't go there.

"Come on Ash, it will be great!" Gary yelled,

"Yeah... I know it will, okay I'll go." I agreed with him, maybe this would be good for me.

"Great!" my mum shouted, "this means one thing.."

I widened my eyes, I knew what was coming. When she said that word, fear ran down my body. If the word was a bomb, I'd be dead by now. The word? Well, only the worst word any boy could think of.... shopping."

Dawn's POV (Coming back from shopping)

"Hiya, I'm back!" I yelled in the corridor of the house. No reply, I shouted a few more times, getting louder each time. Nothing, I wonder where my mum went... I hung my coat on the rack and settled the shopping bags on the kitchen table. I looked around, the house looked peaceful and quite, I set work top my eyes to the kitchen , there was a piece of paper. I went up to it and unfolded it, there was a note, in my mum's handwriting. It said

Sorry sweet heart, Dorothy asked me to go shopping with her, be back in about an hour or so, dinner is in the fridge,

Love from you mum, Joanna.

Great... so while she's off having a good time, I'm stuck at home, bored to death. This sucked. Ah well, I'll manage, I have been like this for the past 5 months, beside, she needed a bit of fun.

"So what to do now?" I said to no one in particular. I looked at the bag of clothes, I should go try some one now, but I couldn't be bothered to go upstairs and get dressed, plus, someone would always be there to tell me which one suited me. I sighed... just then... the mobile rang. I reached for it and presses the green button, I swiftly held it up to my ear.


"Hiya Dawn!" it was Kenny, sounding as anxious as ever

"Oh, hi Kenny."

"Yeah, hi, I wanted to ask, what ya doing tomorrow?"

"Going to your barbeque..." I said with an expression on my face which screamed 'I don't even wanna go!'

"Yeah, I know that, but before that?"

One eyebrow rose, "Nothing, why?"

"I was hoping that you'd be able to come and help me out with the decorations, you can say no if you want to."

I truthfully, wanted to say no, but I would feel guilty if I said that and plus, I had nothing else to do in the morning, "Sure I'll come and help."

I suddenly was stunned when I heard Kenny shout, "YES!" with victory in it, I was slightly confused but ignored the fact.

"So what time?"

"Hmm, about 11am?" he insisted.

"Yeah, sure I'll be there!"

"Ok, bye Dawn!"

He hung up

Ash's POV

I dragged in the shopping and dropped the bags of clothes.

"Jeez mum, how much did we buy?" I questioned. She reached into the bags, pulling out a tux with a red rose in the pocket.

"How is this?"

I looked at her, surprised, "Well, I admit it looks great... if your going to get married!"

"Oh honey, we spent a lot on this!" she shouted

"Yeah, but I'm going to a BARBEQUE, not a WEDDING!" she rose an eyebrow.

"Alright, just trying to help.." I felt guilty now,

"Sorry mum, wait, trying to help with what?"

She rose both her eye brows, "Well, I was thinking, well that, you might find someone new when you go to the party and I want you to make a good impression to them!"

I looked at her stunned, "Mum, I'll be fine!"

"Yeah, I know, it's just, well, I feel like, when you go to this party, I feel like, your gonna meet that special 'someone'"

Gosh, I knew where this was going, I took the suit from her, and hung it up on the knob, "Mum, I don't see any girl in my life, except you."

She giggled a bit, I didn't see the funny side of it, "That's what I thought, then I met your dad... trust me, you'll never know, you find love in the most unlikeliest places."

I had to agree with her there, you could find love in the most dramatic places, but I doubt I would, beside if I did, I wouldn't take much interest in the relationship...

"Yeah, but I'm sure in this century, girls would go for a hoodie and baggy jeans." I joked

She chuckled as well,

"Just think about it.." she walked into the kitchen

I did as told and thought about it... yep, I knew the answer, a big, fat no.

I flipped onto the coach and relaxed a bit, it was peaceful and quiet. I was getting into the swing, but suddenly, my phone rudely interrupted. I reached out and grabbed it, I looked at the caller ID, what did he want?

"Hey Kenny, what's up mate?"

"Hey Ash, are you coming to the party?" he asked eagerly

"Yeah, hey I needed to ask you, is it ok if I take Gary along with me?"

"Sure, no prob, anyways I was wondering, do you mind coming over a few hours earlier?"

"Why?" I asked.

"I need some help with the decorating... can you help me?

I thought about it, "Um, sure, what time?"

"Well, meet at about 11am, but you live in Kanto, so you need to leave at 10am."

"Sure, no prob!" I reassured myself

"Good, see ya then!" he hung up. Time to pack my bags... I'm going to Sinnoh....

Okay, how was this, too much or too little?? Hope you enjoyed it, no flames and please review. Wish you all a good day. The next bit will be up soon. It's just a short story with two chapters. This was originally going to be a one-shot... but I thought it was a bit long. So I cut it into two.