This is a story based on the Evanescence song "Sweet Sacrifice". It is much darker than what Gummi Bears used to be, but I hope you don't mind. The main character in this is Gusto.
I do not own the Gummi Bears - nor the song of Evanescence "Sweet Sacrifice".
Sweet Sacrifice
He couldn't believe it. They were finally here. Gruffi and the rest of the Gummis had waited so long to meet them. Zummi hadn't been talking about anything else in weeks and Grammi had been cooking the entire week to prepare for them to arrive.
Gruffi looked excitedly as they one by one got of the ships. The Gummis from New Gumbrea.
Zummi was the first one to step forward to welcome them to Gummi Glen. He shook hands with a purple Gummi bear who looked like he was a wizard – just like Zummi. Gruffi sighed happily. He still knew that not all of the Gummis from the Glen could be there to meet them, since the rest of them had to prepare at home. It was just him, Zummi, Tummi, Cubbi and the Barbics. That should also be enough.
Although he knew that there was one person who could have been here, if he had finished his stupid statue a little bit earlier.
"Welcome to the Glen!" Zummi said excitedly as they stepped into the living room. It looked like all of the Gummis of New Gumbrea were excited about being there. They all looked around, very fascinated.
"I like it here," the purple bear said, smiling. "It's a wonderful home you have." He looked around before continuing: "Were there more Gummi bears here, who we should meet?"
"Yes, I'll go get them," Gruffi said and went straight into the kitchen were Sunni and Grammi were putting the rest of the food on big plates.
"Come on, they want to meet you," he said. He could tell by the look on Sunni's face that she was not happy about having to stay at the Glen. She wanted to go to the beach with the others, but had been forced to stay and help with the rest of the preparations.
Speaking of preparations…
"Where is Gusto?" Gruffi asked. "Wasn't he supposed to have finished that statue?"
"He has probably finished it now," Grammi answered.
"Well, I'll go get him or else he'll be missing out on everything," Gruffi said and walked out in the hall and all the way to Gusto's room. Gusto only stayed there throughout the winter, when it was too cold for him to stay by the waterfall, but lately he has been in the Glen a lot. Gruffi was beginning to wonder why. He opened the door to the room and walked in.
Almost everything in there was covered in paint. It was several colors in one big mish-mash. Finally Gruffi saw a statue standing in the middle of the room.
"Yes?" A sky blue face appeared behind the statue. "Two seconds, I'm almost there."
"Why don't you come out to the rest of us now? They're here."
"Just two seconds, Gruffumundo," he answered.
Gruffumundo. He hated when Gusto called him that. Actually he hated it every time Gusto called him any kind of nickname. He could hear Gusto working on the final part. Finally Gusto appeared completely.
"Well, what do you think?" he asked and smiled friendly. It wasn't that bad actually. Gusto was a special artist, but this statue actually looked very good.
"It's fine. Now c'mon, you've got to meet the Gummis of New Gumbrea," Gruffi said. He walked out the door, and Gusto followed him.
When they both walked into the living room, the Gummis of New Gumbrea walked towards them. The purple bear walked towards Gusto.
"Augustus Gummi?" he asked.
"Yes, that's me," Gusto answered, still smiling. He still couldn't believe that the Gummis of New Gumbrea finally has arrived. His timing had also been perfect; he had just finished his statue. But he wondered how the purple bear knew his name… maybe the rest of the Gummis of Gummi Glen had told him?
"I must ask you to sit down."
Gusto raised his eyebrows. That wasn't exactly the first thing he had hoped one of the Gummis of New Gumbrea would say to him. But he did what he was told; he sat down at the big round table in the middle of the room. The purple Gummi bear who had been talking to him sat down next to him, but still facing him.
"Augustus… your father is dead."