Title: A Logical Choice

Series: Star Trek 2009

Theme: General/Romance

Characters: Uhura/Spock and Main cast

Rating/Warning: R/Strong Sexual Content

Summary: They were a part of his crew, a part of his family and he vowed to do whatever was necessary to protect them.

Links: http://devinem27 (dot) livejournal (dot) com /36277 (dot) html

Notes: First off, thanks to everyone for the wonderful reviews. Sorry it's taken me so long to continue this story, but life and writer's block held me in its grips. Before you read this chapter, you might want to go back and reread chapter 1. It has been revised. There were a few important details that I wanted to add to help the flow of the story. I apologize, but without them I don't think I could have gone on. Some of the changes are subtle and some more obvious, I won't point them out, but I hope they make the chapter an easier read. Enjoy. D.

Chapter 2: Something Special

Spock glanced down at his PADD and let out an inaudible sigh. He surmised that with frequent interruptions from Captain Kirk the thirteen point five minutes he'd originally estimated to complete his duties would now extend to twenty one point three, leaving less than nine point seven minutes for him to go to his quarters, change clothes and reach his final destination. In other words, he was going to be later. Deciding it would be best to finish reviewing his work in his quarters, he rose from the table.

"Captain, doctor, please excuse me."

McCoy nodded in acceptance, but Kirk frowned.

"Come on, Spock! It's your birthday for crying out loud. Have some fun. A little whiskey, a little Poker and you get the chance to double your winnings from the last game."

Spock titled his head.

"Captain, as you are well aware alcohol has no affect on me. And as I have stated, on three separate occasions, I am currently engaged this evening and have no desire to break my appointment. If you are adamant in your request to participate in another game of Poker, I have no plans for tomorrow evening. Now, please excuse me."

Kirk watched as his first officer exited the lounge and shook his head.

"That's just unnatural. What kind of man or Vulcan, for that matter, turns down a bottle of Kentucky Whiskey?"

McCoy rolled his eyes and took another sip from his shot glass.

"Jim, he said he had to be somewhere. It's his birthday. Leave the man in peace."

"Be somewhere?!? Yeah, right. He's probably in his quarters calculating how fast his hair grows so he can schedule his next trim."

Kirk shook his head in disgust.

"Honestly, Bones, what could possibly be more important than a good drink and high stakes game of Poker?"

At that moment, the lounge doors swished open and Lt. Uhura entered the room. McCoy smiled and tilted his head in her direction.

"There's one, for starters."

Kirk glanced toward the doors and swore under his breath. He'd always thought Uhura was beautiful, but, a little harmless flirtation aside, made a serious effort to think of her only as his friend and trusted colleague and not his next potential bed mate. And for the past year he'd done reasonably well, until now. There were no words to do her justice. From the mass of ringlets that flowed from the crown of her head to her lower back, the chocolate brown dress that caressed her skin as she moved, occasionally giving a peek of cleavage or a hint of thigh, the long, well defined, café' au lait legs that seemed to go on for miles, down to the black high heeled shoes that miraculously stayed in place with the use of only one strap.

"Down boy, this one's off limits. You're her captain."

Kirk ignored the doctor and continued to watch Uhura. She moved through the room, seemingly unaware of the effect her charms were having on her crewmates. She stopped by the bar to pick up a case and glanced around the room, seeing Jim and Bones she smiled and headed in their direction. They stood as she drew near the table.

"Please, be seated."

McCoy settled back into his chair and gave a long sigh.

"Uhura, you look lovely."

Kirk leaned back in his seat, giving her figure an appreciative glance.

"You look like a Goddess and you know it. It's a shame that you're wasting it all on Spock, even if it is his birthday. I swear I don't know what you see in him."


McCoy admonished, frowning from across the table.

"You're supposed to be his friend. Show a little loyalty and respect."

Kirk shrugged.

"I'm just curious. Really."

He glanced at his Communications Officer.

"I mean no disrespect in any way, you know that. I just want to know what you see in Spock. You've dated Human's in the past. What's so great about Vulcan's compared to us."

McCoy looked like he wanted to slap the captain, but merely frowned sternly. Nyota smiled.

"Bones, don't worry I'm not offended."

She smiled slyly at Kirk.

"In fact, I'm in such a good mood I'll answer your question."

Kirk and McCoy both responded as if they'd been struck by lightning. It was the first time Uhura had openly admitted to being in a relationship with Spock. Kirk's only hint that they were involved was the kiss he'd witnessed nearly a year ago. Since then, there were occasional glances or touches, but given that they occurred while Spock and Uhura were on duty, they could be easily dismissed. McCoy had only learned of a possible relationship through Kirk and Scotty's gossiping, which he hadn't believed, until now. Both men sat up, giving her their full attention. Nyota stepped closer to the table and lowered her voice.

"Spock is…Spock respects me for who I am, is intrigued by my intelligence and encourages my growth, personally and professionally. I can discuss anything with him, my past, present or future and never fear his judgment or censure. He is discrete, honest, dependable and loyal."

Kirk frowned, unsatisfied with her answer.

"But what about…..you know?"

McCoy kicked him under the table.

"Jim, that's none of your goddamn business."

He glanced at Uhura.

"Feel free to ignore that last question. The captain has overstepped the bounds of propriety."

Nyota smirked.

"It's okay Bones. I agreed to answer so I will say this: When a Vulcan smells your hair, caresses your skin or kisses your lips, knowing that in his mind it is illogical to want these things and yet he does, you truly know what it means to be desired. They can be selfless givers and grateful recipients, with a patience and stamina that is unheard of. It's…"

She glanced at Kirk and smiled in awe.

"There are no words to describe it."

Nyota stared off into space for a moment, before snapping back to the present.

"Now, if you gentlemen will excuse me, I have a date."

She walked away, but suddenly remembered something and turned back to the table.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Captain, you are correct. I did dress up for Spock's birthday, but it's also our one year anniversary."

She and McCoy shared a grin over Kirk's dumbfounded expression.

"Goodnight gentlemen."

McCoy laughed, unable to contain his amusement.

"Goodnight, young lady. Have fun."

Uhura sent him a playful wink and left the lounge.

After ten minutes of silence, McCoy finally spoke.

"Are you alright?"

Nearly a full sixty seconds passed before he got a response. Kirk leaned back in his chair and folded his arms.

"Unheard of stamina?"

He let out an agitated sigh and frowned at Bones.

"Is th-…Is that even possible?"

McCoy smothered his grin.

"Vulcans are said to possess strength three times that of the average Human male."

Kirk looked at him almost eagerly.

"But Spock is only half Vulcan. So he's not that powerful, right?"

"Uh, wrong. You should know that better than anyone. I don't know that many Captains that can say they've had their ass handed to them by their First Officer. Do you?"

Kirk clarified.

"He was acting Captain, I was his First Officer."

Bones heaved a sigh.

"So, but if you want to give it another go the anniversary of Vulcan's destruction arrives on Monday, you can talk trash about Spock's Momma, but let me know before you do. I'm gonna want my camera this time."

Kirk glared at McCoy.

"Shut up!"

Bones laughed and shook his head.

"You know, the least you can do is take it like a man."

Kirk arched a brow in question.

"Jim, he out foxed you and he probably wasn't even trying. You chased after Uhura for three years and with all of your man whore experience you couldn't even get her to tell you her first name. Didn't you even tell me you only found out after you overheard Spock call her Nyota?"

He slapped Kirk roughly on the shoulder.

"Ah, buddy you win some and you lose some and unfortunately, your stallion went lame before the race even started. Besides, if you didn't want to know, you shouldn't have asked."

If looks could kill, Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Leonard McCoy, a.k.a. Bones, would be a dead man. Kirk knew he was right, but it didn't lessen the sting any. He'd just had to open his big mouth and now he knew the truth. Not to mention the fact that Uhura had enjoyed rubbing his nose in it. Jim would never be able to look at Spock or Uhura the same way ever again. The dynamic had changed. He and Spock were well on the road to becoming good friends and Uhura, while having never been in danger of succumbing to his charms, was now completely off the radar. They weren't just dating, they were a couple and seemed committed to making their relationship last. They were a part of his crew, a part of his family and he vowed to do whatever was necessary to protect them.


Nyota felt the caress of Spock's hand on her hip. He reached out, pulling her close and trail kisses down the back of her neck. She was tired, but it didn't stop the sigh of pleasure that escaped her lips, nor did it prevent her from tilting her head to the side, giving him better access. Spock rolled Nyota onto her back and eased between her thighs. When he cupped her face and captured her lips in a passionate kiss, she knew she only had herself to blame. This would be the second time they made love tonight and would probably not be the last. Spock had warned her, as he'd done on many occasions before, but Nyota hadn't listened. She'd only cared that it was his birthday and wanted him to enjoy himself in every way possible. Maybe she had over done it a bit with the strip tease and lap dance, but Spock's attempt to appear unaffected, even though his eyebrows had risen to nearly unnatural heights, had encouraged her to push him to his limit. Nyota hadn't lied to the captain, once fully aroused a Vulcan's sexual stamina was a force to be reckoned with, but considering the pleasure to be had, she was more than happy to deal with the consequences, no matter how exhausting.

Nyota surrendered her body into Spock's capable hands, allowing him to work his magic. It wasn't long before she found herself ensnared in his fervent spell. It was a combination of things; his smell, the gentle brush of his lips against her skin, the feel of his hands as they firmly griped her thighs and the exquisite pleasure of his deep, even strokes as he moved within her. All of these things lured Nyota into a haze of ecstasy, culminating with her cry of release. Spock captured her lips in a savage kiss and groaned into her mouth. His own climax sending shivers down his spine. Moments later, he ended the kiss and gazed down at Nyota. She brushed the sweat from his forehead and caressed his cheek.

"Did you find your birthday to be satisfactory, k'hat'n'dlawa?"

Spock arched a brow, thinking of the level of satisfaction he'd just experienced, but he also remembered the events leading up to this moment.

"Quite and I appreciate your efforts to ensure that it was so. Thank you, Nyota."

She smiled, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"You're welcome."

Nyota had gone through a lot of trouble to make this day special for Spock. She knew his first birthday without his mother would be a difficult one and hoped that by helping him celebrate, she could also help him honor his mother's memory. Nyota had gone all out, cooking a traditional Vulcan meal, finding the recipe for and baking a non-animal product cake with icing, hunting for the perfect gift, selecting a dress that he would find attractive and a hairstyle that he'd previously complimented, adjusting the climate of her quarters to ensure his comfort and serving him dinner. Her only regret was not being able to spend the whole day off duty with Spock. She would have loved serving him breakfast in bed and relaxing with him all day. Unfortunately, they'd both had to work the morning shift, limiting there plans to late afternoon, but surprisingly enough it had all worked out for the best. That morning, Spock received a birthday surprise from the most unlikely of sources….his father, Sarek.

When the transmission from Vulcan appeared in her data queue, Nyota had immediately become concerned, but after seeing that it was addressed to Spock, she'd felt only curiosity. The captain, overhearing her advise him of it's arrival, offered the commander use of the main view screen, which he accepted. Sarek's message was brief and to the point. He too, wished to honor the memory of Amanda Grayson and did so by continuing a tradition that she'd performed annually with their son. He acknowledged today as the date of Spock's birth, extended an invitation for him to visit the Vulcan Colony and ended the transmission with the standard Vulcan salute of long life and prosperity. His gesture, thought seemingly small, was an extraordinary gift and another step towards repairing the strained relationship between father and son.

Nyota smiled, remembering the surprised expression on Spock's face which, oddly enough, had mirrored that of the captain's.

"Is there anything else that you require for your birthday?"

Spock took a moment to consider her question, before he replied.

"There is one request that I would make."

She gazed at him expectantly and waited for him to continue.

"We agreed, after my assignment to the Enterprise, to maintain separate quarters. Doing so has allowed us to adapt to our positions aboard the ship and preserve our privacy. The captain and doctor now have verbal confirmation as to the nature of our relationship. As my wife, logic wou-."

Nyota's brows shot up.

"Your wife, I thought we were engaged?"

Spock paused, searching for the words to best explain the difference between the two.

"Our bonding is more than an engagement, but is considered to be less than a marriage. It is the equivalent of what Humans call a 'common law' marriage. If I died, you and any offspring that we have would inherit my possessions. If you ever require assistance, by law, Sarek would become your protector. As my father, it would be his duty to provide for you.

She studied his mouth as she contemplated his words.

"So, technically I am your wife."

Spock's eyes twinkled with amusement. His mouth curved, but it was not quite a smile.

"By Vulcan law, you are my mate in all things."

Nyota smiled, taking his response as a definite yes.

"Is it unusual for Vulcans to have children out of wedlock?"

He titled his head and arched a brow.

"No, it is not. My father never married his first bond mate. She was mother to Sybok, my brother."

Noting the intensity of his gaze, she cut him off before he could finish his next question.

"Nyota, are you-?"

She placed her hand on his cheek.

"No, ashayam, I am not with child. I hold to our plan. Children will come after we return to Earth."

He rested his forehead against hers and gently kissed her lips.

"One thing that I have learned while serving aboard this ship is that even the best laid plans can, and often do, go awry. If an event should take place sooner than expected, we will reevaluate our plan."

She rubbed her nose against his and grinned.

"The ever logical, Mr. Spock."

He accepted her comment as a compliment.

"Thank you."

Nyota laughed, slipping her arms back around his neck and gave him a kiss. He deepened it, ardently exploring the outline of her mouth. She could feel him slowly becoming aroused. The heat of his skin, the swell of him inside of her and the possessiveness of his touch told her that he was, yet again, and ready to mate. She ended the kiss, trying to catch her breath.

"By the way, yes Spock, I would be happy to move in with you."

He lifted his gaze from her lips to her eyes.

"I shall move your belongings tomorrow."

Nyota never got a chance to reply, she was too busy enjoying the taste of Spock's mouth. And before long, all thoughts of quarters and moving had faded into a distant memory.

Note: K'hat'n'dlawa – my heart/soul mate * Ashayam – a beloved person