LH: …….I'm really sorry for not updating……… -bows repeatedly- I got OBSESSED with reading fanfiction… and forgot all about writing any of it… So I don't blame you guys if no one is reading this anymore…

Disclaimer: Me gramir en spuling suk. Soe eye coodunt oane Dee-Gurey-Maan and Buh-leech. (Translation: My grammar and spelling suck. So I couldn't own D Gray-man and Bleach.)

Road tapped her foot impatiently, "Strawberry! Get up here!" She pointed at Ichi-kun then the ground next to her as she yelled this. Ichi-kun scrambled over to where Road was… er… standing on Lero?

"Ano, my name isn't Strawberry, it's-" Ichi-kun stated quietly

"No one cares! Age change time!" Road interrupted, then pointed at the door. The light pillar once again appeared, and Ichi-kun disappeared inside of it. When the light cleared, Ichi-kun was several years older, in the standard Shinigami uniform, and had a giant, cleaver-like sword strapped to his back.

"I decided to just use up one of your requests for you, as I knew that you were going to request that stupid oversized meat-cleaver," Road stated, bored, then pointed at the door again, "Go, Strawberry!" (LH: for some reason I have the irresistible urge to make Ichigo say, "Pika Pi!" XD)

"My name isn't Straw-"

Road punted Ichigo through the door, "NOW!"

Light spilled out of the door and covered the area once more. When the light cleared, they were in the Seireitei. I can't remember where EXACTLY in the Seireitei, but they were there. …Yeah… my (already pathetic) descriptive skills have failed me…

A tall man with incredibly spiky hair (almost super Saiyan in appearance) materialized along with a girl with bubblegum pink hair whose appearance bordered on chibi. They were both in standard Shinigami uniform, although the man had the white jacket of a taicho and an eyepatch over one of his eyes. Both had katana like zanpaktous strapped to their backs. Or maybe the man had his at his waist… I can't remember…

Road, seeming bored already, simply snapped her fingers and everyone but Ichigo and the Shinigamis faded from sight. Ichigo stared at the Shinigami, "…Uh… Hi?"

The man laughed maniacally, which was rather odd considering I'm pretty sure he's considered a good guy… oh well. He then stared Ichigo in the eyes and said, "So you're one of the ryoka (I think that's the word…) that's had Soul Society running around like decapitated chickens."

Ichigo grimaced, "Thanks. I really needed that image burned into my mind. Thanks a bunch. Can we just get on with the fighting already? Because I REALLY have to go and do something. Like kick someone's ass. Because they won't listen to me."

"Do you even know who I am?"

"Zaraki Kenpachi, taicho of Squad 11, strongest taicho, blah blah blah, bells on hair, blah blah blah, reiatsu under eyepatch, blah blah, can we get on with this already?" Ichigo rattled off, apparently bored by the concept of fighting Kenpachi.

Kenpachi covered his eyepatch, "But almost no one knows about my secret stash of reiatsu! How did you know?"

"Yeah, how did you find out all of that about Ken-chan? And what's your name anyway?" The pink haired chibi piped up, startling Ichigo, as he had forgotten she was there.

"I'm Kurosaki Ichigo, substitute Shinigami. …yeah, that's all I'm gonna tell you right now." Ichigo responded, a little flustered.

"Okay Ichi! I'm Yachiru! Now, Ken-chan! Beat the crap out of Ichi!" Yachiru smiled and clapped childishly after yelling this, causing Ichigo and Kenpachi to sweatdrop.

Ichigo turned to Kenpachi and deadpanned, "Now I can see why you don't seem entirely sane. I know I wouldn't be if I had to deal with HER everyday."

Kenpachi blinked, and then smirked, "Enough small talk! Let's get to the battling!" He then charged headlong at Ichigo, unsheathing his sword as he did so.

Ichigo leaped backwards to avoid being sliced in half by Kenpachi's zanpaktou. He grabbed his zanpaktou, Zangetsu, off of his back, and the bandages that covered it immediately unraveled. He twisted to the side to avoid being (at least) mortally wounded by another of Kenpachi's seemingly random attacks.

Kenpachi looked surprised, "You're the first person to actually bother to listen for the bells that I have on the tips of my hair, I'm impressed. Let's see what else you've got!" And with that the battle continued.

Ichigo was mostly on the defensive as he worked more to keep himself from getting sliced open than aiming at Kenpachi, since he knew that it would be harder than randomly slicing to so much as cut Kenpachi. Dammit! I need a new plan! This one is obviously not working! If I can't even attempt to attack him, how am I supposed to defeat him? Ichigo jumped on top of Kenpachi's head to dodge another wild strike, and leaped off just as quickly.

Kenpachi pouted. Or, at least, that's what he appeared to be doing, as he still looked rather insane, "Aw, is dodging all you can do? I was expecting better from someone who knew so much about me, though I'm going to have to ask how you knew all of that if you're still alive after this battle is done." He charged at Ichigo, not seeming to think about his actions before taking them, making him quite unpredictable.

Ichigo ducked under Kenpachi's zanpaktou to avoid a slice that would have undoubtedly decapitated him. When a thought suddenly struck him on how he could finish this fight, and quickly as well if everything went according to his impromptu plan.

He spun around, tripped Kenpachi and turned so that he was facing a seemingly random area, "Hey! Annoying little girl!" Yachiru perked up, assuming he meant her. "No, not you! The other one!" Yachiru sat down and sulked. "I'd like to make my second request! The ability to use Bankai!"

Nothing appeared to happen at first, and right when Ichigo thought that his request was going to be ignored, laughter echoed through the street. Kenpachi looked around wildly, "What the hell is this? Who's there?"

The laughter turned more sinister, and a young girl's voice emanated from nowhere, and yet everywhere, "Doesn't matter what it is, now does it, foolish human. And… I guess that I could grant that request. Could make things more In-ter-est-ing~" Zangetsu glowed for a moment, it's form shifting to that of a thin katana, before returning to it's normal cleaver-like Shikai state.

Ichigo turned to face Kenpachi, "Well, I think that it's time that we end this, don't you?"

Kenpachi, seeming to have forgotten about the strange voice from only seconds before, grinned maniacally, "Let's." He then charged towards Ichigo in his typical berserker-like fashion.

Ichigo simply jumped over the blade and shouted, "Getsuga Tenshou!" A wave of destructive reiatsu came surging from Zangetsu and obliterated the street around him. Kenpachi had only a small scratch.

Kenpachi smirked, "You're the first guy in a long while that's been able to so much as scratch me. That must mean that you're good. I think I'm gonna use that reiatsu stash that you so annoyingly pointed out earlier, it'll make the fight more interesting." Light spilled from under Kenpachi's eyepatch, quickly causing it to flip up, revealing that he wasn't, in fact, missing an eye, but was simply using the eyepatch to prevent the store of reiatsu from escaping.

The force of the reiatsu coming from Kenpachi's, now uncovered, eye was so intense that it caused the ground under Kenpachi's feet to crack and crumble. Kenpachi's grin no longer insane, it was simply deranged. It was obvious that he was simply in the fight for the game in it, and possibly for the excuse to kill someone.

Ichigo would later say that he could've sworn that, had he blinked, he would have been killed right then and there, and Kenpachi moved ridiculously quickly towards him. Ichigo was only barely able to avoid being killed, but was still cut along his left arm. He quickly shunpoed away from Kenpachi, and raised his sword in front of him.


The resulting wave of reiatsu was nearly equal to, if not larger than, the explosion of reiatsu that Kenpachi had caused by removing his eyepatch. The energy swirled around Ichigo, obscuring him from view.

When the energy dissipated, Ichigo was wearing a tight black jacket over his Shinigami uniform, and Zangetsu had become a thin black katana. He lazily looked over at Kenpachi, smirked, and promptly disappeared.

Kenpachi's eyes widened in surprise, who would've thought that the teenaged ryoka could use Bankai, the technique that most Shinigami were never capable of using! While he was distracted with this new development, he only vaguely noticed Ichigo's disappearance, and reacted just a little too slowly.

Zangetsu slammed into Kenpachi's chest and sliced upwards, leaving a long gash across his abdomen. Ichigo then appeared to disappear again, before attacking once more from behind. The tables had turned, and now Ichigo was on the offensive, while Kenpachi was attempting to defend himself.

The over-confident taicho shunpoed backwards after barely blocking another blow from the irate teen and looked around himself warily. He couldn't see the alleged substitute Shinigami, but that didn't mean that he wasn't somewhere nearby. Kenpachi was by no means a stupid man, he knew that Ichigo wasn't teleporting around everywhere, he was just moving incredibly quickly, pausing only to attack before jumping into motion once more. All he had to do was locate where he was coming from and the battle would be over before the ryoka knew what hit him.

Unfortunately for the insanely strong man, he had forgotten to check his surroundings while he was formatting his strategy inside his head. Before he had time to comprehend what had happened he had fallen to the ground, a deep slash across his back.

Ichigo stood with Zangetsu slung over his shoulder, looking down at the unconscious taicho. When Yachiru jumped down from the roof she had been sitting on throughout the battle, he released his Bankai, acknowledging that the battle was over. Yachiru simply looked over at him and nodded once before grabbing Kenpachi's arm and shunpoing away, taking the large taicho with her.

Ichigo scratched the back of his head, "I will never understand how someone that small could carry someone that large…"

"Well, Strawberry, it would appear that both you and the Quincy have won your memories. Poo… I was hoping to get some new dolls out of this game…" While Ichigo couldn't actually see Road's face, he could tell that she was pouting.

"For the last goddamn time, MY NAME IS NOT STRAWBERRY!" Ichigo yelled as the scenery around him twisted and changed shape to reveal Uryu standing next to an unconscious Kurotsuchi.

"It would appear that she had us simultaneously complete her challenge, though for what purpose I do not know…" Uryu said as the scenery once again dissolved into the hallway they had been in before.

With their recent release, there were only four chibis remaining, Sa-kun, Hime-chan, Lena-chan, and Ale-kun. They, along with Rukia, Toshiro, Urahara, and Lavi, were staring at Ichigo and Uryu in shock.

"I had no idea that a non-exorcist or Noah could have that kind of power! That's so cool!" Lavi was obviously ecstatic at the idea of new information to be added to the Bookman archives, and was the only one to find his voice.

Road cleared her throat, attracting the attention of the occupants of the hallway, "Yeah, yeah… anyway, the next ones to go are the gold coin and the princess!"

LH: I am really really really really really really really really really really really really really sorry for taking so long with this chapter! You all have random idiot person to thank for getting me off my ass and working on this… Remember any readers who might be left, you ARE allowed to message me and (quite literally) virtually beat me over the head with a frying pan until I get my ass in gear.

Also, I sorta skipped Uryu's memory, though you probably already noticed that by now... um... yeah... I just suck at keeping him in character, so... yeah... Any Uryu fans out there... please don't hurt me. -hides-

And all I can use as an excuse for my lateness is that my buddy Mo got me hooked on Hetalia (which is a first, normally I'm the one forcing series on her) and I went on an APH rampage for a while. My phone has never had so many pictures taken in a single day as it did when I found that Nordic video… -fangirl squeals-

-coughs- But that's besides the point… I'm really sorry for taking so long, but with school getting out in about 2-3 weeks –can't remember when her own school gets out- I'll have loads more time to finish this up! Ja ne! (Isn't it easy to tell that the AN's were written months apart?)