Disclaimer: I don't own FullMetal Alchemist.

Author's Note: I've been sick, so I've been able to read the second FMA novel after purchasing it a few months back. And thanks to that, I have inspiration for my first FMA fanfic! Sorry if this seems rushed at all; it's my first one!

Father and Son

Roy had to admit, watching Edward sleep was a refreshing break from the onslaught of paperwork and "encouragement" letters on his desk. He looked every much like an innocent child, although he knew this boy had a past full of demons.

When the two met on the train, admist Roy's "entertaining" with a couple of beautiful ladies, he tried to push the blonde and his younger brother, the armor-bound Alphonse, away with just a wave of the finger. However, he wasn't expecting the cunning FullMetal Alchemist to come up with a revenge plan: call him Daddy and ruin his "audience" with his females companions. Which worked – too well.

However, now in the break room in Eastern Command, Roy sat on a chair watching Edward sleep, Alphonse out washing his red jacket of the dirt and grime that had accumulated over the long time they spent outdoors. His thoughts ranged from the Elrics' dark past to the events of some time ago, when the blonde came up and called the older State Alchemist his father.

The funny thing was, in the back of Roy's mind some time later, he didn't actually mind being called that name.

He was, in some ways, like a father to the Elric boys, watching out for them and making sure they were all right (or, in Ed's case, teasing him about his height). He also worried about them a lot, especially Edward, since he was so brash and charge-first-think-last in the critical situations.

Much like the Flame Alchemist was himself, once people thought about it. Like father, like son.

Roy chuckled to himself as Edward snored, a bubble blowing in and out from his nose symbolically, and the man brushed his hand through the boy's fallen bangs before standing up. He had to admit, as much as the break was nice, Riza would kill him if he didn't get back to work soon.

However, as he went back to the door, he whispered to Edward with a smile he was so glad that the young alchemist was asleep for.

"Good night...Son."