For disclaimers see Chapter One



About an hour after the start of her shift Captain Janeway received the request of Commander Tuvok to meet with him and a crew member in his office. She ordered them to come to the Ready Room instead. The crew member in question turned out to be Ensign Ron, closely followed by a stone-faced Chief of Security. The Bajoran stood at rigid attention in front of her desk and Tuvok handed her wordlessly a data padd. She read it and then called Chakotay over the comm. system.

"Give me ten minutes, Captain. I just came from the gym and need a shower."

"Acknowledged Commander. Janeway out."

Kathryn studied the other woman who refused to make eye contact. There was no outward sign that she was even the slightest bit nervous but she seemed very determined.

"Feel free to take a seat while we wait for the Commander, Ensign."

"If it's all the same for you I'd prefer to stand, ma'am."

Janeway only nodded and turned her attention to the padd containing the woman's confession and a copy of her service record.

'Ro Laren', she had heard the name before but it took her a while to remember where.

About two years ago she had per chance met up with Will Riker, a former class mate at the Academy and Captain Picard's First Officer. He had angrily told her about a Bajoran Lieutenant who had been bullied by the brass in going on an undercover mission she had not been ready for – despite Captain Picard's protests. Will had been so angry at Admiral Nechajev for insisting on this plan of infiltrating the Maquis by sending a Bajoran as undercover agent. He had described Lieutenant Ro as a woman of great integrity and loyalty, and this mission had propelled her in a situation where she could nothing but lose.

The door chime brought her out of her musings.

Chakotay scanned the contents of the padd, "Ro Laren, I wanted to make your acquaintance for some time now. The raid on the Cardassian supply post you led some time ago assured the survival of the whole colony on Arbora V. Your quick thinking saved the lives of almost a thousand people, a few of them were my friends. Thank you, Ro Laren."

Ro blushed but didn't change her stance or commented on his words.

"Lieutenant Ro, knowing what you know now, would you make the same decision?" Captain Janeway asked.

For the first time since entering the room the other woman looked at the Captain who was only showing her command mask. She decided to be as honest as possible.

"I don't know, ma'am. When Admiral Nechajev told me about the mission I was fresh out of tactical training and flattered to be chosen. I quickly learned that I was completely out of my depths because I really began to like the people I had been sent to betray. One of them reminded me of my father.

"After I left the Enterprise I told myself that I had done what I did because I was convinced that the Maquis was right and the Federation wrong but late at night I knew better. I also did it out of a sense of guilt. Instead of fighting for the freedom of my people from Cardassian oppression I ran the first chance I got. Instead of fighting for Bajor I joined Starfleet. Helping the Maquis was a way to make up for it."

Ro fell silent.

"Do you still feel that you betrayed your people?"

"No, Captain. I feel that I betrayed Starfleet and Captain Picard."

"Is this why you don't wear an earring even off-duty like the other Bajorans do?" Chakotay asked.

"In a way. I sent my earring to him, to Captain Picard because even then I no longer felt that I deserved to wear it."

Captain Janeway knew exactly what she intended to do about her newfound Starfleet Officer but first she needed one more question answered and then she would have to speak with the two men.

"Ro, why did you come clear? You could have gotten away with it."

"Yes, I suppose it would have worked, ma'am, but this muvtay HochDIch has forced me to think about myself and I decided that I no longer want to run away from myself."

"I understand. Please return to your quarters and consider yourself as under house arrest. I'll call you as soon as my decision is made."

"Aye Captain!" She smartly turned around and left the Ready Room.


"Commander Tuvok, do you still want to groom her as your second-in-command?"

"Now more than ever, Captain, besides, she already did a good job covering for me when I had to fill in for Commander Chakotay. I began to doubt my initial evaluation of her character when she failed to come forward after our first missions together clearly revealed her tactical training. Now, I know that she is the right choice."

"Second-in-command? Didn't I hear you tell me not too long ago that you don't need an assistant?"

"I do not need an assistant now but that will not always be the case," Tuvok answered with the hint of a smug smile in his voice.

"Chakotay, what would you do with Lieutenant Ro?"

"Tell the doctor to update his medical database on her and give out a ship wide announcement about the change in rank and name," he answered with a lopsided grin.

"And aside from wishful thinking?"

He sobered considerably. "Technically she disobeyed the orders of her commanding officers. She is AWOL and a member of what the Federation sees as a criminal organisation, though on this ship that last point should be obsolete. In the Alpha Quadrant she would be court-martialled and depending on the current political fall-winds she would end up demoted, discharged, or in prison."

They talked for some time until the Captain entered her decision in the main database. She sent the men back to their off-duty activities and returned to her seat on the Bridge. Only two hours later did she call the other woman to return to the Ready Room.

"Lieutenant Ro, I can't accept your confession the way it is. According to an addendum to your duty file you are not sought for desertion. You resigned your commission before you started on the last part of your mission and Starfleet command admitted that they might have been hasty in giving this undercover assignment to you.

"I restored Lieutenant Paris and Commander Chakotay to their former ranks; so, I can't do any less for you."

The Captain rose from her seat. "At attention!" She stepped around the desk and in front of the visibly astonished woman. She removed the Maquis insignia from the turtleneck and replaced it with the two pips of a full Lieutenant.

Ro looked at her as if she had just grown a second head and stammered, "But, ma'am, that can't be right. I betrayed Captain Picard. I have to be punished, not promoted."

"That's not the way he sees it, Lieutenant. Picard pulled a few strings and had all charges against you dropped. He feels that he has let you down in not taking you off this assignment in time."

"But how could he? How do you know? I'm supposed to pay for my betrayal."

"He had a letter added to your permanent file wherein he states among other things that he would welcome you back under his command any time. And as far as I'm concerned your feelings of guilt are more than enough punishment.

"Tuvok insists that you take a few refreshment courses under his tutelage. You can see this as a chance to improve your skills or as a punishment. Dismissed Lieutenant Ro."

The other woman saluted, turned half around, stopped and turned back, "Thank you, Captain Janeway. You'll not regret it."



Addendum: Approximative translation of Klingon terms:

The Klingon I use is based on: Mark Okrand: The Klingon Dictionary. The Official Guide to Klingon Words and Phrases. New York, London, Toronto, Sydney, Singapore: Pocket Books, 1992 and Mark Okrand: Star Trek: Klingon For the Galactic Traveler. New York, London, Toronto, Sydney, Singapore: Pocket Books, 1997.


Federation Standard:

lajQo' quvHa'ghachtay = Rite to reject dishonour

Sub = Hero

bljeghbe'chugh voj blHegh = Surrender or die!

ghe'torvo' narghDI' qu'pu = When spirits escape from Grethor – equivalent to: When hell freezes over

Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam = It's a good day to die – traditional Klingon battle cry

parmaqqay = Romantic partner

DevwI' SeQ = Spiritual guide – literally: ritualistic leader

pol ruv = Save/keep justice

ghojwI' = Student, here: candidate or initiate

chaj = Denomination for a close female friend of a female; considered insulting if used by the opposite gender

vuv baj no' = You make your ancestors proud – literally: You earn the respect of your ancestors

Miral puqbe' = Tochter von Miral

'oy'sontay = Ceremony of pain – literally: Ceremony to relieve pain

Qopqagh HuH = Dead Gagh slime – Gagh: Klingon delicacy, a worm eaten alive; dead Gagh is considered disgusting

bIQ'a'Daq 'oHtaH 'etlh'e' = There's no going back; it can not be changed – literally: The sword is in the ocean; refers to Kahless' brother throwing their father's sword in the ocean after killing him. Kahless never spoke to him after that.

joHwI' = My Lady – used exclusively to address the female leader of a House

'Iwaghargh quvHa' 'up = Dishonoured, disgusting bloodworm

batlh Daqawlu'taH = You will be remembered with honour

mevjap! = Stop! It is enough!

Hoch nuH qel = Consider every option, every possibility – literally: Consider every weapon.

'oy'naQ = Painstick; also used on large animals it's basically a cattle prod.

nentay cha'DIch = Second Rite of Ascension; a coming of age ceremony

jup 'waDIch = Here: attendant during a ritual or ceremony – literally: first friend

wIj jup = My very good friend – literally: friend mine; usually only used among the higher classes

Ha'quj = Sash – for a optical reference think of Commander Worf

muvtay HochDIch = The ultimate Rite of Ascension – literally: the last or highest Rite of Ascension

Rel'Issa pugbe' = Daughter of Rel'Issa

moq! = Begin!

Hay' chu' = Duel to the death

quv tob' = Duel of skills – literally: to test one's honour conclusively

qablIj HI'ang! = I challenge you! – Traditional form to challenge someone to a duel – literally: Show me your face

qabwIj vISo'be! = I accept your challenge! – Traditional answer to accept a challenge – literally: I don't hide my face!

ylmev, yap! = Stop! It is enough! – more formal form of 'mevjap!'

Shig'Rai tug = Of the House of Shig'Rai

ghItlH = Mark – in everyday language only used as a verb, here used in ritualised speech as a noun

DaHjaj SuvwI' vIghes! = Today I take my place as a warrior – literally: Today I assume the responsibility of a warrior

pInaDqu' tuglIj wInaDqu' je = Glory to you and your house – literally: We praise you highly, we also praise your House highly; formalised expression only used in induction or initiation ceremonies


Feedback always welcome under: romansilence[at]