Tony jumped when the door opened, he didn't even know he had fallen asleep and he raised his head, blinking sleep out of his eyes, when he saw Gibbs standing in the doorway.

"Can I come in?" Gibbs asked. His eyes held concern. Tony nodded as Gibbs came in and closed the door behind him, juggling two grocery bags in his arms. "I'll just go prepare everything, I'm making you a home made pizza. Gibbs family recipé," Gibbs said and disappeared into the kichten. Tony tried watching the cartoon's still playing on the TV while at the same time listening to the sounds of Gibbs trying to find stuff in his kitchen. It would've been a sight watching Gibbs make food, but Tony was too tired to even sit up in the sofa. After a while of dozing, Gibbs came into the livingroom. Tony raised his knees, making space for Gibbs to sit down. "How're you doing?" Gibbs's eyes were focused solely on him, and it felt strangely good, making the butterflies flap their wings even faster, and his heart speed up.

"Peachy," Tony said, not letting his guard down. Gibbs huffed, but didn't say anything. They both watched the cartoon's for a while.

"A coyote can't survive falling off a cliff and have a big boulder bounce up and down on him!" Gibbs said suddenly. Tony snickered at that. "Tony...what can I do?" Gibbs asked. Tony looked into his eyes. You could kiss me. Stay with me. Never let go of me. Tony pushed the thoughts away and looked back at the television. "I want to help in any way I can," Gibbs said.

"You can't help me with this, I just need to clear my head and get my body back in line, and I'll be back on duty," Tony said.

"So you're not switching to FBI?" Gibbs asked. So this was all it was about? He knew letting Gibbs come over had been a mistake.

"If that's what you came here for, the door's over there," Tony said, pointing to the door. Gibbs sighed.

"That's not what I came here for," Gibbs admitted. "I'm concerned," Gibbs said.

"Why?" Tony asked, looking into Gibbs's blue eyes. "Why are you concerned? Why do you care? You NEVER care!" Tony accused him. Gibbs's eyebrows raised in confusion.

"I care!" Gibbs defended himself.

"Yeah? You care all right, just not about me. I take all the shit, I take one for the team on hourly basis Gibbs. I'd do ANYTHING to keep you happy and all you give me is shit," Tony said, his heart thundering in his chest. They had never simply talked like this, without yelling or coming to blows. Gibbs's eyes filled with emotion, it was a shock to Tony who had only ever seen anger or determination in them and sometimes humor. Gibbs looked at his hands.

"I know. And I'm sorry, Tony," Gibbs said. Tony gaped. Please, bye and sorry? All in the space of one day? "I know you've taken all the shit I've thrown at you. I had no right taking my anger out on you, and it's been worse ever sinse..." Gibbs stopped.

"Ever sinse what?" Tony asked.

"I found your letter," Gibbs stated and Tony dropped the remote control, freezing. The world stopped. He had written the letter but had decided to burn it. He had come home and panicked when searching for it, finding that he had lost it.

" it?" Tony asked. Gibbs confirmed it with a nod. "I...uh," Tony blushed furiously.

"It can't happen Tony. I'm your Boss. You're my Senior Field Agent," Gibbs swallowed and looked away while Tony's heart broke into a million pieces and the butterflies in his stomach turned to angry gremlins. " SHOULDN'T happen anyway..." Gibbs sighed, then he looked at Tony. "But I can't stop myself from feeling the way I feel towards you anymore than you can just jump back on your feet and go back to work," Gibbs finished. Tony stared at him.

"What...what're you saying, Gibbs?" Tony asked, sitting up.

"I'm saying...I guess I'm saying I want this too. This. Us," Gibbs motioned between them. "Damnit Tony, what I'm trying to say is...I love you, okay? I've been in love with you sinse fucking Baltimore, and I couldn't stop even if I wanted to!" Gibbs said, flushing red.

" want a," Tony said slowly, searching Gibbs's face for answers.

"That's what I said, didn't I?" Gibbs said angrily. Tony smiled.

"You love me?" Tony asked. Gibbs nodded. "Just I said in the letter?" Tony asked. Gibbs nodded again, his face reddening. "Kiss me," Tony said quietly. Gibbs looked at him. "Kiss me damnit!" Tony growled and Gibbs closed the distance between them, the kiss stealing his breath as Gibbs's warm lips connected with his. He had dreamed about this for so long, for so damn long, and now it was finally happening! Gibbs was practicly laying on top of him and Tony could feel Gibbs trying to deepen the kiss as he chuckled into Gibbs's mouth. Gibbs pulled back slightly, one eyebrow raised.

"Something funny Tony?" Gibbs asked, a hint of humorous interest in his voice.

"Never in a million years would I have thought you and I were going to be making out on my sofa like a couple of teenagers," Tony laughed. Gibbs chuckled.

"You prefer to take it to the bedroom?" Gibbs asked, waggling his eyebrows.

"Why Jethro, are you propositioning me?" Tony asked with mock surprise.

"Indeed my lady," Gibbs smirked.

"Are you calling me a girl? Serious mood killer there Gibbs," Tony said, still smiling. His eyes were sparkling with renewed life, and Gibbs chuckled, ducking his head. "Can we a movie?" Tony asked.

"Sure," Gibbs smiled as he sat back up. "Hey, I'll just go finish the pizza, you pick out a movie and I'll put the pizza in the oven," Gibbs said. Tony nodded eagerly as Gibbs pushed up from the sofa and disappeared into the kitchen. Just then, Tony realized something. The pain, the anguish, the fear, was gone. He felt warm. He felt...hungry. He sat up and looked towards the kitchen. He knew he had a long way to go, to be able to go back to work again, but now, he had help. Then, he realized something else that had been absent for so long that he never thought he would live to see the day he felt it again.

He felt loved.



AN: Yes, there will be a follow up piece on this or some oneshots, I promise you that. First one is already written, second may take a while longer. If you're wondering about something, you can ask, but I can't promise answers :D I'm so SO happy about the nomination! :D *dances*