Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto

Flashback/Authors note

Kyuubi talking.



Chapter 10: Raining again

Flashback 10 days ago

It was a beautiful morning when Hinata was walking through Konoha. She wasn't really enjoying the weather. She hadn't enjoyed anything lately. She had told Sakura that she was going to give up on loving Naruto 4 days ago. But it was difficult to ignore her feelings. It was hard not to think about him or blush when she did. She was happy she hadn't seen him yet. She walked passed some new stores and her eyes widened. Naruto was walking down the street. He was alone and hadn't seen her yet. The first thing she had thought about was to run up to him and say hello. But she changed her mind. She shouldn't. Even if her heart was beating so fast that she thought her ribs were going to break she couldn't love him anymore. She quickly ran in the first store she saw and waited until he walked past. She sighed. Why was it so hard for her? She had stopped loving Naruto but still her heart raced when she saw him. Why couldn't it just stop? Stop beating for him. Why couldn't her mind stop thinking about him? Why couldn't her cheeks stop blushing when someone mentioned his name? Why couldn't her body understand that it was for the best? It almost looked like they were working against her.

"So we meet again." She was startled when she heard a voice behind her and turned around. It took her a while to recognize the person but slowly she started to remember his face.

"Ano…y-you're the g-guy from the b-bar. What are you doing h-here?" She still couldn't remember what happened that night but she knew he had been there.

"I work here but I'm done working for today. How about you and I go get a drink together?"

She shook her head. "I-I shouldn't. I-I actually don't r-really drink that n-night was the first time."

"That's okay, I'll just treat you to lemonade then or some thee?"

"I-I don't k-know. I r-really should b-be getting home."

"Ok, how about this? You have a drink with me and I won't tell that guy you're in love with him?"


"That sounds fair right? I'll just get my coat." He said grinning.

End flashback

Now it was ten days later they had gone out every single day. She had tried to turn him down a couple of times but she was scared that he would tell Naruto what she felt about him. If he found out their friendship would be over. Sakura would hate because she thought Hinata was still after Naruto and her friendship with Naruto would be over. He would tell her that he loved Sakura-chan and nobody else. She couldn't let that happen. She couldn't let Naruto find out how she felt about him, now more then ever.

Ren was in a good mood tonight. He had just gotten his revenge on that whiskered guy that punched him in the face. That was what he had been after for almost 10 days. The fact that by doing so he was walking around with a pretty girl was also a great extra. He had been looking for a way to get his revenge on the blond and she was perfect for doing so. The look on his face when he wrapped his arm around her and walked away was perfect. He always knew revenge was sweet but he was enjoying himself more then he had expected to. This really was one of the best plans he ever came up with.

It was three days ago that Naruto had found out about Hinata and Ren being together and he hadn't thought about anything else since. He couldn't believe that a sweet girl like Hinata would go out with a jerk like that. He should have finished that cocky bastard when he had the chance. He tried to calm himself down. He should just let it go. It wasn't his business. He shouldn't get involved. He was lying on his bed staring at the ceiling.

'Why do I care so much anyway?'

'You're such an idiot. You can't even figure yourself out.' A deep voice in his mind said.

Naruto sighed. 'What are you talking about Kyuubi? What caused you to suddenly pop up?'

'What I'm talking about is that you're an idiot. If you haven't figured it out yourself and don't you remember when you get angry or frustrated you're seal weakens.'

'What ever. I still don't know what I'm going to do!'

'Well anything is better then lying here doing nothing. Just move on with your life.'

'I get it!'

'Get what?'

'I finally get why I'm so upset by this!'

'You do?'

'Yes, it's so simple. I feel stupid for not realizing it before.'


'Hinata is my friend and that's why I can't stand her being with that cocky bastard.'

The Kyuubi sighed. He really thought that for a minute Naruto at least figured out his own feelings.

'So what are you going to do now?'

'I don't know yet but I'll find out soon.'

He stood up and quickly grabbed his jacket while he ran outside.

Ren was carrying a heavy box when he heard a voice behind him. "Hey Ren!"

He turned around just in time to dodge a fist that was heading for his face. Naruto hadn't known what he was going to do the whole way he was on his way but as soon as he saw Ren's face the need to hit him became to strong to ignore.

"Ah Naruto, I expected that you would come and pay me a visit." He grinned again. He shifted his head to Naruto's fisted hands. "And I expected that to but I wouldn't try it again if I were you."

"Oh and why is that?"

"Because you wouldn't want Hinata to be mad at you. Would you?" Naruto's eyes widened when his brain took in the information.

"Face it, Naruto. I'm Hinata's boyfriend. You can't touch me. If you do Hinata will find out and how are you going to explain to her why you beat up her boyfriend?"

Naruto's fists balled up even more and the desire to punch him again became greater with every passing second.

A few seconds passed. In these seconds Naruto realized that Ren was right and there was nothing he could do. Or at least not as long as Ren and Hinata were together. It was quiet while Naruto glared at him and Ren had a victorious grin on his face. He knew he had won this battle. The tension was hanging thick in the air until a customer broke the silence.

"Excuse me? Do you have this in green?"

Ren looked at the customer while he could feel Naruto's glare still on him. "Of course, right this way. I'll show you."

The next days were even worse for Naruto. He didn't want to stay inside because he didn't want to be alone. Sakura wasn't home a lot and if she was they were fighting most of the time. Sakura had a temper and not a lot of patience and Naruto felt her wrath on several occasions. He had told Sakura about his problems with Ren but she just seemed annoyed.

"Listen Naruto, it's not your business who she dates! Now just stop moping and help me pick a color for the new color of the kitchen!"

Going outside was even worse. It seemed like everywhere he went he saw Ren and Hinata. He never got a chance to talk to her alone and every time he saw them together the urge to punch Ren in the face was back more then ever but today he had to talk to Hinata. He was walking past Ichiraku's when he saw Hinata and Ren eating inside. The same urge he always had came back and he decided that he was going to talk to her today. He didn't know what he was going to say yet but he hadn't talked with her in such a long time. He missed her and wanted everything to go back to the things they were. He hid somewhere when he saw them come out. He was going to follow them to her house and then when he left he was going to talk to her. Alone. He never saw her alone anymore and it pissed him of how much time they spend together.

When they arrived at her house he cringed. He could see Ren leaning forward in Hinata's direction. He wanted to do something but he was frozen. He was only an inch away from her face when she quickly turned her head. Resulting him in kissing her on her cheek instead of her lips. Naruto's let out a breath he didn't even realize he was holding. He was so relieved that it took him almost all of his will power to stay quiet. Ren pulled back and he looked at her angry.

'Don't you dare. Don't you get it in your mind to be angry at her. You should be happy to just live in the same village as a girl like that.'

"What was that for?!" Ren almost screamed at her. "I give you everything that you want for two weeks and that's how you thank me?! You ungrateful…"

"I-I'm sorry. I-I didn't m-mean to-to…"

"Fine, just don't let it happen again." He said before he walked away. Hinata stood outside for a few moments looking in the direction that he left and then went inside.

Naruto sighed. It didn't matter if he talked to Hinata. He didn't even know what to say. Should he say something about Ren? Was it really his business?

It started raining. He turned around and started walking. He wasn't really walking anywhere. He was just walking. The rain soaked his skin and clothes but he almost didn't notice. It refreshed him. His mind tried to figure out what he had to do but so many things were going true his mind that he almost got a headache. When he realized where he was again his heart cringed again. He was standing in the park. Exactly where he had pulled her in the puddle. But the puddle was gone now and he was alone. He ran home. He didn't want to think about it anymore. He just wanted to go home and sleep.

When he got home he grabbed his key and opened the door. He wanted to walk inside when he saw Sakura standing there.

"Don't even think about it Naruto! You're not coming inside like that. You're wet and you're going to mess up the floor!"

"But Sakura-chan, you can easily clean it. It's just water."

She threw him a towel and some clothes and closed the door. "Forget it Naruto! You're not coming in until you're dry! I don't want you dripping on the floor! I just cleaned it!"

"But Sakura-chan, I can't just change here in the hallway. Pleas let me in."

"You should have thought about that before you left now hurry up!" He looked around. Nobody seemed to be around so he quickly dried himself up and changed clothes. When he was dry Sakura opened the door and the tired Naruto walked in.

"Naruto, sit down I have something important to tell you." Sakura said at her sweetest tone that she normally only used to use with Sasuke.

He was actually pretty tired but he knew if he said no, Sakura would get mad. So he sat down.

"I decided that I need to move on with my life. I will allow you to take me out on a date, Naruto."

Naruto was surprised. Sakura wanted to go out on a date with him? He thought about it, something that obviously pissed Sakura off.

"What?! You've been asking me out since we were children and now you have to think about it?!"

Naruto sighed. "Listen Sakura-chan, I always liked you. Since I was a kid and these last few weeks have made me realize that… that maybe you and I won't work out after all. I mean I still like you but just not on the same way. I just realized it when you said I could take you out. I just wasn't happy. My heart didn't skip a beat and my breath didn't stop. I think living with you has made me realized that we're just not right for each other. I hope we can still be friends."

"What?! Why did you go from asking me out everyday at least twice to turning me down?! You can't do that to me Naruto! You always loved me! You can't be over me! You love me!"

"I'm sorry."

"This is all that stupid Hinata's fault! She told me she wasn't going to come between us! That lying snake! Just wait until I get my hands on her!"

"What?" Naruto asked.

"She loves you! She always has! But when she found out I was in love with you that lying wh0re told me that she wasn't going to come between us! She said she was happy for us! Yeah right! She just said that to let me put my guard down and now she stole you from me!"

Naruto couldn't believe his ears, his eyes widened in disbelieve and his mouth fell open. "She what?" He quickly stood up and ran out of the apartment.

'I can't believe I missed it. How long?'

'As long as you know her.'

Naruto gasped and his foot splashed in a puddle.

'So long I can't believe I missed it. All those years. I can't believe I didn't notice. All the signs were there I was just so blinded. I only saw Sakura.'

'Yeah, your pretty stupid kid. Everybody else figured it out already."

He ran so hard as he could while the water splashing under his feet soon the bottom of his pants was soaked with rain. It didn't take him long to reach her house, he was out of breath and panting heavily. He was about to knock on the door when the Kyuubi interrupted him.

'You should think about how you feel about her before you knock on the door.'

Hinata was home alone. There was a clan-mission. They probably wouldn't be back for a couple of days. She heard a knock on the door. It was probably Tenten. Neji told her that she forgot a training scroll when she came over yesterday.

She opened the door. "N-Neji isn't here b-but…" She was surprised. It wasn't Tenten after all, it was Naruto. She was slightly embarrassed. She was only wearing a pajama that was just a baggy T-shirt and a short.

"Hey Hinata, Neji isn't here? That's good that makes stuff a lot easier. Where is he anyway?"

"T-There's a c-clan-mission they won't be back for another couple of days."

"Can I come in?"

Hinata was surprised at his question. She had been so surprised by him being there that she forgot to invite him inside.

"S-Sure, I'm s-sorry."

"That's okay Hinata. I just came over to talk."

"About what?"

"Tonight Sakura-chan told me that I could ask her out. If she hadn't been so proud, she probably would've asked me out herself."

Hinata cringed. Why did he have to come and tell her this? It was so painful. She knew she had lost Naruto but hearing it official. Sakura and Naruto were dating. That just pierced her heart.

"She told me that you were in love with me. Is that true?" She couldn't believe it. Sakura had told him. Tears began to form at the edges of her eyes.

"I'm s-s-sorry N-N-Naruto-kun, it just s-started with an a-a-admiration for your s-strength but it grew a-and I… I never wanted i-it to happen but it d-did." Tears were rolling down her cheeks and she silently sobbed. "I was just to shy to confess but when I found out Sakura liked you… I wanted the two of you to be happy. Ren knew I liked you and said if I didn't go out with him he would tell you. I-I'm so-so sorry N-Naruto-kun, please forgive me."

He leaned forward a bit and before she knew what was going on, he kissed her. It was short and light and then he pulled back. She stared at him.


"I said no to Sakura." Naruto whispered. "I don't love her anymore. I love you, Hinata-chan." He leaned forward again but she stopped him.

"N-No, pl-pleas. S-Sakura l-likes you. I-I told h-her I wasn't g-going to i-interfere with the t-two of you." More tears came from her eyes.

"Hinata-chan, I don't love Sakura. I realized that these past weeks. I love you. I really really love you Hinata." He tried to kiss her again but she kept pushing him away.

"Y-You have to give h-her a-another cha-chance N-Naruto-kun. You al-always liked her a-and I pr-promised. "

He pushed her against the wall behind her and grabbed her wrists with his hands so she couldn't push him away again. He leaned down. Now she couldn't push him away or dodge him anymore.

"B-But S-Sakura…" She managed out before his lips touched hers. When they did there was a short moment where Hinata froze but soon she began to kiss him back. This kiss was more passionate then the first one. The first one was short, sweet and soft, this one was more hungry, more wanting, more passionate. He let go of her wrist to wrap his arms around her . Her hands grabbed his hear and he pulled her closer. Tears were still rolling down her eyes but now they were tears of happiness. Soon they needed to brake the kiss for air.

"Hinata-chan, I love you."

"I-I love you so much N-Naruto-kun."

He bent down and kissed her again. She felt his tong gently lick her bottom lip. She froze for a moment and started to get nervous. Then she slightly opened her mouth so his tong could slip in. When they ran out of air again he pulled back.


She nodded.

"Just call me Naruto from now on, okay?"

"Alright Naruto."

He kissed her again. Her hands wrapped around his neck and his hands gently slipped under her baggy T-shirt and touched her skin.

The next morning Ren showed up at the Hyuuga compound. He knocked on the door and wasn't surprised when Hinata opened.

"Ren? It's you?"

"Don't you remember babe? We were going to have breakfast."

He was startled when suddenly Naruto popped up in the door opening and wrapped his arm around her. "I'm sorry Ren, me and Hinata-chan already had breakfast." A wicked grin was on his face. "Don't worry. I know you and I have something that we still have to settle but I really can't right now. Hinata-chan and I have some time to catch up on now her father isn't home. Don't worry I'll stop by the shop when I have time. I haven't forgotten about you."

The door slammed close in his face and he stood there with his mouth open for a couple of minutes.

Inside Hinata was blushing.

"Let's go for another round!" Naruto said enthusiastically.

This is it the end of Family time! So emotionally! I'm so happy and sad at the same time it's done. Maybe if I think of something that could fit somewhere in between I'll upload it but I don't think so. I'm so proud. This is the first story I finish. I'm sorry the last chapter was so long but I got carried away.

Kisses, hugs and cookies 4 all my lovely readers and reviewers. (Don't forget to read my other stories if you liked it)