Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. Happy now? T.T

Family Time

"WHAT?!!" Naruto yelled so loud that probably the whole village heard.

"Not so loud. Baka." The hokage replied simply. She had a huge head ache and wasn't in the mood for an argument.

"What do you want us to do?!"

She sighed. She probably didn't have a choice.

"I want you and Hinata to live in the house of an Anbu for 4 weeks. Like I said this Anbu is needed on a mission and has many enemy's. I heard a rumour that some people who hold a grudge on her are after her son. You're going to protect her baby for 4 weeks until she returns from her mission."

"But Tsunade Baa-chan. I'm Naruto Uzumaki, I'm going to be Hokage, I'm going to save Sasuke. I don't have time for missions like this. Can't you send someone else. Hinata and me are to qualified for this kind of thing."

She sighed. How was she supposed to handle a knucklehead like Naruto?

"Naruto, I'll tell you something. If you protect that baby for 4 weeks. Then… then… I will give you a team of 3 shinobi to go look for Sasuke."


"Yes, yes… Now will you keep quiet while I go on?" She was pleased with herself. She would give him three genin's for three days. He would probably scream bloody murder if he found out but at least he hadn't figured it out yet.

"Oh just one other thing." Tsunade gasped invisibly, was he going to ask for how long or from what rank? If he did she could forget about him accepting her offer.

"How are supposed to take care of a baby? I don't know anything about baby's."

She was relieved. She should have known Naruto wasn't smart enough to figure her out." That's what Hinata is for. She will be a great help with her Byakugan, she can take care of the baby and clean the house. You will also be needed but mostly only if there's trouble."

"That's great! Hinata and I will be the perfect team for this mission!" He said happily. "Come to think of it. Where's Hinata?"

"She is already packing her bags. She will meet you at the house at 5. Make sure that she doesn't do all the work and that you help with the baby. You will still receive smaller missions but Hinata will stay at the house at all times. She can only leave if you are there or if she takes the baby with her. If you have a mission I will send a messenger to get you but don't worry I will make sure that you'll be back in time for dinner." She smiled. "Now go pack your bags."

He quickly left (Through the window. That was a bad habit of his.) And she sighed in relief. She was getting so good in this hokage thing. The baby's mother was not an Anbu but a normal woman who needed to go on a business trip. But this worked out well for her. She would be almost 'Naruto-Free' for the next 4 weeks and about Hinata well she did need someone to take care of the baby. So she would work just fine. With her around Naruto wouldn't be bored and wouldn't complain about a boring mission.

Naruto was packing his bags. He was happy about his mission. Who knew what kind of enemy's that Anbu had? They had to be pretty strong if Tsunade needed Hinata AND him. They were probably some A-ranked missing nin's. He was also happy that this mission was with Hinata. He could have been stuck with some girl he didn't know who would always be angry at him for having the Kyuubi. If he had been paired up with Sakura-chan it wouldn't be good either. She would probably loose her patients and beat him up. He couldn't talk to her for an hour with getting beat up. What if he had to live with her for 4 weeks? He wouldn't survive. But she had always been the woman of his dream? How could she be the one if they couldn't even live together? He shrugged it off. It wasn't important right now. That were all worries for later.

Right now Sakura still loved Sasuke. She didn't like him… yet. But he kept telling himself that she would eventually. He wouldn't go back on his word. He always had claimed that he would win Sakura over in the end. But slowly one punch at a time he realised that she was never going to like him. That maybe she wasn't 'the one' after all. Maybe he should just let it go.

Naruto was standing in front of the house. It didn't look… it didn't look Anbu. He didn't know what an Anbu house was supposed to look like but this house just looked… normal. It wasn't really special. He didn't know what he expected but this wasn't it. He knocked on the door and Hinata almost immediately opened the door. She was wearing her usual clothes and her usual blush.

"N-Naruto-kun, come in. T-The client j-just left." She knew that the client wasn't an Anbu Tsunade had told her so. But she also knew that Naruto thought she was. She wondered why the Hokage told him that but she didn't dare to ask. The hokage probably had a good reason. (Yeah right =D If she only knew the reason.)

"Oh hey Hinata, how long have you been here?"

"N-Not l-long, I h-haven't even s-seen the baby y-yet."

He took a step in and grabbed her hand. "Then let's go see." He dragged her up the stairs into the nursery. It wasn't anything special. The inside of the house was completely normal. Naruto was disappointed. This wasn't anything special. Weren't Anbu houses supposed to be… you know… Anbu?

Hinata slowly stepped to the crib and picked up the baby. He looked very young two or three months. He couldn't help but be touched at the innocents and beauty of such a small child. Hinata caught him looking at her and the baby.

"S-Sorry N-Naruto would y-you l-like to hold h-him for a minute?"

"No, no Hinata it's fine." He replied quickly? He never held a real baby. He didn't have any sibling or nephews and most people in the village wouldn't let him hold their baby. He could understand that. People were always very protective of there children, baby's especially and handing it over to a demon container wasn't a really loving thing to do.

"It's not so hard Naruto." She gently laid the baby in his arms and moved his arms so he was holding him securely. She was happy that she had been able to touch his arms without fainting even if it was for such a short moment and even if it didn't mean anything. She could see it was his first time holding a baby but he looked really sweet and fatherly. He was smiling and gently rocking the baby back and forth as he watched him.

'Naruto would probably be a great father.' She thought. 'Maybe one day when I finally have the courage to tell him. He will be holding our children like this.' She blushed just thinking about it. Naruto didn't like her. Even if he did, he didn't love her, he loved Sakura. Even if they went out on a date because he felt bad for her for having a crush on him, she wouldn't be able to talk to him. And if there was some kind of miracle and she and Naruto got together. Then it definitely wouldn't last long enough for them to have kids. But if she could only be together with Naruto for only one day she would be the happiest person that had ever lived.

She was woken up from her thoughts by Naruto's relaxed voice. "What's his name?"

"Takeshi"(means military, warrior)

"I really can't imagine him being a shinobi when he grows up." He handed Takeshi back to Hinata.

She cradled him in her arms. She loved kids. She would like to have a big family when she was a little older. She never had been really close with her family and she wanted her kids to have everything she hadn't. A warm and loving family. She was wondering if Naruto would like a big family too because he had always been alone and maybe he didn't think he could divide his attention between them all. She was woken up of her thoughts when she felt a pinch in her breast. She froze up when she realised that it had been Takeshi.

Her face was read and she could see that even Naruto had a blush spreading across his face.

"Ano…" She managed out. "I-I think h-he's hungry. I-I better give h-him his b-bottle."

Naruto could only nod, still embarrassed, as they took him to the kitchen.

This is the first chapter of Family Time. Because this story got the most votes and positive reviews. This will get the main priority. Don't be mad if I upload chapters from other story's too because I have chapters that already have been writen. I promise this story will be the main priority and I have a lot of ideas. I have so many ideas I think my head is going to explode. That's going to hurt.

The last piece didn't come out quite right but I love embarrassing her. =D I love the embarrassing relationship Naruto and Hinata have. It's so cute!

BTW: for anyone who cares my stories are all in shippuden.