Kagome came through the well to see Inuyasha kissing Kikyo but then he pulled back.

"No Kikyo I do not love you I love no one. Can't you get that through your head. After you left me last time I am no longer able to love. An it's all because of you!"

Kikyo took a step back and had tears in her eyes.

"Well then Inuyasha no one will ever love you. I will bring you to hell with me. Come now."

Inuyasha went to jump away but was only brought down by Kikyos soul collectors and just as soon as he touched ground Kikyo her soul collectors and Inuyasha were all gone.

Kagome had been watching all of this and her stomach sank. She felt betrayed. But deep down she always knew Inuyasha never loved her. She wanted to cry but couldn't. She had no tears. She didn't feel empty. She just felt regular. And then she got up and walked away to the village where she knew her friends her real friends would be waiting for her. There she would have to explain what happened to their dear friend Inuyahsa She wasn't looking forward to this but if she didn't do it then no one would. And then they would have unanswered questions and that was one thing that they already had too many of. Just as she rounded the curve that led to the village when I tornado zoomed by her. She recognized who it was and yelled out.


Kouga turned around upon hearing a very angry Kagome and came to her immediately. His nose was red and his eyes were puffy and his voice was hoarse.

"Uh sorry Kagome. I guess I didn't see you cuz I am sick. I was on my way back to my den. Why are you just walking around all alone at night? Where's the stupid mutt?"

Kagome took a look at the ground and then at the sick Kouga.

"He was dragged to hell by Kikyo. But before he left he said he loved no one not even me. But the weir thing is that I don't feel bad. I didn't cry not even a little. I don't know why though. I know I love Inuyasha but maybe I just love him in a different way than I thought."

Kouga nodded his head and then sneezed causing his whole body to shake. Kagome put her hand on Kouga's fore head and then took it off immediately.

"Kouga you're burning up. Come on we have to get you somewhere you can rest. You shouldn't be running around out here it is too cold."

Kagome took Kouga's hand and led him towards Kaede's village just as she was before. Kouga blushed and looked down at their hands entwined as one. The thought of her actually caring for him, nurturing him back to health was almost too much to bear. But he kept it inside. But now that mutt face was gone he could finally have his chance with his love. His Kagome.