A blonde man stands next to a blonde woman and they stare out over the village in a comfortable silence. The blonde man is supporting the blonde woman in the most dignified way he can. She is still a proud woman and refuses to look weak even when no one's around to see. The blonde man smiles warmly down as he spots Ino and Chouji walking with their two children. Both were the spitting image of their parents. The blonde man and woman stand for a moment longer before the woman sighs tiredly. The blonde man helps her to her chair behind a large desk. He watches as she grabs her cup of tea and takes a slow sip.
"The village loves you, Naruto." The blonde woman finally says. "They've accepted you as their Hokage since the moment I announced it five years ago."
"Thank you, Baa-chan." Naruto smiles softly at Tsunade.
"How is Kakashi?" Tsunade looks up at the man before, still marveling in how much he looked like his father.
"He's doing great, his new students aren't too sure about him yet, but I'm sure they'll warm up to him soon." The man lets out a low chuckle and leans against the desk.
"Do you miss teaching students as a Jounin?" Tsunade asks smiling.
"Sometimes…" Naruto says. "Other times, I'm grateful I haven't been teaching lately… finally have a chance to let my head heal."
"Complain to Sakura about that, she always hit you harder than I did." Tsunade retorts playfully.
"True, but I can't complain to her when she's being brought in as a council member with Shikamaru." Naruto moves to sit in a chair that sat next to the desk. "Plus, she's been to busy with Sasuke's spawn."
Tsunade laughed whole heartedly at the mention of the four children that Sakura and Sasuke had together. They were most unwise to allow Naruto to babysit them because they were quite a lot like their Uncle Naruto now. It was even worse when they thought having Lee assist Naruto in babysitting. Now, the four children were downright evil and fast little balls of energy. There was a polite knocking on the door before it opened and revealed Shikamaru and Sakura. They walked up to the desk and Tsunade smiled proudly at them.
"The ceremony done already?" Naruto asked.
"Yeah, it was a pain, but they got through it quickly." Shikamaru frowned.
"Only because you fell asleep, Shikamaru." Sakura laughed.
"Honestly, even though you're all so much older now, you're still the same." Tsunade sighed. "Well, at least I know that Naruto will still be in good hands."
Naruto grinned as Sakura and Shikamaru agreed happily to their new found charge. The blonde man hears some commotion and stood, looking out the window. There on the ground in front of the building stood Kakashi with his new team of Genin ninja. They were complaining very loudly about needing the silver haired man to start showing up on time. Kakashi chuckled and apologized. A shimmer of yellow comes to him from the top of his field of vision and Kakashi looks up. He saw Naruto smiling down at him with Shikamaru and Sakura behind him.
"We're home!" Kakashi called up to Naruto, waving his hand at the Rokudaime and his council members.
"Rokudaime!" The three Genin were waving and cheering up at him.
"Welcome back!" Naruto called back to them. "Have you three managed to remove Kakashi's mask yet?"
"No… he's too tricky!" One of the Genin yell angrily.
"He bathes in a mask too!" Another pouts.
"I'll give you a secret!" Naruto jumps from the window and stands on a ledge closer to their level. "You have to-"
Naruto is unable to finish his sentence when arms wrap around him and carry him off. The three Genin are left behind shouting. They chase Kakashi and Naruto only a short distance before giving up. When the two are in Kakashi's home, Naruto removes the mask from the copy-cat ninja's face. Their arms wrap around each other and they kiss heatedly. Kakashi had been gone for three days and was in desperate need of a refill on affection from the blonde. When their lips separate, Kakashi smiles.
"I'm home, Naruto-kun." Kakashi whispers.
"Welcome home, Kakashi." Naruto grins, nuzzling against the Jounin.
There!! The epilogue! It's a short and sweet epilogue that shows just enough. This takes place fifteen years after Naruto and Kakashi get together. So, Naruto's gang would be about… 31? 32ish? Kakashi's in his 40s and Tsunade's in her lat 60s.