A/N: Yeah, too tired to think straight, so I'll post here instead of think of a decent plot line… This one is exactly 200 words instead of 100, because I just love you that much. No, I just couldn't get it all to fit in 100. Apples!

Vlad lay half asleep on the couch while Henry channel surfed absentmindedly at four a.m.

"Have you ever been so tired that you aren't tired anymore? Like your brain is spiting you for staying up so late so it just says 'Fine, if you don't wanna sleep than don't, asshole.' And you're still tired, but you just don't want to go to sleep anymore? Like you waited to long, and missed your window of opportunity?" said Henry in a monotone voice.

"Shut up Henry," Vlad replied, just wanting to get some freaking sleep.

"Damn. I want an apple," said Henry.

"Get an apple."

"I can't get an apple; I just brushed my teeth. Damn!"

"Either go get a freaking apple, or go to sleep."

"Is there a third option?"

"As a matter of fact, yes. Me killing you and draining you of all your blood!"

"Oh… Or you could use your magic vampire brain powers to bring me an apple and my toothbrush so I wouldn't have to get up…" Henry said with a hopeful smile.

"It's not The Force Henry. I cannot levitate your fruit on a whim."

"I bet you could if you tried hard enough…"

"Shut up."

Review??? R.I.P. PANIC AT THE DISCO!!! I miss my wittle Ryan Ross-i-poo... Yeah, the best band evva just lost half its members, wich is especially sad for me because I also write slash fics about Brendon and Ryan from P!ATD, and now... RYRO'S GONE! *tear* Reviews might cheer me up... hint hint. Heheh. Seriously. The button is right there. All you have to do is click it.