Disclaimer: I don't own MR. Why do we put this? It's fanfiction. None of us own anything. Isn't just posting something on here a disclaimer?


As we last left our heroes, Fang had just moronically (and I do mean moronically) burst into the bathroom with a cry of "Max, what's wrong!?" with only a shower curtain betwixt the two. WHAT. WILL. HAPPEN. NEXT?!


I'll just go ahead and say this.

I screamed again. Alright? I admit it. I screamed twice in thirty seconds. Fang, to be honest, sounded extremely concerned. (Which is strange. They know I can handle myself. I can take care of myself. I'm a big girl who can shower by herself. And the boy isn't exactly Mr. Expressive anyway.) But this doesn't excuse the fact that the boy just potentially damaged a door we don't own in a hotel, while, more over, I'm naked in a shower and visually impaired. And this was Nudge's, Angel's, and my room! How did he get into our room so fast in the first place? The door was locked. But to come into the bathroom without permission? He could have asked and then waited for a reply, anyway! Normally, asking a question means YOU WANT AN ANSWER. "What's wrong!?" is not a rhetorical question.

This means I do not need a shower buddy, Fang.

"FANG! OUT! NOW!" I could barely splutter out the words through my extreme annoyance, embarrassment, and, due to the shampoo in my eyes, pain. I heard his shoes slide to a halt across the moist tile floor.

"What? Get out? You just screamed! Are you sure you're okay!?" Obvious confusion was filling Fang.

"No, Fang, I'm not okay. I just told you to get out because I'd like to die this slow and painful death by myself without anyone helping me. Now. GET. OUT."


"Max, are you like, okay!?" Nudge?!

"Max, what's happening?!" Gazzy?!

"Max?!" Angel?!

"WHAT IS THIS, A COMMUNAL BATH?! EVERY WHOSE NAME IS NOT MAXIMUM RIDE- OUT." Apparently, the embarrassment that was flooding my face with red was being channeled into my voice as a furious roar. Hey, whatever works works. Well, it was better to let them think I was angry than embarrassed. And, you know, it got them out. Oh, did it get them out.

The last trace of the Flock I even noticed was the scramble and clawing to the door and a chorus of 'Sorry!'s. Which, you know, was fine by moi.

Maybe I could just finish this shower in peace.


I ended up having a lovely shower. The shampoo rinsed from my eyes like magic, and I looked a whole lot better when I got out. Then, when I exited, I noticed the Flock gathered on my bed with a lovely boquet of flowers. Everyone of them took their turn in apologizing, all noting how wrong it was of them to come in when I was showering, no matter how worried they were.

Then we all had a good laugh about it, Fang told me he hadn't meant the 'manly' comment in the first place, and we kicked evil butt.

Yes, and then magical ponies flew down from the sky and gave me a Porsche.

There are so many very obvious things wrong with what I would have liked to have happened (see above), but let's start out in order.

Shampoo doesn't just glide out of your eyes. It sits there. And it boils. And it burns. And, even after it's gone, you still feel the sting. Second, I always look like me. A shower can't rinse away lack of sleep for me- I'm starting to think those black circles are permanent. And no matter how much I wash my hair, there will always be various debris in it.

Truthfully, I don't think I need to go any further on what was wrong with that picture. If you don't get it by now, my family isn't like that. And if you don't get that, you need to get off the computer and go reread the Maximum Ride series.

It might not have happened like that but, there was actually some truth in that story. I did actually feel a good bit better, though rather annoyed still, after getting out of the shower. And the Flock and I did have a nice long talk. But there were no flowers, I had to round them up, and there were no heartfelt apologies.

Iggy was pretty much snickering the whole time I was ranting and raving and Fang had this look on his face that made me want to choke him. Angel, Nudge, and Gazzy seemed pretty repentant, though.

So my gulps of hot air and italicized points didn't go to total waste, anyway.

After I was done on my soapbox and Gazzy, Iggy, and Fang had shuffled out of our room, Nudge pulled me aside, much to my surprise.

"Max?" came her soft voice in the bland room.

"Yes, sweetie?"

"You need to go shopping."


It's short. Sorreh. My chapters normally are. And, you know, so are James Patterson's. That's why he's such a good author, I think- he doesn't pack too much into it at once.

What? No, that's not just an excuse!

Ahhh, more reviews! And I got subscriptions! You've spoiled me, so let's address some people.

Laura- Thank you so much for the criticism! I didn't care for that line either, but I kind of wondered. It's still Fang, so should it be too excited? I didn't know. Plus, like Max rants on, the Flock knows she can take care of herself. But I still agree, that might have been the most OOC part yet. Continue to help me, I beg!

Malabsorbant: TWO REVIEWS?! I LOVE YOU! And I'll write more, but I'm reaaaally bad about updating. Plus, I've had major writer's block for who knows how long.

Flyingtothestars: Mwahaha…that's what I'm talking about!

Ann: Thank you!

Jacob Black Ooft. . .Phitt: It was the randomest idea. Like ever. And I think random things. Lots. And two reviews for you too! BAM!

xSarahxMariexCullen: I know. I've always wanted him to get the shiz beat out of him via Max force. Even though I love FAX. I still wanted to see it.

Now I have a reason to!

the7thflockmember: LoL! I will, I will!

Midge 1012: Gotcha!

xxscoobyxx: Your name interests me….

santaclausrules18: HA! But you know…Max hates to lose. So, we've got some competition soon….ON A TOUR!

-xXx 'M' NaMeS RoCk xXx-: Oh, you'll see. You'll see.