Yes, another Secret Saturday Story by Scarpaw! This is basically my idea of how Zak's life and the series would be if Zak hadn't known his parents were cryptozoologists! So, yeah, read the story...

Disclaimer: I don't own the Secret Saturdays

Chapter 1

"Jordan Reich, get back here young man!" A woman yowled furiously from down a hallway in a school. Said offender didn't hesitate in his running until he slid around a corner, slipping into an empty classroom.

"Dude, that was awesome!" Jordan exclaimed, hitting fists with another boy his age.

Jordan Reich was an eleven year old boy with dark brown hair and mischievous storm gray eyes. He was a healthy tan color, and didn't seem out of breath by his run. He was of German heritage and had two other friends that made their rowdy trio. He wore a forest green long sleeve shirt with dark ocean blue pants and black dress shoes. His parents were famous herpetologists.

Jordan's friend in the room was none other than one Zak Saturday. Zak Saturday was also an eleven year old boy, and he stood at the same height as Jordan. He had messy, unruly black hair, with a little five pointed star of messy white hair in the front, with coal black eyes. Zak was of mixed heritage, his mother American, father African-American. He was the second one of the rowdy trio. He wore yellow pants with black dress shoes and an orange long-sleeve shirt that had black sleeves and a black color with a gray 'S' on the front. His parents were zoologists.

"Totally!" Zak agreed, just as the door swung open, slamming against the wall. Both boys jumped, fearing they had been caught. Instead, they looked upon a surprised girl.

"Oh, so this is where you two were." She realized in an indifferent tone. "I should've known it was you who put the cobras in Ms. Hetzel's desk Jordan."

The girl was one Madeline Finch, third member of the rowdy trio. She had long auburn hair that reached close to her waist with complimenting sapphire blue eyes. Madeline also preferred to be called Maddie, reason being that 'Madeline' was too girly for her. Maddie was of French heritage. She wore a black skirt (that her parents made her wear) and a black shirt with a red rose on the front with black heels (that her parents also made her wear). Her parents were famous botanists.

"Shhh Maddie!" Jordan shushed the red head. "Don't let anybody know! For all you could know, it could have been somebody else!" Maddie laughed.

"Sure, sure," Maddie responded, smile of mischievousness. "How many other sons of herpetologists do we have here that have access to live cobras that would actually put one in a teacher's desk?" Jordan laughed sheepishly and scratched the back of his head.

"Right…" He replied trailing off, and Maddie spoke again.

"Zak, guess what you get to do today?" She told the boy happily. Zak immediately groaned. As much as he loved Maddie, being her friend and all, she did get tiring after a while.

"What?" He groaned, fearing the worst.

"Don't worry!" Maddie responded. "Jordan gets to be tortured along with you!" Jordan groaned as well.

"What is it?" He asked, not happy.

"Well," Maddie started, "Both your parents got called off for something, so you guys get to spend some time at my house!" The boys didn't say anything. They were used to this.

You see, Maddie, Zak, and Jordan all went to a special school. The school was one made for kids of scientists, archaeologists, and all the other different studies that had parents flying off constantly for their work from all over the world.

The school offered dorms and such for kids when their parents were gone, but there were kids, such as Zak and them, where they just stayed at friends, because their friends' parents were more than happy to take care of them.

Seeing as Maddie's parents were famous botanists, they were constantly flying off to discover new plant breeds and attend important meetings that were too boring for young eleven year old ladies. Meaning, Maddie was the lucky one that got to take care of the plants while they were gone, with one of her friends' parents there. But, Maddie always had fun with it. Her parents had tons of plants. Maddie herself was aspiring to be a famous botanist as well.

Jordan's parents were also flying off all the time, so Jordan spent the majority of his time with either Zak or Maddie. So, like Maddie's parents, they were always going off as well, only to discover new snakes. Meaning, Jordan had every boy's dream of being left at home with tons of different snakes well-known, kind of known, and not known at all. Or, at least to feed them with parental supervision.

Then there was Zak Saturday, the American boy. Zak's parents were zoologists, or so he was told. He figured they were some type of animal scientists because they gave him this really cool genetically altered Komodo Dragon (which he named Komodo) a few years ago. His parents, like Jordan and Maddie, were always off as well. So, he spent the majority of his time at Maddie's house.

"So we get to water plants all day?" Zak asked. "Great." Maddie rolled her eyes.

"Not all day!" She protested. "Only about an hour or so. Then we can do whatever we want. Besides…" Jordan raised his eyebrow.

"Besides…?" He questioned, and Maddie grinned.

"I heard there was going to be a new episode of Weird World tonight." Maddie grinned. "And it just so happens that my parents have a botanists meeting tonight, so they'll be gone well until after the episode is over, so they'll never know any of us watched it." The boys grinned, ecstatic by this.

"Awesome!" They practically shouted, happy.

Their parents all had this 'thing' about any of the three of them watching Weird World. They didn't like it. So, they made sure the kids didn't watch it.

However, the kids always managed to find a way to watch it, getting caught or no…


"No offense Maddie," Zak told said girl as they wandered through a green house. "But some of your parents' plants are freaky." Maddie shrugged as she tipped a watering pail over the leaves of what looked to be a pink poinsettia.

"None taken," Maddie replied, and looked over towards Jordan. "Leave Benny alone Jordan!" Jordan jumped and stepped away from the Venus Fly-Trap innocently.

"What? I wasn't doing nothing," Jordan told Maddie innocently. Maddie glared at Jordan, but turned her back on him as she went down the green house aisle watering the plants.

"What's this plant?" Zak asked. He had run ahead of Maddie down the aisle of plants, and was standing in front of a large plant. Maddie skipped down the aisle, breezing over the plants with quick drops of water.

The plant Zak was standing in front of was a huge, mini-tree like plant. Its leaves were a shimmering dark blue, and its trunk was a deep pink that seemed to glow. Maddie glanced at the plant before shrugging.

"No clue." She answered. "Probably one of my parent's scientific experiments. They didn't tell me anything about it per say watering instructions, so we're probably not allowed near it." Zak stared at the plant then looked around the rest of the green house.

"If it's one of your parent's experiments, then why is it in this green house?" He asked, confused. Last time he knew, Maddie's parents kept their plant experimentations in different green houses.

"Probably because of the climate in this one," She replied nonchalantly, continuing down the row of plants. "This one has the climate more of a continent down near the equator, like Africa. So, it's more muggy and warm." Zak nodded, like he understood what Maddie just said, but in reality he didn't have a clue.

Maddie just laughed in response and turned back towards the entrance of the green house.

"Come on," She laughed. "I think we've had enough plants for you two." Zak gratefully nodded and scampered after his friend, while Jordan followed a bit more reluctantly, hands behind his back.

"Jordan," Maddie's voice was like a knife. "Put Benny back."

Zak laughed as Jordan reluctantly put the Venus Fly Trap back. Maddie laughed as well, and from outside the green house Maddie's parents called.

"Madeline!" Her mother called. "We're leaving now! We'll be back after dark! Behave you three!" Maddie nodded.

"Got it mom!" She called back. "Will do!" And after her mom left, she tacked on, "It's Maddie!" but it was too late, they were gone.

"Oh well," Maddie sighed, pausing a moment. Then she smirked.

"It's time for…" She started in an eerie voice before finishing with:

"Weird World!"


So yeah, that's the first chapter. The second should hopefully be up soon. And, yes, Maddie did name the Venus Fly Trap Benny.

Please Read and Review and Tell me what you think!

-Scarpaw Signing Out-