All right! Time for our favorite bug based superhero, Spider-Man! This is my first try at writing a multiple chapter story so let me know what you think. Should I continue it? Are my characters off? Does it need more action? As usual I don't own the Spectacular Spiderman. It would be awesome if I did but I don't, now onto the story.

"Crap," Peter muttered as he swung off to school. "I'm always late for school. Why is it that all the superheroes you hear about never worry about going to school?" Peter released a web and it landed sticky on a building with a sricck. Peter launched himself quickly forward and back flipped of a building and began to free-fall. "Woo hoo!" Peter yelled. There was no other adrenaline rush like plunging down a couple stories. Peter made sure that his satchel was still secure and checked his watch. 7:25. He could definitely make it.

Peter had been repeatedly been late to school. Fighting crime secretly will do that to you. It will also make you lose sleep, fall behind school work, and make your friends think you're unreliable. As Peter fell quickly, he sent up a web line and swung over the crowed traffic. People stuck their heads out their car windows but all they could see was a red-blue blur. Despite all the complications they brought, having spider powers was still pretty awesome. Peter had gone from a nerd that tripped over his own feet to a masked vigilante with the agility of a snake and the strength of a lion.

Peter groaned as another thought came to his mind, the Daily Bugle. He had been planning on taking some pictures of himself earlier this morning and cash them in. Even with Aunt May selling her cook book, money was still tight at the Parker household. But it was an easy job. He helped people and got paid a little bit on the side. There's nothing wrong with that, right? The only downside was that Mr. Jameson would probably use his pictures to prove that Spidey was out to take over the city or something else ridiculous like stomping on puppies.

Almost to school, Peter thought as he hitched a ride on the top of a train. 7:28. Just enough time to climb through a janitor's closet window and change out of his costume. Wearing his spidey suit underneath his normal clothes did make him really hot sometimes. There was also always the risk that he would tear his shirt and people would see his costume. Hopefully he could just pass it of by saying he wore Spider-man pajamas. It was necessary though. You never know when a thug might steal an old lady's purse or when a new super villain will appear.

Peter had finally reached the school. He clung to the wall of a building with both his hands and feet as if he were squatting. The coast seemed to be clear. Suddenly he heard a muffled shout. Looking down from his perch he saw an alley where a woman was being assaulted by two thugs. Peter sprung into action. He sent out a web line and swung down landing a connecting kick to one of the would be rapists. Peter could smell the alcohol on the creep's breath. The other thug had succeeded on ripping the screaming woman's shirt off. Peter shot web from both of his spinners and yanked the guy of her.

"Hey pal, if you were looking for a blow, I've got one right here," Peter said as he hit him with a punch that sent him flying back into the wall of the alley. Peter cocooned him with a barrage of webbing. The other guy was making a run for it. Peter jumped nimbly form wall to wall and with a hand spring landed right in front of the culprit. He knocked the guy to the ground with a swipe kick and stuck him to the wall with his friend. Peter walked over to the woman.

"Are you all right?" he asked concerned. She flinched as he approached her but nodded slowly.

"Ye-y-yes. I'm f-f-fine. Thank you, Spider-man."

"Do you have a phone?" Peter asked her. "You better call the police and get these two guys locked up." She reached into her pocket and pulled out a phone.

"I'll call them right now," she said shakily. Peter nodded. He stuck out his right arm and was about to swing off when the woman grabbed his arm.

"Could you please stay with me until they get here," she asked hopefully. Peter glanced at his watch. 7:40. Damn! He was late again. How was he going to explain it this time? Peter had been late to class more than anyone else in his class. This always seemed to happen to him. His two lives kept bumping heads and it was always Peter Parker who got the short straw, never Spider-man. Peter saw the pleading look in her eyes and didn't have the heart to leave her scared and alone. He nodded.


A little later Peter hopped through a window and removed his mask. He pulled his clothes over his spidey suit and grabbed his satchel. Peter walked over to his classroom door and opened it slowly as he tried to slip in unnoticed. No such luck.

"Mr. Parker, so good of you to finally join us," his teacher said without looking up from the board. The entire class turned to look at Peter. Peter looked down and rubbed his neck embarrassed. "What was it this time, Mr. Parker?" his teacher asked tiredly.

"Well you see sir, I was riding my bike and-"

"You crashed?"

"Yeah, let's go with that", Peter said agreeing.

"Mr. Parker you have been late 12 times this semester. It is obvious that you are lying. You have used that excuse seven times. Either tell the truth or take the time to come up with a better excuse."

"Yes sir." Peter would have to come up with better excuses. He couldn't just walk up and say "Sorry I'm late. You see I'm Spider-man and I had to stop a sexual assault. What's for homework?" That wouldn't fly. The ones he cared about seemed to be already in danger when his identity was secret. Gwen had been kidnapped by Doctor Octopus and Aunt May had a heart attack during his fight with the Sinister Six. This was going to be one secret he was going to keep safe. Peter walked to his seat and sat next to Gwen.

"Hey Gwen", Peter said hesitantly.

"Hi Peter", she said softly with a small smile. Wow. She looks amazing without her glasses, Peter thought. I can't believe I hurt her by going out with Liz. I guess it's too late anyway. I really hurt when I went out with Liz. I can't believe I was so stupid! It's these darn hormones! I can't be anything more than her friend right now anyway. Harry is her boyfriend and he's going through a lot right now. It's my entire fault that his father is dead. There should have been something else I could have done. Maybe I'm not supposed to be happy. All I ever do is make sacrifices for others. Sometimes I wish I was never bitten by that spider.

"Peter?" Gwen asked curiously.

"W-What?" Peter asked suddenly broken out of his internal musings.

"I asked if you could past the iron oxide for the lab experiment. You were staring out into space for a minute with a weird look. Is everything all right?"

"No, no, everything is fine," Peter said waving his arms around for emphasis. "Everything is completely normal. There's nothing abnormal going on at all", he babbled.

"Peter, I'm worried about you. Is there something you're not telling me? You can trust me. This year you've been so busy rushing around trying to get so many things done. Gwen lowered her voice and made sure nobody was listening to them. "I'm getting that same feeling that I had when Harry was on Globulin Green."

"Gwen, I promise you nothing is going on. You don't need to worry about me," Peter reassured her. Gwen nodded but she still looked unsure. The bell rang. Everyone got up and filed out of the classroom. "See ya Gwen", Peter said as he exited the room. Gwen waved back with a worried look on her face.

Bam! First chapter is done. If you have any ideas where I could take this story please let me know. I'll try to update as soon as I can. I thinking maybe Peter is put in a situation where he has to reveal his powers to Gwen. Will Harry find out? What he will he do? What if Norman came back? The questions keep on coming. Please review and tell me what you think of it please!