May become a two-shot with lemon if people ask for it. Enjoy.

Take Me

He is sitting on the stairs watching me. He's been here all along, just waiting for me to slip up and give him a chance to get back in. I can't even wonder about how he's corporeal, I just chock it up to his strange ways. "Hello my little Hikari." His voice is as smooth as it was a moment ago, when he had been taunting and luring me here to this damned church. I stumble forward weakly. Why fight anymore? He has me and he knows it. I trip forward into his arms and lie there as he pets me softly. I bury my face into his soft white hair and close my eyes. Ah sweet surrender. He pulls me onto his lap and holds me close, seemingly lovingly. "Shh, just give up." I nod weakly and smile into his hair. He doesn't love me. I'm just the host, a vessel for his soul, a tool. "I'll make you a deal, Hikari. Give me your body to use as I please and I will keep you with me for all eternity. I will take care of you, and grant you and your body ageless immortality."

He is the King of Thieves, a skilled liar, but I know he speaks the truth. If I give up, he will keep me with him, probably as his bed whore. I can't fight though, used as a whore or not, I can't live without him. I tried. I went back to "normal" and tried to move on. But I couldn't look at Yugi without deep disgust souring my mouth. No duels excited me like a shadow duel would. I missed my Yami. I started slipping into insanity a long time ago, time to finish the descent. "I'm yours, and you know it." I've been running towards his arms for so long now, it's beautiful to finally be here. I feel him grin against the skin on my neck, and I shudder as his fangs caress my flesh. He slips a hand under my shirt and rubs his hand along my abdomen, where a sudden fire started to burn. His lips trace my throat, and before long, his open mouth finds my collarbone and I groan softly.

I knew what was coming even before he bit down, but still a soft gasp escaped my throat as he sunk his fangs in. He took long gulps of my blood, with me completely lax in his arms. He traced a tongue over the wounds as he pulled away. My eyes were heavy and relaxed as he tilted my chin up to crush our lips together. Blood filled my mouth as he shared his victory with me. I smiled against his lips, perfectly content in my insanity. Why should I fight the darkness, when it's so much sweeter to give in? As my final surrender, while I lay boneless against him, I whisper softly to my Yami's ear. "Take me."