This is like my third humor based story. I'm not really, really good at it but I am positive I will make you laugh atleast once or say'That's so true'. I also written this story off of anouther story. Sorry whoever wrote the orginal story.
I looked up. 'The woman is loving every moment of this! I know she is'Vegeta thought. Bulma rocked him in her arms smiling down at him the whole time. 'I swear when I get back to normal I will first kill whoever did this to me very, very slowly and then I will get you back woman.'thought Vegeta. It was no use talking. She couldn't understand anything he said anyways. All that would come out of his mouth when he talked was,"Gahgah or Dahdah and sometimes just mumbles of words. He still couldn't get over what happened. It played over and over in his mind that day. Yesterday his life that he had put his pride on and all of his reputation torn to parts by a stupid little blue guy that had a fight with Kakarrot when Kakarrot was 10 or 11. That short blue freak coward did this to him with those dragonballs. He remebered it perfectly.
"Man, vegeta do you see what I see?"asked Goku. Vegeta said,"If you mean that huge lizard called a dragon then yes I do." Goku said,"Let's go see who is making a wish Vegeta. I hope it's not a bad guy again." Vegeta nodded and they flew off. When they landed a small blue guy in a dress like outfit was studdering infrount of the dragon. Goku said,"Hey. I know that guy! He was the guy that stole my dragonball when I was just a kid! I defeated him and now he's back. Imgine that." Goku put his hand behind his head and looked at the small guy. He turned around and said,"Oh no! It's the guy who stopped me last time! I wish that you two were babied then you wouldn't be able to stop me!" The Dragon said,"You wish shall be graunted." The guy turned around and said,"What wish?" The Dragon's eyes glowed and Goku and Vegeta were turned into Babies! Their clothes were too big for them now and laied around then on the forest floor. Goku said,"Wow! Everything got big!" Vegeta looked at Goku and said,"The world didn't get bigger, we got smaller you baka!" Goku looked at himself and said,"I'm a baby! Your a baby. Hey, you know what?" Vegeta said,"What kakarrot?" Vegeta was slightly annoyed. Goku said,"You were cute when you were a baby." Vegeta growled and said,"Don't you ever refere me to being cute AGAIN!" The blue guy walked over to them and said,"ARG! You! You little pest! Why do you always get in my way?" Goku looked at him and started to cry. Vegeta covered his ears and said,"WHY ARE YOU CRYING!" Goku wailed,"BECAUSE HE YELLED AT ME! WAHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAA". Vegeta said,"Shut up Kakarrot! Your hurting my ears!" Goku said,"I can't help it. In this baby body whenever get upset I have to cry. WAHHHHHAHAHA". Vegeta said,"Stop or your going to make me cry!" The blue guy stomped off and kicked Vegeta over so he was laying on his back. It didn't hurt Vegeta but he started to wail BIG time. "WAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAA He KICKED ME!"yelled Vegeta. Goku stopped crying and was stareing at Vegeta. Vegeta was wailing louder then him. Vegeta had tears down his cheeks and was crying off his head. Goku started to shiver from the cold. Vegeta after about 20 minutes stopped crying and also shivering. "I'm cold and hungry."said Goku. "I know what you mean, Kakarrot. I'm cold too. Now we have to figure out how to keep ourselves warm and get back home." Goku said,"Why don't we just fly?" Vegeta said,"Because Kakarrot in baby bodies we are too weak to fly or raise our ki." Goku said,"Well, we can crawl to my house." Vegeta said,"We can't. Your house is about five miles away and my house is about 20 miles away. And besides how are we going to turn the knob?" Goku said,"We will just have to wait until someone comes and finds us?" Vegeta nodded. Goku started to wail again. So did Vegeta.
Meanwhile At Bulma's House
"Where are those two?"asked Bulma. Chichi said,"I have no idea. Those two flew off about 25 minutes ago to see who called the Dragon." Bulma said,"You don't think they could be hurt do you?" Chichi looked down in worry. Gohan walked in and said,"Bulma! Is my dad here?" Bulma said,"No. He left about 25 minutes ago with Vegeta. What's up?" Gohan said,"I felt my dad's ki lower to almost nothing about 22 minutes ago." Bulma and Chichi were now very worried. Bulma said,"Let's go find them then." They all hopped into an air car and flew off to find Goku and Vegeta. After awhile of flying Bulma said,"Do you guys hear crying?" Gohan and Chichi both listened in. Gohan said,"Yeah. Down there Bulma." He pointed to a forest area. Bulma said,"Who would leave a baby in the forest?" Bulma landed the air car and they all ran out. Gohan said,"Dad?" He bent down and picked up the baby. He was crying his head off. Bulma picked up Vegeta who was also screaming loudly. Goku suddenly stopped and said,"Oh. Hi Gohan." Gohan raised an eyebrow. All he heard was'oh. gahgah googah.' Chichi walked up to Goku and nearly fainted. Vegeta stopped wailing and said,"Woman! I'm cold. Get me the hell out of here!" Bulma said,"Awww. Vegeta you are so cute as a baby! Umm Who did this to you?" Vegeta said,"A little blue freak did that's who. And when I get my hands on him I am going to kill him." Bulma said,"Huh? I can't understand you Vegeta." Goku said,"Vegeta said that a little blue freak did..." Vegeta said,"Kakarrot! They can't understand us! We talk like Babies now." Goku said,"Oh. SO that's why Gohan and Chichi don't understand me. But why do I understand you and you understand me?" Vegeta said,"I don't know how it works Kakarrot but I guess we can understand baby talk now." Bulma said,"Chichi, let's get these guys home before they catch cold." Chichi nodded and took Goku from Gohan and rode off in the air car. Bulma desided that She would take care of Vegeta and Chichi would take care of Goku.
**end of Flashback**
So that's how it happened. Vegeta is stuck in this baby body and so is Goku. Now, this is where they scary adventure of being babies begain.
That's the end of the Introduction. How do you like it? Well I will write more later. Please tell me what you think of it!