Pepper: Hello peeps! Next chap is here!

Pepe: Pepper-chi is sorry that she haven't updated for a while

Daichi: Thanks to those who also reviewed

Su: On with the story ~desu!

Amu: Pepper does not own shugo chara

Kukai: Or David Archuleta

Ikuto: Nor his songs

Aiko's POV

"Bye! C'ya tomorrow!"

After chasing Souma around for a couple of hours, I decided to go home but did something horribly, horrible to him…


"I love you, you love me. Let's go together and…."

"AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! THE HORROR!!!!! THE HORRBLY, HORRIBLE HORROR!!!!" Kukai yelled as he tried to struggle out of the chair he was tied to.

Back to Aiko…

"Hmm…yeah, he should be screaming right now" I thought as I took out an ipod. That guy sure has the nerves to tease me like that! Grr…. Eh, nevermind 'bout him! I scan my ipod for any nice songs. This should do! Even though I know it will bring back those memories with 'him' and would probably make me cry. I hit the play button and continue on walking. I just hope gramma and dad's not too worried.

It never cross, my mind at all

Why won't I just give in!? Why can't I just accept the fact he's with somebody else!? ….that's what I tell myself.

W-Wait….why am I thinking of this-again?

What we had, has come and gone

But….as much I as don't want to remember 'him', I just….can't

You're better off with someone else

*sighs* He's better off with Cynthia. It is true. Cynthia's popular, beautiful, smart and very charming. Not to mention, she's every guy's dream girl. She has long, shiny red orange hair that seems to glow in the sun. she has those dazzling sapphire eyes. Fair, white skin and she moves with poise and grace. Whenever I think about it, I feel so inferior. But if only people can see it, he can see it, Cynthia's a no good jerk bitch! She acts all nice and graceful to others but to me, she treats me like crap! *sighs* How did I get myself into this???

It's for the best, I know it is

But as much as I hate her, Cynthia makes him so happy. So I guess I just had to go with the flow *sighs*

But I see you sometimes I try to hide, what I feel inside

Why didn't I just tell him what I feel when I had the chance?


Duh! Coz it'll ruin our friendship!


But I can't help it. I just can't! I can't help fall for him!

And I turn around, you're with him now,

But even if I did confess to him, it'll be too late……..

I just can't figure it out…

Oh joy! It's starting to rain and I have no umbrella! Hooray for me!!" I said mentally and walked a bit faster. I didn't notice it was raining until now. *sighs*

Tell me why

You're so hard to forget

Don't tell me

I'm not over it

Tell me why

I can't seem to face the truth

I'm just a little too not over you


"I'm just a little too not over you" Jenny sand quietly, that only she can hear, and sadly. It started to rain heavier. People were heading home or finding shelter. Some starred at Jenny, but ignored them all. Except for one. She looked at a boy and a girl sharing an umbrella. Lightning then strike. Jenny quietly whimpered in fear and went back to the boy and girl.

"I-I'm scared!" the girl began as she trembled in fear.

"Don't worry, I'm here!" the boy said with an assuring smile. The girl smiled back and they continue on walking. A single tear escaped Jenny's eyes.

"Good thing it's raining" she thought. Another lightning strike, making Jenny ran in fear.

"damn lightning!" she thought. I'm never so fond of it!

Aiko's POV

"damn lightning!" I thought as I ran faster. I'm never fond of it. *sighs* At times like this, he would always be there with that warming smile. He would comfort me instead of laughing at my fears. He would often crack jokes that are sometimes not so funny and makes no sense.

Maybe I regret, everything I said

Maybe I should have just told him while I still got the chance. Maybe if I did, I don't have to move here in Japan. Maybe Cynthia never existed. Maybe everything will still be alright….

No way to take it all back

If I only realize that time can't be turned back. If only I realized that he too has feelings for me. If only we had more time and days to spend together. Just us.

Now I'm on my own, how I let you go…

I'll never understand…

"I'll never understand…." I sang in my thoughts. It took me about a second to notice I'm crying. Damn…I really hate this!

I looked up and to my surprise, I'm home! I quickly rang the doorbell. Somebody opened it and…

"Jenny what took you so-oh my!" Gramma exclaimed. *sighs* I really hate the rain sometimes. I'm soaking wet and hair's all over my face, making me look like a monster! Crap! Gramma rushed me to my room and told me to take a shower and fix myself up. And so I did.

"I need to stop thinking about him" I thought. "this day's just keeps getting worse! Well, except for the fact chasing Souma around and that horribly horrible thing I did. I wonder how's he doing right now…."


"MAKE IT STOOOPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Kukai shouted as Kaido (pepper: this is his name right?) and all of his brothers increased the volume.

"Swiper no swiping! Swiper no swiping! Swiper no swiping!"

"No way lil bro! Not until you apologize for calling us a couple of pansies!" Kaido began.

"I told you I didn't call you guys that!" Kukai replied angrily.

"Talking back to your elders eh? Let's see how you like watching strawberry shortcake!" Kaido said as he placed the said tape. The song then began.

"NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!" Kukai yelled.

Back to Aiko/Jenny…

"Hmm…..maybe I was a bit to harsh. Oh well! Not my problem!" I thought happily as a plop down my bed. I looked at the window. Finally it stopped raining! Something caught my eye. There was one star in the sky. Hmm…usually when it rains, there are no stars to be seen. I think I should make a wish! Why you ask? Because I want to!

"Star light, star bright. I wish you would, I wish you might. Make my dreams come true tonight. I wish that I may be able to find the answers to all my questions and to find my real self once more. It's been too long since I lost myself. Please make my wish come true" I exclaimed. To my surprise, the star fell. I smiled to myself. I got a feeling my wish's coming true. I continue on listening to my ipod and singing quietly along.

Tell me why

You're so hard to forget

Don't tell me

I'm not over it

Tell me why

I can't seem to face the truth

And I really don't know what to do

I'm just a little too not over you

Pepper: whee! It's done!

Amu: *sniff* so sad *sniff*

Ikuto: Aww…does it reminds you of me, Amu?

Amu: *blushes* NO! thinking: hell yes it does!

Tadase: Stay away from her Tsukiyomi Ikuto!

Ikuto: Like that'll happened kiddy king!

Tadase: grrr… are so getting it!

Ikuto: bring it on!

Pepper: *sighs* Please review. Next chap's gonna take a while.