A/N; Beyond Birthday x Light Yagami

Written for VirtualDraconium's birthday. I hope the expansion of this one-shot into a short story will make up for the appalling delay in delivery!

So Happy Birthday my friend! I hope you enjoy this story about a pairing the fandom is shockingly lacking in.

Please read and review!

Chapter one

"He has requested a meeting," Watari said quietly as he approached the silent figure before him.

"I do not do such things," L replied, his gaze fixed on the screens before him, "particularly not now."

"He said it was about Kira," Watari added, for once pressing his case with his young master, "He said he would explain how he knew their names and how Kira operated; if you would just visit him."

"He said what?" L gasped, his startled black eyes staring up at Watari in a rare show of emotion.

"I assume this curiosity means you have changed your mind?" Watari asked.

"Yes," L said nodding, already beginning to rise to his feet, "As usual he is very adept at gaining my attention."

"What should I tell the Investigation Team and Light Yagami when they arrive?"

"The truth," L said, suddenly smiling although his tone was rather derogatory, "that the great detective L is following a lead."

"Hello Beyond," L muttered as the orange suited man walked, well shambled in, the handcuffs clinking softly in the silence of the room. L nearly smiled, nearly, as the man stared at him in relief before his gaze focused above L's head for a moment. It always unnerved L when Beyond did that.

"You came," Beyond whispered, his voice dry and crackly from underuse, "You actually came in person."

"You promised me information relevant to a case," L replied, "Such an action intrigued me. Now sit down… Please."

"I'm surprised you didn't want me handcuffed to the chair before you arrived," Beyond commented as he sank into the chair, gratefully drinking the small glass of water before him. Aside from the clothes the two were wearing they were startlingly similar and sat in the same unusual position.

"It would gain you nothing to attack me. I know you do not perform 'pointless' actions, so I knew you wouldn't."

"Tch," Beyond sighed, "What if I had given up trying to gain anything from my actions."

"Beyond," L said sharply, his tone calm but forceful; it dawned on Beyond that L was actually using his real name. It was the first time he had ever been referred to as such by the great detective, he couldn't suppress his surprise from showing. "Beyond, stop trying to argue with me, it is rather infantile. Quite churlish even as I have honoured your request."

"You can't break the habits of a lifetime," Beyond replied half-heartedly, his gaze fixed on L.

"That may be so, but they can be controlled. Now tell me why you have asked for me. Unlike you I do not have copious free time."

"Do you have any pictures of your main suspects available," Beyond said, deciding to just ask for what he wanted.

"Beyond," L said in warning, his eyes darkening.

"I have shinigami eyes," Beyond sighed, staring straight at L, "I can see everyone's real name and the day they will die."

For a moment all was silent as L's mind raced back to the diary sent by the second Kira; and the day Beyond had unnerved him so horribly by addressing him by name. A name he had thought only he and Watari had known.

"I see," L replied, "so that is the information the eyes provide."

Beyond blinked, it was evident to L then that Beyond had expected to need to explain further to L what he was detailing. It seemed L knew more than Beyond had imagined.

"Now why do you want pictures of my suspects?" L asked.

"Not everyone has the number indicating their death visible," B said slowly, "whoever that is, is Kira."

L was becoming infuriated with Beyond. It was taking far too much time and he was being given nothing but grief.

"Start explaining properly," L said quietly, "I do not have time for half-truths and pathetic explanations."

For a second it seemed Beyond was going to start arguing with L again, then with a sigh he subsided back. To L's surprise then Beyond slumped in defeat and his feet fell to the floor.

"When I was pla-" Beyond paused, "When I was living in America I saw the first person who didn't have a date floating above their head proclaiming their death. He captured my interest almost more than anything has ever done in my life, as I am sure you can imagine. I followed him and found out all I could about him; I quickly found out just why he had no number. It was because of something he had."

"The murder weapon you are looking for is a notebook of some kind. Whenever the owner writes the name of a person down that person dies of a heart attack. I know just how sinister that sort of weapon is, as people were dying before their time was up shall we say," Beyond paused and laughed slightly, he grimaced slightly as he realised L was staring at him with a cold gaze. It was evident his humour had not been appreciated, he continued onwards,

"The notebook forces people to die well before their time, and can do so from afar. From what I have heard on the news, well what news we get here, this sounds exactly like the criminal Kira that you are chasing."

"So the loss of this number indicates ownership of the notebook," L commented, he looked thoughtful, "If you are lying in anyway I will-"

"You know I am not," Beyond interjected, "even if the knowledge seems unbelievable you know I am not lying."

L sighed, he knew that to be true. Beyond may be many things, but he had never lied to L. He reached into his jeans pocket and pulled out a very slim mobile; he made a call. A couple minutes later Watari arrived carrying a small stack of photos. L was grateful Watari had understood the situation so well that he had brought over five hundred photos, the greater the number the more he would believe Beyond when he picked out Light Yagami.

Beyond flicked rapidly through the photos, so rapidly in fact that he must have had barely enough time to even register the face below before moving on to the next one. A third of the way through the formidable stack Beyond came to an abrupt halt; he flicked the photo over to L. L believed Beyond's story completely then, he had indeed picked out Light Yagami.

"This Yagami Light is kira. He has no date of death that I can see," Beyond said smiling, "He was your chief suspect wasn't he?"

"Yes," L replied, he could see no harm in admitting this to Beyond now, "Could you tell me the names of everyone else please."

Beyond gave a dejected sigh and turned back to the stack. He flicked through each one and in a bored tone told L each and every name.

"Satisfied?" Beyond asked as he finished.

"Quite," L said, "though it does surprise me that you would be wiling to work with me or provide me with information."

"I am the only one allowed to surpass you," Beyond replied, then he laughed a genuine and true laugh, "well at least to try. This kira, the Yagami Light, is a cheat and a coward. Using a method to remove people that even I disapprove of."

L sat in silence. The detective knew full well that Beyond never told the whole truth to begin with.

"I… I also didn't want you to die. I have had a lot of time to think in here," Beyond muttered, his legs finally shifting back onto the chair, his arms hugging them close to him, "It's pathetically stupid, but I wish things could return to how they were at Wammy's."

"It's much too late for that now," L sighed, "You have a criminal record, and more than that you are a murderer."

"Only technically, "Beyond said, "I only picked people who were already destined to die at those moments. I never cut their life short."

"What if your decision to want to surpass me, you desire to 'knock me off my pedestal'," L said slowly, "what if your plan itself caused their day of death to change?"

Beyond's eyes widened in horror for a second at L's words before he buried his head against his knees. It was fairly evident this had not occurred to Beyond despite his intelligence. The loss of his usual domineering persona showed this quite clearly.

L realised with some surprise that Beyond must have been using this one fact as his only mainstay. If there was one thing Wammy's drilled into its residents, it was that law and justice were paramount and the pillars of society; A and B had been the ones this had been done with the most.

L studied Beyond critically as the man cried silent tears; he knew Beyond had been great friends with A. To know that Beyond had become friends with A even though they would have only a short time together was quite surprising; particularly in the heated atmosphere Wammy's once had. The fact that A had committed suicide must have hit Beyond quite hard, perhaps Beyond had hoped to save A from his fate somehow; and to know he never could have must have been terrible.

L realised then just how momentous it was that his first two heirs had become friends despite the rivalry. They had liked each other and ignored the competitive atmosphere around them. Of course L also knew that on Beyond's part that may have been partially stirred by knowing A would never be truly serious competition; he was going to die after all; but that didn't seem to be the only reason.

He made an impulsive decision.

With silent movements L rose and moved closer to Beyond. He leant against the table his back hunched and debated whether to go through with this. He reached forward and with a long finger tilted Beyond's face upwards. Even through the sadness the annoyance at L's actions was still visible, it appeared Beyond wasn't entirely overcome, but then L never expected him to be. This close L could see the tracery of white burn scars that littered his skin; he had healed, but he had not healed completely.

L sighed once more.

"Come with me," L whispered, deciding to follow his original thought, "Come live with me. As my friend perhaps, but not as my heir. Know that that path is closed to you. If you come with me you can never attempt to surpass me."

Beyond stared up at L in shock.

"Seriously?" Beyond said, "you would wish for my company after all I have done? After all I have done to you?"

"I believe in redemption Beyond," L said quietly, "without the ability to change and learn from one's actions a person is nothing more than an oblivious child moving through the world with their eyes closed. To make a mistake once is allowed, everyone makes mistakes, but do not err again Beyond. Your first mistake was too big to allow for third chances."

"I am stunned you would give me a second," Beyond muttered.

"That is why you could never surpass me," L replied, "now come with me."

A still stunned Beyond followed L from the room. Beyond realised with some surprise that here perhaps was the one person he could ever submit to. If it was L perhaps he could live with the orders.