Author's Note: Hello everyone! It's me, Lisa haha. Well, no duh it's me xD I mean who else would it be? ANYWAYS, So, I was having a writer's block the other day, and I asked my good friend Kittykyo aka shawna for help. So I would like to give partial credit to shawna :D.

Thankyou shawna!

I hope you all enjoy the storyy! Reviews are greatly appreciated as always.

Disclaimer: I do not own Vampire Knight. If I did, Yuuki and Zero would bang every chapter. The end.

New Horizons, Chapter one



"No!" Yuuki cried, "Please, don't go! I need you, can't you see that?" She shivered as a light breeze kissed her skin. But she didn't care how cold it was right now. She just needed him.

The young, silver haired boy simply glared at her. His eyes cold, and expressionless."The next time I see you, I will kill you."

Yuuki fell to her knees, her heart breaking at his cold words. "Please," she sobbed. "Don't leave me."

And he simply walked away, never again to return.

Yuuki gasped as she woke up from another nightmare. It had been the third one this week. And it was the same one each time. Good, it was just another dream. Keep it together Yuuki, you're strong. You don't need him anymore.

Oh but she did.

It had only been one year since they had went their separate ways, and everyday it seemed that her heart ached for him more and more. But she wouldn't admit that. Not after what he had said to her. No, after that, she decided to never forgive him. She decided she simply wanted nothing more to do with him.

But who was she kidding?

Suddenly she heard someone knocking at her door.

Yuuki sat up quickly and glanced at it. "What?" She called, her voice sleepy.

"Yuuki are you presentable? I need to talk to you about something." She heard her older brother say on the other side.

"You can come in."

The door opened and a pajama clad Kaname strolled in. "Good morning Yuuki, did you sleep well?"

Yuuki nodded, not wanting to tell him about her nightmare.

"Good." He smiled pleasantly as he sat on the edge of her bed. "So, I have some news for you, actually. Concerning an old friend."

Yuuki raised an eyebrow. "And who would this be?" Her stomach beginning to feel a bit queasy. Somehow, she knew exactly who he was talking about.

Kaname cleared. "Zero." He said rather nervously, knowing she still hadn't gotten over what he had said to her so long ago.

Yuuki's stomach flipped. "What about Zero?" She asked trying to sound cold, although she was doing a horrible job of it. Just the hearing his name made her weak at the knees.

"Well, I've been thinking about him."


He sighed. "Yuuki. I've just been thinking, that maybe perhaps, this environment isn't the best for you."

Wasn't the best for her? Hadn't he brought her there because he thought it was the best? How could he say that, after he was the one who practically forced her into this hell hole? He's just now realizing this wasn't the best for her? Just what the hell is going on?

"And well, I've been thinking that perhaps, it would be best if, you went and stayed with Zero for a while..."

Yuuki froze, her heart racing. What? Why? He hates me now! What kind of sick punishment is this? Did you not get the memo, that he wants us dead? He made it pretty damn clear, the day we went left. Yuuki shook her head. "I can't."

Kaname shifted uncomfortably. He knew she would react that way, and she would have had a good reason, had what Zero said that day been true. "Yuuki, there's something I have to tell you-".

"Because of what he said, Kaname. That's why." She said, not hearing him. "I don't know about you, but usually if someone tells me they want to kill me, I usually don't want to go near that person."

Kaname patted her hand, "Yuuki, he didn't mean that-"

"And not only that, but why did he kiss me right before he said that? How dare he mess with my feelings! And you're over here saying that it would be "just fine", if I went to go live with him, because it would be better for me." Yuuki rolled her eyes. "Nice try, but no."

Kaname grabbed her by the shoulders firmly, finally getting her attention. "Yuuki, listen to me. He didn't mean what he said, trust me."

She stared at her brother, angrily. "Oh? And just how do you know that?" It's not like him and Zero were best friends or anything. The day that Kaname and Zero got along, would be the day hell freezes over.

"I told him to say those things to you."

Yuuki rolled her eyes, scoffing at how stupid he sounded. "Oh yes, Kaname. I'm sure you did. Because you and Zero are just such great friends, that he'd do anything for you, just like a little slave." She paused. "No offense, but Zero has more of a brain than Aido." She put her hands on his arms, and pried his hands off of her shoulders. "What kind of fool do you think I am?"

"Yuuki, just listen to me, okay?"

She sighed deeply, trying to calm herself down. "Fine."

"Well," He sighed. "I knew that at that time, Cross Academy wasn't the safest place for you to be, with all of the vampire council issues that were going on. So, not knowing what to do, I went to Zero, because I knew that he wanted you to be safe, just as much as I did."

"So," he continued. "He suggested that perhaps, I should bring you here for a while, because well, this used to be our home, and it's well hidden."

"But, there was a problem. See, you and Zero were very close, and we both knew that you would never leave him, even if it was for the best." He began to fidget with his thumbs.

"So, I told him, that perhaps, he should, threaten you. Make you hate him. That way, you would leave, without giving me a hard time about it." Kaname looked down at the floor. "I'm not proud of the fact that I lied to you, but it was for the best. If you wouldn't have left, you would have been killed most likely. So if there's anybody to blame for your unhappiness, it's me."

Yuuki sat there for a few minutes digesting what Kaname said.

So Zero didn't hate her after all!

She looked over to Kaname, who seemed pretty ashamed of what he had just confessed. "It's nobody's fault, Kaname" She said, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "It's just something that had to happen I guess. Your right, I wouldn't have left, if Zero hadn't said those things." She laughed. "So, it was a good thing you told him to do that, otherwise, I wouldn't have come with you."

Kaname laughed and squeezed her hand. "True." "Wait a second. So your saying that wouldn't want to stay with me. I guess to you, I'm just not as special as your precious Zero." He said, pretending to be deeply hurt.

Yuuki hit him lightly in the arm. "Oh whatever."

Kaname smiled and then became serious again. "So, are you okay with staying with Zero now? Now that you know the truth?"

"Well yes, I am. But are you sure that he's okay with it? I don't want to be a burden or anything."

"I spoke with him on the phone earlier, and he said he would be 'delighted' to have you stay with him." Kaname put his hand on her shoulder, as he stood up. "Well, you better get packing."

Yuuki's eyes widened. "Why? When is he coming?"

Kaname grinned as he walked out the door. "Tomorrow." He said, as he closed the door behind him.

Yuuki's heart stopped. Tomorrow? She leapt out of bed. I better get started!

The end

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