A/N This story is a sequel to My Best Friend's Boyfriend. (BFB) To understand this story you probably want to read that story first. Most of the events will be confusing other wise. Enjoy!


They thought it was going to be great; a trip to a high-rope course, but the traffic was end less. The cars had stopped moving an hour ago. All engines were off. People were sitting around out of their cars. What a class trip.

Rikki, Emma, and Cleo sat in a line on the guard rail on the side of the rode. The sun beat down on them as every student in their adventure class sat around on beach towels or just plain on the ground. All 49 of the students were trying to entertain themselves with silly stories and crazy pranks.

Mrs. Sunspot and Mr. Starlight sat in the bus watching the news to see when the traffic would let up. There was no let up in sight. There had been a 17 car pile up and no one was moving yet.

"This is the best school trip ever," Rikki said sarcastically.

"At least we aren't in class," Cleo said trying to find the bright side.

"I'd rather be in class," Emma said.

"You would always rather be in class," Rikki pointed out.

"Not all the time," Emma said standing up for herself.

Not far from the three sat four other students, Mary Pepper, Kenly and Kendall Dagger, and Charlotte Wastford. They were not having any more fun than the girls. Mary had a journal written by her grandmother and the four of them were reading it.

"Come on, Charlotte, this is just a story written by my crazy grandmother. It is not real. There is no proof of it being real," Mary said after reading the last line in the short journal.

"Mary, there is more proof than I'm allowed to show you. I'm telling you this stuff is real, and your grandmother and my grandmother were a part of it. What do you say, Kenly?" Charlotte asked looking to Kenly for support.

"Well… I like stories, and this is an interesting one," Kenly said trying not to get in the middle.

"I'm with my sister," Kendall added quickly.

Standing nearer those four was Merriam Kent and new girl Kelly Matthews. In all confusion Merriam somehow got stuck showing Kelly around the school and being her "buddy" on the field trip. Merriam wanted to jump off a cliff to get away from Kelly's annoying ways. All she would talk about was Mythical beings and how they lived in the wild and how they stayed hidden.

To get away from the girls, the boys stood huddled in a circle as far away as possible on the crowded street. Lewis, Zane and Ash stood face to face with Nate, Bill Forehand, and Jake Yeller. They seem to be in a debate over who has had the worse school trip ever. It was a draw, with Byron calling the shots.

"Try a two hour trip back in a bus that was over 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Then there was traffic and we had to sit in the bus longer," Ash told the guys.

"Oh yeah, well a fifth grade trip to the aquarium, our bus was late we had to sit in the sun after everyone had left and wait for it. All the other students were gone when we got back to the school," Nate protested.

"Ash has got you beat, sorry," Byron announced.

The sun beat down as the teens sat stranded on the highway and no way to get home. Unfortunately, this was not the only bum of a trip that class had gotten them into. The class had been open to students since they had entered kindergarten and every one from Grades nine and up were allowed to join and every year Mr. Starlight, the lower class teacher, had gotten the two classes in some sort of tuff spot. The elective was costing the school a lot of money. There was a large possibility it would be canceled soon. Still no one thought it would be as soon as it was.

A/N I know that was a bit short. It was just an opening. I promise the rest of the chapters will be longer. Just to let you know, both Ash's and Nate's field trip troubles happened to me. They are not made up.