Disclaimer: I own nothing :)

Hey guys :) We're finally at the end of the song :) I always play the song when I'm writing it so I can get the jist, but I didn't this time for some reason :S Oh well. :) I hope you like this chapter. I've thought of another story to write, but I think I'm going to carry on with Welcome Back and then finish it. I'm not doing a trilogy of it, it's getting too hard to write. But back to this story! I hope you like it and please review if you do. I want to try and get it over 50 reviews :) Thanks guys. Hey, get over 60 and I might just do an epilouge :) Haha. Enjoy!

BloomiesGirl xoxo

He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar,

The only one who's got enough of me to break my heart

Gabriella slammed the front door shut and made way for her car. She looked up at Troy's car, like she did every morning, grimacing when she saw Troy helping Stefanie up into it. She kept a sly eye on Troy. She sighed. He didn't even take a glance. She slammed her car door shut, to see if he even acknowledged her existence then. No luck.

She pulled out onto the road, feeling slightly annoyed. Stefanie hadn't seen her yet. Which was a good thing. She had done a good job of avoiding her, but in the process had only seen Troy a little. There was no doubt that she was starting to feel lonely. There are only so many nights of sitting alone watching re-runs of Friends with a tub of Ben and Jerry's a girl can take. She drove down the main road, feeling creeped out as Stefanie's giggle was all she could hear. Where was it coming from? She looked in her mirror, and saw that Troy's truck was behind her. They were playing tickly bears. How... nauseating.

She put her window up, annoyed that she could still hear the naisily cackle. She turned her radio up and focused on the road. She pulled into the school parking lot beside Sharpay's pink mustang, and swung open her door. She slung her bag over her shoulder and locked her car before going into the main entrance, doing everything in her power to not hear Stefanie's giggle again, or she might just throw up.

She hated to admit it, but it was starting to get to her now. Troy always leaving her to go off with someone else. I mean, it's not that she didn't play well with others. She always got a gold star sticker in Kindergarten when it came to teamwork and working well with others. But this was just a little bit different. This wasn't working with others. This was sharing. Now maybe if Gabriella wasn't an only child, she'd have more experience in this. But she didn't. This wasn't the only thing. She loved Troy too. She always had, probably always would. She actually felt love for the guy. She felt like she would do literally anything for him. She'd jump off a bridge in he asked her too, no height restrictions considered. But surely, Stefanie didn't love him like Gabriella did. Stefanie didn't know his favourite colour. She didn't know his shoe size. She didn't know whether he preffered two ply tissues. She didn't know his chicken or the egg theory. Gabriella did. The only thing Stefanie probably knew about him was the size of his manhood in inches.

She grabbed the books out of her locker and stuffed them into her bag, getting to homeroom early and occupying her seat. She helped Darbus set the school Newsletters on the desks before the bell rang. Sharpay strutted into the room confidently, holding a tin.

"Good morning Miss Darbus," she smiled. "These are for you."

"Why thank you Sharpay," she grinned, looking at the tin full of home made biscuits. Gabriella rolled her eyes at Sharpay's niceness.

More students flooded in and took their seats.

"Morning students," she began. "You'll find on your desks this month's school Newsletter. Please take them home."


"Hey," Troy said, taking the empty seat beside her in Science class, the final lesson of the day.

"Hi," she said, still feeling a little bit annoyed with him from this morning. She didn't know why. I mean, just because he had Stefanie over and didn't notice her. Just because he liked Stefanie better, didn't mean she had to be mad at him. But she still was.

"How's my little Gabriella today?"

"She's good." she lied.

"And she's about to become even better." he began.

"What?" she asked, looking at him strangely.

"I have two tickets to the Kings of Leon concert tommorow night."

"I'm so happy for you...?" she guessed.

"And you're coming with me." he grinned.

"Really?" she asked, her chocolate brown eyes lighting up. She loved Kings of Leon. She never thought she'd be able to see them live in concert. Kings of Leon was kind of a band that bonded Troy and Gabriella together a lot. They both listened to them, and would put the CD on in the car when it was just them. "Wait, what about Stefanie?"

"Oh, I already asked her this morning. She doesn't like them." he said, making Gabriella's teeth grit all over again.

"So I'm just like, a second choice."

"No, you were my..." he thought. "Joint first." he guessed. "Don't be offended that I didn't ask you first, Gabs."

"Why shouldn't I? Kings of Leon is our thing."

"Well, I'm sure more people than just us like them..."

"But you know I love them, and you asked her first."

"Well she is my girlfriend after all."

"But I'm your best friend." she said. "Atleast I thought I was."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I don't know if you can even be called a friend anymore, Troy."


"You always leave me for that skank you call a girlfriend."


"Yeah. She's a bitch. I fucking can't stand her! You always choose me over that slut and I'm tired of it. It's not fair. I've been with you through fucking everything, and she just sucks you off every now and then. She doesn't even know your middle name. She doesn't really care about you like I do. She doesn't love you like I do."

"Love me?" he clarified.

Gabriella's mouth hung open as she realized everything she had just said.

"Love me?" he repeated.

"Love you." she croaked.

I love you too. She played it in her mind.

"Wow." he said, a little taken aback and akwardly.

"I love you. I always have, probably always will and I don't want to share you." she said, not deciding to hold back any longer.


"It's all or nothing, Troy. You either have me wrapped around your little finger, or you can just cut me off. I'm not being both. I'm sick to death of being ditched by you and left to eat by myself in the library or spend the nights on my couch watching Friends re-runs while you're fucking her in the back of your car. I feel like I'm just sitting around waiting for you all the time, and I refuse to do it any longer"

"What?" he said.

"It's either me or her."

"You're making me choose?"

"You have until eight o'clock tonight. Me or her." she said, overwhelmed tears in her eyes. She couldn't stay near him any longer. She picked up her bag and shoved her books into it, deciding to skip last period and just go home early. She ran through the hallways, straight to the parking lot and got into her car. She sat there for a moment, wiping her eyes before shoving the key into the ignition.


It was seven o'clock. Gabriella had never felt more petrified in her entire life. This night would change everything. What if he didn't show up? She'll have lost her best friend. She'd be humiliated, upset, angry. She would feel so stupid. Troy was the one person she could trust with her life. Sharpay was also someone she called a best friend, but she couldn't always rely on her with anything and everything.

But what if he did? She'd be on top of the world, over the moon, all her worries would be solved. He'd be her best friend again, maybe even more. Stefanie would be gone. Troy would be all hers. No more sharing required. No more nights of Friends re-runs and Ben and Jerrys. No more lonely.

She sat in her bed, trying not to think about it too much. The house was quiet, apart from the low groan of her stereo which prevented the house from being silent. She was attempting to read a book, but it was too complicated. The letters were jumbling around on the page like some unsolvable word game. She would read the words, but she couldn't analyze them. The mental picture that the words usually painted for you wasn't appearing. She put the book down, and lay back on her bed, being propped up by her oversized pillows. She was dressed for bed. She had a pair of white and purple mid-thigh, pajama shorts on that looked more like men's boxer shorts and a lilac vest top on that ended just above her waist, showing a little bit of her tanned stomach.


It was seven fifty five, and Gabriella's stomach was churning crazily. She was sat in the living room, casually looking out of the window every now and then. She was watching a movie to pass the time. How to lose a guy in 10 days. She loved that film. By the end of it, she'd either be cuddled up with Troy, or crying her eyes out.

Seven fifty nine. Gabriella felt like she was going to be sick. She took a gulp of water and closed her eyes, sitting Indian style on the couch. She kept her head down in her hands, and waited for a double knock at her door. Or maybe he would be at her balcony. No, her bedroom light was off. Thoughts were racing through her mind. Questions, and hopeful answers to them. What if he's late? He can't be late. He's only next door. If it was out loud, she'd be classed as crazy. She looked up at the clock.


The numbers glared at her. They seemed to be glowing extra brightly. It was like they were laughing at her.

He's just late, she thought.


He's getting his shoes on.

She gulped. By 8:15, the excuses were becoming pretty far fetched.


He's lost his shoe lace.


He's forgot his hand sanitizer.



She pondered.

He's not coming.

He doesn't have his shoes on, he never lost his lace, he doesn't own hand sanitizer. He doesn't need any of those things right now.

He's just not coming.

Gabriella felt as if she had no tears left. She felt like she'd been crying all the time lately. But it didn't stop her finding some. Little droplets squeezed out of her tearducts, a blink sending them down her cheeks. She ran her fingers through her hair, keeping them there as tear drops dropped off her face.

She was so stupid. Who did she think she was? Trying to make him choose. Why the hell would he pick geeky Gabriella over stunning Stefanie. Stefanie was right. She was a geek, she'd never fit in, no matter how much she tried, and she just made a fool of herself trying to look like she had any idea what the latest fashion trends where. She was such a fucking idiot. Troy was probably laughing at her with Stefanie while they drank vodka together on her couch.

She shook her head. Stupid girl. Get off your high horse, she scolded herself. You're not some kind of supermodel. You don't know what you're talking about. You think it's only appropriate to wear sunglasses when it's sunny. Hell, you get straight A's. You didn't know what a Christian Louboutin was until Sharpay told you. You're a geek. You're stupid. You don't get things. Of course he's not going to come to you. He's popular. He's gorgeous. He has more than two friends. He doesn't care if you don't talk to him. He doesn't need you in his life. Lower your bar.


Gabriella's eyes darted.

She felt like ripping her brain out. It was taunting her. Playing tricks on her. As if there was actually a kn_

Knock knock.

She got up off the couch. It was probably someone else. It wasn't Troy. I mean, why would he be...

She looked through the frosted glass on the door, making out the figure. A white t-shirt, a black leather jacket, tanned...

She gulped. She had never been this nervous in her life. Gabriella walked down the hallway. She wrapped her small hand around the crystal doorknob. Her hand was shaking uneasily.

She turned the door knob and pulled the door. Her eyes were locked with the floor.

Black Vans.

Dark blue denim skinny fit jeans.

A white t-shirt.


A tanned neck.

A smooth, shaved jaw.

Perfect, soft lips.

A cute nose.

Bright blue electric eyes.

"Sorry I'm a little late." he said stupidly.

"You're here." she said, dumbfounded.

"Looks like I am." he said with a smile on his face.

"Are you sure?" she asked.

"Well I'm not at Stefanie's house, that's for sure."

"Well... why?"

"Because I did some thinking."

"Elaborate." she said.

"I was wrong to just leave you all those times. Especially for that reason. You've been around way longer, and I just left you to be on your own all the time, and I shouldn't have, and I feel terrible about it." he paused to try and read her expression before continuing. "I found out that you mean more to me than anyone else in the world."

He swore he saw the corners of her soft lips turn up.

"You mean the world to me too," she said quietly.

"And, it might be a pretty cheesy way to end the evening... but I think it has to be said."

Her eyes darted up to meet his. "What has to be said?"

"I love you too," he grinned, holding her small hand.

It was enough to send her over the edge. She couldn't hide the smile now. She pulled him inside, slamming the door shut and hurriedly pushing him against the wall. She got on her tippy toes and he craned his neck. He pressed her lips against hers and held them there, taking a minute to analyze the feeling of her lips on his. He slid his tounge into her mouth and massaged her tounge. She enjoyed the feeling, making sure to savour this moment. She memorized every detail. This was something she was going to remember for the rest of her life. She tickled the back of his neck with her fingers, until he shuddered and brought his mouth away.

"Sorry," she whispered.

"Nice jammies," he smirked, surveying her lilac pajamas.

"Shut up," she said, lightly slapping his neck and kissing him again.

He's the time taken up,

But there's never enough,

And he's all that I need,

To fall into...