Hey guys. I was listening to Teardrops on my Guitar whilst FanFictioning, and I got this idea. So I decided to try to get a FanFic out of it. It's only going to be short. It was originally a one shot, then it was a two shot, and currently it's a three. Knowing me it'll end up being a fifty eight shot. Lol. Anyway, enjoy it, and if you did, please review.

BloomiesGirl x

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Summary: Troy and Gabriella have been best friends forever. Gabriella develops feelings for Troy. What happens when Troy gets a new, perfect, intimidating girlfriend? Troyella, Twoshot, Rated M to be very safe, although it may go to that in later chapters.

I fake a smile so he wont see,

That I want and I'm needing,

Everything that we should be.

Gabriella entered through the school's main doors and walked through the hallways until she found her locker. He stood beside it, waiting for her, like he did every day. His name was Troy. They had been best friends since they were babies. They were probably best friends in another life too with the undeniable chemistry they shared. It was like cheese and crackers. They were meant to go together. They were meant to be together somehow. It was like if they weren't, the world would stop.

He raised his eyebrows as he acknowledged her from the end of the hallway and waved at her to get her attention, which he always had. She couldn't not give him her attention. She was obsessed with him. She loved him. Just not the way he loved her.

He loved her to pieces. In a friendly way. He would do just about anything for her. He once skipped his precious basketball practice to rub her back as she cried and he listened to the problem intently. He got into a fight with her ex boyfriend to teach him a lesson, much to Gabriella's dismay. Although she did find it pretty heroic how he won the fight for her, and she found it pretty amusing sat in his room cleaning the blood off his face and sending him secret texts during his detentions. He purposely knocked over a jar of a corrosive formula in the Science lab when the teacher was collection assignments and Gabriella hadn't finished hers, even though he did recieve a detention for being so careless, he didn't mind. Gabriella had a flawless reputation with all the teachers, and he didn't. It wouldn't make much a difference to him.

But she loved him in a serious, relationship way. She noticed every movement he made. His breathing, his eating habits, which she lectured him about daily without fail, what shirt he wore, the pattern on his sneakers that day. She couldn't help but notice. She was obsessed with him. She wondered if she could ever get through a day without thinking about him sometimes. But she knew she couldn't. When she thought about it, he was on her mind most of the time. Whether it was a, ah, Troy would love that, or whether it was, Troy and I should see a movie this weekend. She thought about him. She knew everything about him. She knew his exact life story. She could write a detailed biography for him. It wouldn't be the first time she did a writing based favour for him. He would ask her if she'd like to come over to his house to work on their assignments, and by the end of the night, she'd done half of it for him.

She passed the labelled groups in the hallway, and finally reached her locker.

"Hey," he greeted her, looking down on her since she was a couple inches smaller than him.

"Hey," she replied, getting a couple books out of her locker. "Do anything good last night?"

"I beat my killstreak_"

"Not on a computer,"

"Xbox actually." he corrected her, making her roll her eyes.

"Please forgive my terrible mistake." she replied sarcastically.

"You're forgiven." he smiled. "I went shopping with my mom."

"How sweet." she smiled.

"Not sweet. Never again am I going shopping with my mom. Not even if she gives me the guilt speech. I don't understand why she insists on feeling the thing about eighty times, walking a couple laps around the store and then picking it up again. I just don't get it. We were shopping for hours."

"Well what else did you expect?"

"Nothing." he said. They walked slowly, not bothering to change their speed when the bell rang and all the other students rushed to their homerooms.

"Then why did you go?"

"She said we could go for pizza afterwards." he said.

"Bribery. Big surprise." she said, opening the door to homeroom and walking inside.

"Gabriella Montez, you're late." Miss Darbus accused her.

"It was my fault, Miss Darbus, my car stopped working." Troy cut in.

"Well keep it up, and you'll both be spending your lunch hours in detention. We have sets that need painting and they aren't going to paint themselves. Besides, you both could use some time in the auditorium. It's cleansing for the soul." she rambled on, Troy miming every word she said as he turned away to face the class and take his seat.

Gabriella took her seat at the back of the class. She stared at the back of his head like she always did. Jumping every now and then as Miss Darbus reached the peak of her vocal chords, her voice letting out the loudest shrills imaginable. They were soon let go to go to their first lessons.

"So," she said as she exited the classroom with Troy. "I was thinking we could go out tonight. See a movie? We haven't hung out like that together in ages."

"We went and saw a movie last weekend." he reminded her.

"Exactly, we need to see another."

"I'd love to, but I can't."

"Why?" she asked curiously. He never had plans.

"I've got a date." he smiled proudly, Gabriella's stomach lurching at his words, yet her complexion didn't change. She fixed a fake smile on her face.

"With who?" she said, trying to sound interested instead of jealous and angry.

"Stefanie." he said.

She mentally frowned. Stefanie was a slut. Her top was deliberately pulled down and her skirt was purposely hitched up, not that they were exactly long in the first place. She had long, blonde, glossy straight hair, like you'd see in a Charles Worthington salon magazine. Her skin was always tanned, since her father was filthy rich and she was always on trips to Barbados and the Bahamas. Her house was about five times the size of Gabriellas. An elegant mansion. She drove a Porsche to school, whereas Gabriella drove a silver BMW handed down by her father after he got a Mercedes. She was, as much as Gabriella hated to admit it, perfect. No wonder she managed to catch Troy's eye.

"Where are you going?" she asked, relieved as her voice didn't croak like she dreaded it would.

"Demichios," he replied to her, reffering to the flashy Italian resteraunt. She smiled, despite her jealousy. "What are you doing tonight?"

She thought really hard to try and say something impressive, that would easily beat a date with Stefanie.

"Um..." she said quietly, before sighing, she couldn't lie to him. It was impossible for her. "I think I'll just end up doing some homework." she said, a little embarrassed, hoping she didn't sound like some sort of boring nerd who just did homework instead of going out and having a life. That was the only drawback for Gabriella. He was insanely popular. He got constant invites to skip class and go to the supply closet every day by all the pretty girls who intimidated Gabriella, even though Gabriella hated to admit it. Most of them were in their grade, but there were quite a few in the older grades who blantantly offered themselves to him. She was just petrified of the time when he'd actually accept one of those offers.

Gabriella was labelled a nerd. Although they both knew she wasn't. Even though she often hung out with Troy, and the King of East High thought highly of her, she was, and probably always would be, at the end of the day, a nerd. No way around it. She loved the rush, which she kept discreet, she got when she got an assignment back and it had that huge A plus written on it above her neatly written words. She found it exciting when she got an assignment where she'd have to do research on it. She found lessons interesting, even though she tried her hardest to keep an unimpressed face on through the lessons so she wouldn't actually look like a nerd. It also had something to do with the way she dressed. She wasn't like Stefanie at all in that way. Her skirts were usually just above the knee. She wore cardigans over her sleeveless tops. Her heels were never more than an inch high. Her make up was nothing more than some foundation and a bit of powder with a flick of mascara. Maybe she would add lipgloss when she was feeling glamorous and adventurous.

"So I'll see you..." Gabriella said, hoping he'd finish her sentence for her.

"At lunch. We can go to our place." he smiled, making Gabriella feel comfortable again. She loved their place. It was so secretive. Only them two, and of course the Science club knew about it. It was a colourful, vibrant flower garden on the rooftop. It was a great place to just sit and think for a while.

"I'll see you there." Gabriella said, smiling at him before she went into her class. He waved to her through the window in the door as she sat down, before he quickly rushed off to get to his own class.


The shrill of the school bell rang, and Gabriella rose from her seat quickly as she dumped all her books in her bag. She left the classroom and eagerly walked towards the cafeteria, where Troy would usually meet her. She waited for a couple minutes, before she finally saw him coming running towards her.

"Hey," she smiled. "Ready to go?" she asked.

"Actually I can't," he said. She couldn't help but noticed that his hair was messed up. His lips were swollen, and was that... a smear of lipstick on his lip? She shook her head mentally.

"Why?" she asked.

"I forgot about this thing I had to do." he said. "I hope you understand."

"Alright." she said, knowing he was lying to her.

"You can hang around with Taylor," he added.

"Sure." she said, a little akwardly.

"I'll see you tommorow though, right?"

"Yeah." she nodded, trying to keep the corners of her mouth turned up pleasantly.

"Great. See you." he said quickly, tapping her upper arm before rushing off down the hallway. Her eyes followed him as he walked away. She counted his steps, before turning away to go to the library, where Taylor and her friends would be no doubt. Taylor was her other friend. A replacement for Troy. They were supposedly close. But she wasn't her first choice. She'd never be her first choice. She was just a little too geeky for Gabriella. She walked through the aisles of books until she found Taylor and her little gang sat at in the unsurprisingly vacant study area at the back.

"Hey Gabs," they all acknowledged her politely.

"Hey guys," she smiled.

"Anyway," Taylor continued speaking. "So we totally have to do something about those chairs in the Science lab. They're too creaky."

Gabriella felt like rolling her eyes. She tried to keep Troy out of her mind. He was probably sucking Stefanie's face off. Well, that is if they were taking it slow. He was easily persuaded by woman when they showed enough skin. She shook her head. This was going to be hard.

I'll bet she's beautiful,

That girl he talks about,

And she's got everything that I have to live without.