Thank you all for reading and reviewing my story. Here is the final chapter.
Trip smiled when the door bell chimed. "Come in, Malcolm."
The door slid aside and revealed an astonished looking Security Chief. "How did you know it was me?"
Trip shifted, trying to find a more comfortable position on his bunk. "The Cap'n was here already, Phlox made his house call, Hess and Rostov came to keep me updated on the latest events on board and even T'Pol asked how I was feeling. So it wasn't that hard to tell it was you standin' outside the door."
Malcolm took a chair and placed it beside Trip's bunk, taking a seat. "I was looking for you in sickbay. It surprised me that Phlox had already released you."
"I convinced him that I'm feelin' quite well."
Malcolm's eyebrows shot up. "How did you do that?"
Trip chuckled. "Looking at myself for a while taught me a lot about my body language and my facial expressions."
"So you fooled Phlox?"
"Nah. Not really. I'm fine, Malcolm. Phlox pretty much patched me up. He said I was lucky they didn't cut into any organs."
"That would have been the next step, I suppose," Malcolm muttered, shuddering.
"Yeah. I guess we found T'Pol just in time."
"You did." Malcolm shifted uncomfortably, started rubbing his hands and obviously found a spot on the floor very interesting.
"I spilled some coffee."
Malcolm looked up, startled. "What?"
"You seem to be wondering if that stain down there could become a security risk."
Malcolm smirked. "I'm not as paranoid as that, Trip." He shrugged. "Not yet."
"So what is it?"
Malcolm sighed, biting his lip. Trip held his gaze, waiting patiently. Eventually, Malcolm grimaced and took a deep breath. "Look Trip, I'm sorry."
"You didn't do anything wrong."
"I was stupid, careless and irresponsible."
"What the hell are you talkin' about, Malcolm?"
"I endangered our escape when I attacked the men who took T'Pol. I couldn't come with you to help you get her out of this lab and you had to come back for me."
"We had to come back anyway, Malcolm. For Porthos, remember? I admit, it would have been easier with your help but it worked out okay." Trip grinned good-naturedly. "Believe it or not but we managed to destroy the lab even without you. And what a mess we created."
"That's not the point, Trip."
Trip sobered up. "Look, Malcolm. If T'Pol had been in her own body, Vulcan logic might have told her not to do anythin' and just watch how one of her comrades was dragged away. But we aren't Vulcans. We act on instinct and emotion rather than logic. And the Vulcan body didn't change that for you. As our security chief it was perfectly logical that you wouldn't let them have T'Pol. Don't beat yourself up for doin' your job and for tryin' to help her. I would have done the same and so would've the Cap'n. Besides, I thought you were very brave."
"Brave?" Malcolm threw Trip an incredulous look.
"Yeah, they had those weapons. And you knew they would use them on you. I don't think you're very fond of being completely paralyzed for hours, but you tried to help her all the same."
Malcolm chewed on his bottom lip. Then he smiled. "Have you ever considered working as a counselor, Trip?"
Trip smiled. "I wouldn't be very successful, believe me. Although we could all use a counselor right now. Finding yourself in your friend's body is kind of scary."
"Tell me about it. At least you still had a male body. And a human one. And one of the finest ones available, as I might add."
Trip laughed, but stopped abruptly, pressing his hand on his chest. He grimaced. "Don't make me laugh, Malcolm. It hurts."
"Do you want me to call Phlox?" Malcolm offered.
"No, I'm okay. I still don't understand how T'Pol could endure the pain all the time. And still help us. When I woke up after we switched back I thought someone had ripped me apart. I'm ashamed to admit it, but if it had really been me in my body I would have passed out from the pain more than once. I would've been a burden to you and no help like T'Pol. "
"Yes, she's tough. Perhaps these Vulcan methods of suppressing emotions and pain are not so useless after all. "
"Did you feel a change in your emotions when you were in her body?"
"No, then I wouldn't have acted so stupid." Malcolm allowed himself a thin smile. "I think it's a strictly mental thing that has nothing to do with Vulcan physiology."
"So you think we could be able to learn it as well?"
"Not you."
Trip lifted his eyebrows. "Hey, what's that supposed to mean?"
"It means you're okay the way you are. And by the way, T'Pol could lift your eyebrows up to your hairline. Why can't you do that?"
"Because I'm not T'Pol. It was frightenin' what she could do with my body. But now that it's mine again those things are gone."
"That's interesting. So your body is able to do those Vulcan gimmicks but now that you're back in your own brain it refuses to do so? Perhaps Phlox would have an explanation. By the way, did the Captain tell him about our adventure by now?"
"Yes, he informed him when he asked him to look after Porthos' shoulder. It seems like the Cap'n overstretched a few ligaments down there."
"I see." Malcolm nodded. "Of course Phlox asked how he knew about it."
"Yeah, the Cap'n didn't feel very comfortable telling him about his experiences in Porthos' body. But as our medical officer, Phlox has to be informed about incidents like this one."
"I can imagine Phlox was very interested to hear every little detail."
"You bet." Trip chuckled. "It was the first time I enjoyed my stay in sickbay. I wasn't able to hear everything but it was enough to feel really sorry for Jon. I guess we're all in for a good talk with Phlox. What about you? Are you going to tell him that you were afraid it might be that time of the month for T'Pol just then?"
Trip laughed at Malcolm's expression, not caring about the pain in his chest.
But Malcolm countered: "And what about you? T'Pol shaved your balls, Phlox shaved your chest, do you still have any hair on your body?"
"Wanna look?"
"No, thank you." Malcolm frowned "Have you talked to the Captain yet?"
"Not yet. Maybe finding yourself in the body of your own dog is an experience you never want to talk about."
"But maybe he should. Talking to a friend is different than talking to a doctor."
Trip shrugged. "I'll let him decide about that. I guess we'll talk about it the next time we share a glass of bourbon." He held his hand out to Malcolm. "Would you help me up, please?"
Carefully, Malcolm helped Trip into a sitting position. He frowned when Trip set his feet on the floor. "What are you doing?"
"I'm tired of lying around in bed. I have to stretch my legs. And besides, nature is callin'."
Awkwardly, Trip made his way to the bathroom. Worriedly, Malcolm was hovering beside him, ready to lend a helping hand should Trip stumble.
Trip grinned. "You don't wanna show me how to hold it, do ya?" he teased.
Malcolm stopped in his tracks. "Absolutely not."
Trip left the bathroom door ajar. He was still very wobbly on his feet and despite his teasing he was glad that Malcolm was waiting outside if he needed help.
"Ya know," he said loudly so that Malcolm could hear him. "This was one of the most awkward things I had to do. Telling T'Pol how to… ya know."
He heard Malcolm chuckle and smiled. The whole away mission had been an awkward experience. Combing his hair, Trip studied his reflection in the mirror. "It's good to see yourself again when you're looking in the mirror," he stated.
"It's not that we had that many mirrors down there," Malcolm said from outside. "Looking in a mirror and seeing T'Pol would've been even scarier than hearing her voice every time I opened my mouth."
"I still don't understand how the swap happened in the first place." Trip stepped out of the bathroom. "I can't even imagine what technical gimmicks would be needed to separate a consciousness from its body and transfer it to another one."
"Leave it to T'Pol and her team to analyze the anomaly." Malcolm looked at Trip. "You should get back to bed."
Trip nodded. Nausea swept over him and he swayed. Malcolm made a quick step to his side and supported him. "You're going to bed. Now!" he ordered.
Trip bit his lip. "Ya know, it would be easier to follow your orders if you still looked like T'Pol."
"I'm not telling you as a commanding officer, but as a friend. You're as white as a sheet."
Just when Trip complied, the door bell chimed. Trip lifted his eyebrows and threw a questioning glance at Malcolm, who shrugged.
"Come in." Trip smiled when the Captain stepped into the room with Porthos following him. With a big grin Trip crouched down, but the grin faded quickly to be replaced by a grimace of pain.
"You shouldn't be doing this," Malcolm admonished.
"What are you doing out of bed anyway?" Captain Archer asked.
Trip looked up. "Any more good advice? I think I have the best two nannies on the whole ship so don't worry." He turned to Porthos. "Hey buddy, come here."
Tentatively, Porthos went to Trip and allowed him pet him. "How are you feelin', buddy? How is your shoulder? Did the Cap'n ruin your body?"
"Naw, the Cap'n didn't," Jon imitated Trip's drawl. He cleared his throat. "Phlox gave him a shot of some strange concoction he mixed especially for him. He said he'll be fine in a day or two."
"That's good to hear." Trip petted Porthos behind the ears. "The poor boy must be traumatized from the experience of suddenly being in a human's body. I mean at least we all knew what had happened to us."
Archer nodded. "Phlox told me I could count myself lucky that Porthos survived the shock of being transferred not only once but twice. Under the circumstances he did very well."
"Yeah, he's a brave guy." Trip continued to pet the dog.
"You have to go back to bed, Trip," Malcolm advised, "or you'll pass out here beside Porthos."
"You're right, and I would if I could." Trip's voice was low. "I'm afraid I can't get up on my own."
Jon and Malcolm exchanged understanding glances then went to Trip's side and, each taking one of his arms, gently pulled him to a standing position. Slowly, they guided him to his bunk and lowered him on to the bed.
"Thanks, guys." Trip was breathing heavily now. Malcolm helped him lie down while Archer prevented Porthos from jumping onto the bed.
"Better now?" Malcolm eyed Trip sympathetically.
"A lot. I was just feelin' a bit nauseated."
"Oh, I almost forgot.," Jon said. "I brought you a bite to eat from the messhall. Chef is serving Chinese today, but I thought you'd prefer a sandwich."
Trip chuckled. "Thanks, Jon. I think I still like Chinese food, but I'll skip it for a while." Trip watched Archer laying the sandwich down on the bedside table. He frowned. "How do you know about my, uh, problems with the Chinese dish on the planet? You were outside the whole time when I made first contact with Malcolm's allergies."
The corner of Archer's mouth twitched. "You know something Vulcans and dogs have in common, Trip?"
Trip looked confused but Malcolm smiled in understanding. "They both have a very sensitive hearing, Trip," he explained. "I guess Captain Archer knows everything we talked about inside the pod."
Archer nodded. "It was an interesting experience, I can tell you that. By the way, I met Lieutenant Hanford in the messhall. She asked me how you're feeling. It seems she was quite impressed by your knowledge of natural sciences." The Captain lifted his eyebrows, asking Trip a mute question.
"I knew it was good for somethin'," Trip smiled.
"Is there something going on between the two of you?" the Captain wanted to know.
"No, she's just a nice girl I invited to movie night once. She told me then we have nothin' in common we could talk about. Maybe that has changed now."
"Don't be so sure," Malcolm quipped. "She'll realize very fast that you're only an imposter."
Trip raised his eyebrows. "What do you mean, imposter?"
"I mean that it was T'Pol's knowledge and not yours and don't even try to get your eyebrows up like that. You can't do it."
Archer laughed out loud. "It's a good thing as well. It would be scary seeing you adopt Vulcan habits." Still smiling, he turned to Porthos, who had stretched out on the floor in front of Trip's bunk. "Let's go, Porthos. Trip needs some rest. And I have a few pieces of cheese for you in my quarters."
Porthos instantly got up, wagging his tail.
"He's back to normal as well," Trip stated. "I don't think you've gotta worry about him, Cap'n."
Archer smiled. "Get some rest, Trip. I'll drop by tomorrow."
"Thanks, Jon."
Malcolm waited until the door closed behind the Captain, then he smirked. "So, you and Reena Hanford?"
Trip sighed in mock annoyance. "She only asked how I was doin'. She was only tryin' to be nice."
"That's good to hear. So you won't find out what she thinks about hairless men."
Trip only wished he was feeling better so he could answer Malcolm's teasing. But his brain felt numb. Maybe after hosting T'Pol's keen mind for a while, it was disappointed having its own mind back. Trip chuckled at the thought.
"What is it?" Malcolm asked.
Trip shook his head. "Just a few silly thoughts. Guess my brain has to get accustomed to my own thoughts again. By the way, talking about women, when will you invite Hoshi for movie night?" Seeing Malcolm's face reddening, Trip continued. "You could tell her about your experiences. Y'know that you can understand the feelings of a woman a lot better after this mission. I guess Hoshi would appreciate a sensitive man."
Abruptly, Malcolm got up, obviously not sure whether to smile or to run. "I think you should get some rest, Commander," he said, not responding to the teasing. "Like the Captain said, you need it."
Trip watched Malcolm walking over to the door, and reach for the button to open it.
"Thank you, Malcolm."
Malcolm turned around. "What for?"
"For lending me your body. It was a good place to live."
Malcolm smiled. "You're welcome, Trip. Rest well."
Trip folded his arms behind his head and watched Malcolm leave, smiling as well.
The End
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