Sorry for the wait everyone! Here's chapter five for you all!

The plans for Harry's stay:

Harry sat on the infirmary bed trying to calm his breathing. It wasn't like that Sirius kid said what he said on purpose. He didn't know what Harry had gone through. Right? Only Remus and Madam Pomfrey knew that right? He hadn't promised to keep this a secret had he? He had probably gone off and told them all! No. Remus wouldn't do that. After all he had tried to keep his friends away. Speak of the devil, or angel, or whatever. Remus came in and sat next to him on the bed.

"Pup, are you ok?" He asked gently.


"Listen, don't pay any attention to Sirius. He's an idiot, I know that that doesn't justify for what he said, he had no right t say that."

"You didn't tell them did you?" Harry feared the answer.

"No! Of course not! All I told them was that you're James' cousin, something bad happened to you and I'm helping you through it. Alright?"

The smaller teen nodded, and then he let out a short, humorless laugh. "It's funny. I get to see my mum and dad, and I can't be their son. How fucked up is that?"

"Harry, I know it doesn't sound fair, but you can be their friends you know."

"I know." He sighed.

"Why don't you go to sleep cub? You need it." Remus suggested while kissing the top of Harry's head.


***Later that day***

Remus had left to go to dinner shortly after Harry's nap. It was so boring all alone in the damned room. With nothing to do, the young hero had read nearly a quarter of the school's library! Well wouldn't Hermione be proud? Harry sighed. Oh Hermione I wish you were here. Who's going to keep me in line when I finally get out of here? I hope you and Ron are alright. Please don't be too worried.

It was something Harry did when he wasn't eating, sleeping, or reading. He thought of his friends and his old life. He would sit and think about what they were doing. Wondering if they missed him, if they even knew he was gone at all! What if they didn't care? What if now that Harry was gone they were happier because their third wheel was gone?! Okay so a lot of that was a load of bull, but it may be true! Another thing that was on the teen's mind was his parents and that Sirius bloke. He had never met any of them (nor had he even seen his mum in this time yet), or if he did the only real memory he had was their deaths. But as familiar as Sirius was, he was also a complete stranger. Oh well, better not dwell too much on it. He thought standing to get a book on transfiguration from across the room.

As was his routine with any new book, Harry flipped through the table of contents to see if there was anything that particularly interested him. And there it was, half-way down the page:

Human transfiguration page 400:

Human-to-object page 401

Minor appearance changing transfiguration page 406

Animagi page 411

Metamorphagi page 419

Animagi! This book had information on Animagi! Harry was so happy he clutched the book to his chest full intent on never letting go until he learned the art. Alas, someone had decided to disrupt his happy moment. Well wasn't that enough to make him growl. At least the knocking was quiet. Knock-knock-knock.

Strange, Remus' knocks were louder and much faster than that. And Madam Pomfrey only did two. Not many people knew where Harry's room was, only…Oh sweet Merlin! Please don't let it be them! Harry put his book on his nightstand "Come in!" He shouted, his voice had nearly cracked under all of his nervousness.

But who walked in wasn't any of the Marauders. That's a relief. No, instead the man who walked in was taller and much, much older than his father and his friends. The man had long gray-white hair flecked with brown, and a beard to match. He wore half moon glasses on his crooked nose, and bright purple robes. There was only one person to fit that description, Albus Dumbledore. Harry stood gaping at his old Headmaster; although now it'd be younger headmaster. He was much less wrinkled than the man Harry knew in his time, and his hair and beard was more than half the size it would be in twenty years.

"Ah, young Mister Potter. I trust you are feeling better?" The old man asked in his 'grandfatherly' voice.

"Yes Sir, I am. Thank you." Harry replied while nodding dumbly.

"Very good. I bet you are wondering what I'm doing here." Harry nodded. "And why I had waited so long to have this talk with you?" Another nod. "Well to put it simply, your little situation had got me curious."

Harry looked at Dumbledore in near fear. He didn't mean…? "Oh it's nothing to be ashamed of my boy, though it's not exactly normal, it is a first in a long long time and will make you quite popular and famous among the Wizarding population if they ever found out." The teen looked at the old man like he was crazy. He was going to tell the bloody Wizarding World?! "-After all, it's not every day a time-traveler quite literally falls from the sky." He—wait what?

"I'm sorry sir, I don't follow." He said to Dumbledore.

The two Gryffindors shared a look, one was confused and the other was knowing. As always. "My boy, you are the first time traveler in centuries! Only one man has done it before, and now you have! What on earth did you think that I was talking about?" Dumbledore had managed to sound confused, but that twinkle said more.

"Nothing sir."

"Splendid! Well I think it's only natural for you to stay at Hogwarts! Your trunk over there seems to be pointing to the conclusion that you've been to some magical school before. Hogwarts in the future I presume? ("Yes sir.") Good. What year and house were you in?

"I'm a sixth year in Gryffindor sir." Harry told him

"Perfect! You'll share a dorm with your father, yes he, his friends and your mother will be in the same year as you. Oh don't look at me like that! One of your blood tests showed your parentage. I would not suggest going around telling people you are the son of Lily and James Potter. So I'd advise an alias. Do you have one?"

Harry nodded for what felt like the hundredth time. "Yes, apparently I'm the cousin of dad-James."

"Wonderful. Well Mister Potter I think it fit for you to move into your new dorm in a few days, so long as Poppy allows it. But for now I must be off." Dumbledore turned and began walking out of the room.

"Harry, sir. Please call me harry. Mister Potter is my father." The two smiled at one another before the headmaster left.

Harry smiled at nothing. Oh how he loved that man some times. Now, time for some reading. He thought. But before he had picked up his book there was another unfamiliar knock at the door. And Harry, being in his blissful mood he was in, opened it with a goofy grin. "Hello?"

"Are you Harry? Remus…sent……me…"

Harry gaze was caught by pair of all too familiar emerald eyes.

A/N: -Evil cackles- I'm so evil!!!!!!!!! :D