Disclaimer: Bolt belongs to Pixar I believe. Daisy belongs to rfr67gal from Deviantart.

I should have seen the signs.

It happened about a year ago. Actually, it happened a year and a half ago. Back when Bolt saved me from that fire. My name is Penny. You might know me from the 'Bolt' TV show I was on, though I hope you don't. I hated that show. But I loved my co-star who just happens to be my dog, Bolt. When the fire at the studio happened, Bolt came in to save me. I passed out before he could but he did all the same. When I woke up in the hospital though, I wasn't surprised to see Bolt and my mother there but I was surprised to see a cat and a hamster there with them. I have never seen the other two animals in my life but they acted around Bolt as if they knew him their entire lives. Eventually, I convinced mom to let me keep them. I named them Mittens and Rhino (don't ask why, they just seemed like good names at the time). So, since I quite my life of show business, I've been living with my mom, Bolt, and my two new pets.

But I should have seen the signs.

I could already tell that Bolt really liked Mittens because I could always find them playing out back. But I guess I didn't know how much he liked her. I didn't think it was possible but one day, when I came home from school, I heard Mittens in the laundry room wailing like she was in pain. I, of course, was concerned so I went to check it out and, well, would you believe me if I told you that when I found her she was pregnant. I thought the father was my neighbor's cat since it was really the only other cat in the neighborhood but then I noticed Bolt getting really closer to Mittens and comforting when she was in pain and the other cat not so much as glance at Mittens. Then the big shock came when my neighbor told me he already fixed his cat long before we even moved here.

I should have seen the signs.

A few months later, it happened. There was only one, no liter of like 5 or 6 like most cats, just one little… thing. I don't care if it was a freak of nature, it was CUTE! I begged and pleaded my mom to let us keep it. And she said yes, but on one condition: I had to find out what it was.

I should have seen the signs.

It looked really weird but it kind of seemed… right. It had a cat's face with a dog's ears and muzzle. A cat's body, tail and front legs and a dog's hind legs.

(A/N: Sorry if I botched up what you were going for rfr67gal, this is just what I got from it)

It was completely white like bolt except for jet black front paws and the tip of her tail. I tried searching on the internet to see if a dog and a cat could really give birth but so far, Daisy (I named her that because she liked playing in my mom's daisy garden) seemed to be the only one of her kind. I did notice something interesting though: Apparently, dog's and cat's evolved from the same species called a Miacis. When I saw a picture of it, I was shocked to see it looked exactly like Daisy.

(A/N: The whole "Miacis" thing is true. I saw it on the internet myself and when I saw rfr67gal's picture of Daisy it gave me the idea to do this)

When I told mom that I suspected that Daisy was like an offshoot of the miacis, she kept her end of the bargain and let me keep her. I could have sworn I saw Bolt and Mittens looked lovingly at Daisy the moment she said that.

So that's it. We're all one big happy family now.

It is not 'it'. I might continue this story if you guys want me to. I got an Idea on how to thicken the plot a bit. This was really just to introduce Daisy and how she came to be. If you guys want me to continue this I will, but if you think its good where it's at I will leave it be. I would also like to personally thank rfr67gal for letting me use her character. I'm sorry it took this long, real life can be such a drag.